
Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World Is the Most Prescient Dystopian Novel

Aldous Huxley hobnobbed with elite in the anglosphere to discuss perpetual revolution culminating in final revolution. And he wrote it…

2 years ago

Inching Closer to the End Game of the Technocratic Agenda

For decades books written by insiders and researchers warned about the technocratic agenda and massive societal upheaval. We’re nearing the…

2 years ago

Scott Horton Interviews Jeffrey Kaye on US Bio-weapons and the CIA’s Attempts to Hide Them

Interview: Scott Horton and Jeffrey Kaye—Unclassified documents reveal that U.S. did use germ warfare in Korea, and went to great…

2 years ago

Hersh Reports United States and Norway Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipeline

Sy Hersh implicates the United States and Norway in the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline.

2 years ago

The Magnitsky Act – Behind the Scenes: Nekrasov Finds Enlightenment Mid-Film

Documentary filmmaker, Andrei Nekrasov, discovers Bill Browder ran a massive PR operation to cover his illegal activity plundering Russia after…

2 years ago

Was 9/11 an inside job?

Was 9/11 an inside job? A man in a cave did not execute such a sophisticated plan without State support.…

2 years ago

What is a Malthusian?

What is a Malthusian? Those with a scarcity mindset, no belief in human ingenuity, a desire to depopulate the Earth,…

2 years ago

A Noble Lie (Documentary on Oklahoma City Bombing)

Documentary film, A Noble Lie, demonstrates Oklahoma City bombing as inside job to invoke fear of domestic terror, and justify…

3 years ago

What Do They Want?

They want massive depopulation and full-spectrum dominance over every aspect of the day-to-day lives of every human on the planet.

3 years ago

Review—Numec: How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb by Ryan Dawson

Review—Numec: How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb exposes Israel's secret program to steal nuclear technology, IP, and material from the…

3 years ago