JFK Assassination Conspiracy: Was Israeli Mossad Primary Player?

In his book, Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, Michael Collins Piper proves Mossad played a…

1 year ago

CIA and the Arts: The Culture Creation Project

Jay Dyer breaks down CIA & elites' role in cultural creation, guiding arts into postmodernist sludge with no objective beauty…

2 years ago

What is Operation Mockingbird?

What is Operation Mockingbird? The CIA conspiring to control the press starting in the late 40s. They said they discontinued…

2 years ago

Dr. John Coleman’s Committee of 300 Dissected

Jay Dyer goes deep on John Coleman's book The Committee of 300, discussing the elite cabal that runs the world.

2 years ago

Feminist New World Religion Taking Over Established Order

Christianity is greatest enemy of the Satan-influenced Cabal, thus they try to destroy it from within to open the way…

2 years ago

Goddess Worship Growing As Feminism Fills Void of Crumbling Patriarchy

Goddess worship and feminism has rushed in to fill the void that the loss of the Father archetype, order, and…

2 years ago