Alex Jones

Corporate Socialist One-World Order Plan Marches Forward

The Fabians pivoted from Marxism to socialism and gave it worldwide using capitalism to build the infrastructure to launch a…

1 year ago

Britain and the Anglo-American Establishment to Blame for the Israeli-Palestine Mess

The British Empire played a key role in the establishment of the state of Israel. 75 years later and it’s…

1 year ago

Will AI Be the Religion of the Future?

The future religion will be an AI super intelligence feeding to the technocratic priest class, who will deliver it to…

1 year ago

Elite Family Bloodlines and the Art of the Drug Trade

How did the elite families win? First they learned the art of the drug deal, then they leveraged wealth to…

1 year ago

Feminism Destroys the Natural Order as Elites Look on With Glee

Feminism has done more than any other radical movement to tear down functional society and usher in a Luciferian age,…

1 year ago

CIA and the Arts: The Culture Creation Project

Jay Dyer breaks down CIA & elites' role in cultural creation, guiding arts into postmodernist sludge with no objective beauty…

2 years ago

The Government Admitted to these 40+ False Flags

Jay Dyer on false flags: blame your enemy for a cooked up event (real or fake) in order to be…

2 years ago

The Philosophy of Revolution

Jay Dyer dives deep into the philosophy of revolution on the fourth hour of the Alex Jones show. Bloody striving…

2 years ago

Dr. John Coleman’s Committee of 300 Dissected

Jay Dyer goes deep on John Coleman's book The Committee of 300, discussing the elite cabal that runs the world.

2 years ago

Feminist New World Religion Taking Over Established Order

Christianity is greatest enemy of the Satan-influenced Cabal, thus they try to destroy it from within to open the way…

2 years ago

Tech Censorship is the New Operation Mockingbird

On the Fourth Hour of Alex Jones Jay Dyer details the history of Operation Mockingbird and how it relates to…

2 years ago

Predictive Programming in the Latest Mission: Impossible Movie–Dead Reckoning

Predictive programming in Mission: Impossible–Dead Reckoning. The Cabal wants us to know that nation states are going away.

2 years ago

Aldous Huxley Introduces Hallucinogens to the Masses In Order to Control Them

Aldous Huxley at the behest of British Intelligence and guided by the braintrust at the Tavistock Institute nudged cultures of…

2 years ago

Proxy Warfare to Destabilize and Destroy For Full Spectrum Dominance of the Entire Globe

The elites are relentless in their push for the final revolution, depopulating the planet and ushering in the globalist, AI-driven…

2 years ago

Matrix of Think Tanks, NGOs, and Committees Run the World

We've been on a perilous path to globalist technocracy for over a century. The end state of the elite's dream…

2 years ago

Materialism is Receding, the Veil is Thinning, and Demonic Activity is Increasing

People are opening up themselves to different dimensions with pagan practices and drugs, inviting more demonic manifestations into our world.

2 years ago

Goddess Worship Growing As Feminism Fills Void of Crumbling Patriarchy

Goddess worship and feminism has rushed in to fill the void that the loss of the Father archetype, order, and…

2 years ago

Top 10 Films That Reveal Hidden Truth About the Elites

Despite being a tool of the Cabal that runs the world, sometimes there is truth about how the world really…

2 years ago

The Evil, Culture-Destroying Powers of Feminism

Jay Dyer talks with Brittany Sellner about the corrosive influence feminism has had on Western culture.

2 years ago

The Alien Psyop is Anti-Christian and Demonically Driven

Alien encounters are a psyop. They were planned as a continuous assault on the worldview of Western Christians.

2 years ago

The Arts are Beholden to the Agenda. We Must Bring Back Independent Creative Endeavors?

We need artists outside of the captured corporate system to produce independent art not tainted by the Cabal and their…

2 years ago

Are You Ready for the New Age Utopia as Fritjof Capra Describes in His Book The Turning Point?

Fritjof Capra wants a perfect world devoid of patriarchy, and a several reduced population, and a lot of drugs and…

2 years ago

Secretive, Elitist Organizations Like the Bilderberg Group Plot  the Globalist Takeover Of the World

Bilderberg Group: It’s no longer secret that globalist elites meet in closed room sessions to plot their next moves and…

2 years ago

Britain Build the Foundation of the Globalist New World Order a Long Time Ago

Cecil Rhodes and the inner circles of power in Great Britain cooked up a brilliantly evil plan to rule the…

2 years ago

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World Is the Most Prescient Dystopian Novel

Aldous Huxley hobnobbed with elite in the anglosphere to discuss perpetual revolution culminating in final revolution. And he wrote it…

2 years ago

Inching Closer to the End Game of the Technocratic Agenda

For decades books written by insiders and researchers warned about the technocratic agenda and massive societal upheaval. We’re nearing the…

2 years ago

The United Banana Republic States of America

The Alex Jones trial and Donald Trump raid are the latest evidence the United States has devolved into a banana…

3 years ago

Death By Food

The overlords want you sick or dead and the fake GMO, lab-grown food they’re jamming down our throats is the…

4 years ago