Social Engineering

What is Transhumanism?

Futurists, philosophers, and tech titans dissatisfied with temporal bodies and finite knowledge want to merge with digital superintelligence, and become…

1 year ago

Corporate Socialist One-World Order Plan Marches Forward

The Fabians pivoted from Marxism to socialism and gave it worldwide using capitalism to build the infrastructure to launch a…

1 year ago

Will AI Be the Religion of the Future?

The future religion will be an AI super intelligence feeding to the technocratic priest class, who will deliver it to…

1 year ago

Matrix of Think Tanks, NGOs, and Committees Run the World

We've been on a perilous path to globalist technocracy for over a century. The end state of the elite's dream…

2 years ago

Materialism is Receding, the Veil is Thinning, and Demonic Activity is Increasing

People are opening up themselves to different dimensions with pagan practices and drugs, inviting more demonic manifestations into our world.

2 years ago

The Alien Psyop is Anti-Christian and Demonically Driven

Alien encounters are a psyop. They were planned as a continuous assault on the worldview of Western Christians.

2 years ago

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World Is the Most Prescient Dystopian Novel

Aldous Huxley hobnobbed with elite in the anglosphere to discuss perpetual revolution culminating in final revolution. And he wrote it…

2 years ago

Inching Closer to the End Game of the Technocratic Agenda

For decades books written by insiders and researchers warned about the technocratic agenda and massive societal upheaval. We’re nearing the…

2 years ago

What Do They Want?

They want massive depopulation and full-spectrum dominance over every aspect of the day-to-day lives of every human on the planet.

3 years ago