Jay Dyer 4th Hour

Aldous Huxley Divulges the Elite Classes Plans for Druggy Future

On the Fourth Hour of the Alex Jones Show Jay Dyer explains the century-long plan to build a control system with mind control enabling the Cabal to take over the entire world and install a transhumanist, globalist society.

Aldous Huxley wrote about it constantly, including his essay, Heaven and Hell.  Many think Huxley was a good guy trying to warn us about a dystopian future. Well his fiction and non-fiction books were revealing the plans of the elite psychos that he hung out with, but it wasn’t a warning. It wasn’t a call to fight against the system. 

It was more like a brag. These are our diabolical plans and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. 

He knew that hallucinogens had the power to transform society, and turn the people’s minds to mush, so they would be amenable to any means of corporate governance. 

Huxley was right. In the 1950s he predicted a cultural revolution, and by the 1960s he was proven correct. Was he a prophet? No, he was working with very smart and powerful people that thought they had a better system to bring an enlightened utopia. 

That plan involves total control over your mind and body through drug addiction, societal collapse, and constant pleasurable inputs making it impossible to rise and stop the enslavement before it’s too late. We are in the later stages of this plot, and it’s going perfectly to plan. 

Along with the street drugs made popular in the 60s we have Big Pharma pushing opioids and SSRIs to millions, destroying lives and families. There’s a drug for every ailment and negative feeling. If you’re not in a state of permabliss, you are missing out, and there’s a daily pill that will get you there. Exactly what they want. They can’t have a proper utopia without full control and an eventual massive drop in the human population.

Part of this dogged adherence to this New Age Transhumanist wave is the assurances and validation they get on their own drug trips, meditation rituals, and sensory deprivation adventures. So, many receive the same message: we need a one-world government and a severely reduced population.

They assume these entities they encounter are friendly and that they have humanities well-being at heart. Why is this the assumption? The messaging they receive sounds more like demonic propaganda. It pleases Satan to destroy human lives. To destroy the family. To make society dependent on a state that wants to kill you.

Timothy Leary played a big part in pushing drugs to American people. He said he was carrying on the work of satanist Aleister Crowley. He also said you can think the CIA for the 60s counter-culture revolution.

Dyer draws parallels to Mayan and Aztec societies with bloodthirsty psychopaths at the top, who thought human sacrifice appease the gods and fed the earth with blood. They too were taking psychedelic drugs. Interesting parallel.

Huxley was also pushing for a one-world religion and a uniculture. The promise is that when we all become one, man, that hatreds and wars and violence will naturally slip away. They want to strip people of their cultural heritage. Nationalism is evil. They want a gray blob mass of humanity conditioned to obey their commands. It’s a cultural war, and we’re deep in it in 2023.



REVEALED: Globalists’ Plan To Use Pharmaceutical Drugs For Mass Social Engineering

Welcome to the fourth hour of the Aux. Jonathan, I’m your guest host, Jay Dyer, Jay’s Analysis. You know, we were talking last week about the Luciferian initiation that we read about in a lot of the globalist texts, especially the psychonauts. And I talked about the doors of perception from Huxley and there’s an amazing essay that was appended to this book that I read last night and it’s about his take on drugs and the drug war and all of that, and what the possibilities would be for the usage of drugs in this society. And what the possibilities would be for the usage of drugs in this so called drug war. And how drugs would actually be the future for controlling society. So at the same time as on the one hand admitting that Brave New World is a discussion of a dystopia where everyone’s controlled by drugs. He also says, amazingly, that this drug society would also be freed up and it would be the new type of religion based around mystical direct experience through drugs. So which is it? Is it a dystopia or is it a freeing society based around libertarian do what thou wilt? But the irony here is, of course, that all of the psychonauts had this same methodology. And so after reading Doors of Perception, I went ahead and read his other text called Heaven and Hell, which is the second half of this book here, Doors of Perception. 

So I want to talk about some of the other psychonauts because he actually lists many of them. He mentions Dr. John C. Lilly, the dolphin creeper. He mentions the other MKUltra doctors, and he doesn’t say, this is a big conspiracy to change society. Others of them actually do, though. He says it’s not a conspiracy to change society, it’s a way to make everything better. It’s a way to give everything better, it’s a way to give everybody freedom, to give everybody the holiday that they actually want, which is from their own lives and from reality. But if we go back to the 1960s, there’s clips of, even on YouTube, of Dr. Timothy Leary openly saying as he sits underneath the banner of an Aleister Crowley poster of Christ with 666 above Christ’s head, that he’s actually Dr. Timothy Leary openly saying as he sits underneath the banner of an Aleister Crowley poster of Christ with 666 above Christ’s head. Timothy Leary saying that he worships and follows and continues the work of Aleister Crowley, the beast. He says, I’m continuing this work and he says, if you want to thank anybody for the 1960s counter culture revolution, he says you made a look no further than the CIA, who he was working for. Other books like Jay Stevens book Storming Heaven, counterculture revolution. Says you may look no further than the CIA, who he was working for. Other books like Jay Stevens book Storming Heaven talk about the history of utilizing drug warfare as a means of controlling society. And even though many of these 60s counterculture people thought they were initiating a new society, that would be based around more libertarian freedoms and whatnot. It actually was giving way to and steering us towards a brave new world scenario of total control. And so you might think, well, is there some connection between? Yeah, that’s the clip right there. 

There’s other clips where he says the same thing. But what about brain chips? What about transhumanism? What about the connection between MKUltra and the 1960s countercryptor? Well, according to Huxley, it’s all there. In fact, in his essay, he says that there’s a lot of What about transhumanism? What about the connection between MKUltra and the 1960s counterculture? Well, according to Huxley, it’s all there. In fact, in his essay, at the end of this book, I’m not talking about heaven and hell, there’s another essay called The Drugs That Shape Men’s Minds. He says that the more that we study drugs, the more we were able to understand the psychochemical makeup of mankind. And of course, he always layers it and masks it in this cloak of giving mankind freedom. But he starts by saying that if you look at drugs, actually drug studies showed us that you can be born as an addict, and maybe addiction, he says, maybe addiction is genetic. He starts talking about how many of these things are actually genetic addict, and maybe addiction, he says, maybe addiction is genetic. And he starts talking about how many of these things are actually genetic problems. And why does that matter? 

Well, if you look at his brother’s writings, for example, books on revolutionary philosophy that Julian wrote, Julian’s book on the philosophy of UNESCO, you notice that they see man as a completely biologically determined entity. And so if man is a biologically determined entity, if he’s only made up of chemical reactions, then it stands to reason the way you would treat people would be through other chemicals. So man is a psychochemical being. We’re going to steer him and control him through external stimuli and psychochemical, psychophysical means. And that’s something that pretty much all of the mKeltre doctors held in common. Now, Huxley is a bit of an outlier on this specific point because he thinks that man isn’t solely a physical being. He doesn’t exactly know how to explain it or what’s going on with the spiritual realm. But he does say that when people Man isn’t solely a physical being. He doesn’t exactly know how to explain it or what’s going on with the spiritual realm. But he does say that when people engage in various drug trips and masculine DMT, all these kinds of things, he says that it is tapping into other dimensions and other regions that areas of the brain somehow function as gateways to, that’s his view. So I think that’s weird and whatever, that’s his view. That’s what that’s weird and whatever, that’s his view. That’s what he thinks, that was part of the point of the essay of Heaven and Hell. But whether you believe in a spiritual realm or not, the people who he’s working with, his compatriots, the other people involved in the Mkulture project. And I think that as we read this essay, we actually find out that he’s absolutely 100% tied up and involved in MKUltra. 

He’s just in the British version of it, which preceded the American version of it. And he says that one of the things that comes out of a lot of these mystical experiences is the idea that we are all one. Monism, the idea that we’re all one, is that the case though? Are we all one? Well, in a lot of these philosophies and these world religions where you have the idea The idea that we’re all one, do you, is that the case though? Are we all one? Well, in a lot of these philosophies and these world religions where you have the idea that everybody and everything is ultimately only one. There’s this idea that we got to get rid of all of the things that make us distinct. And so that’s actually a very useful philosophy for the global power structure. Because if everything is one, it gives them a basis to say that we got to erase and destroy all of your unique identifying attributes, cultures, heritage, etc. Everything must be blended into the global blob. And believe it or not, Aldous Huxley wrote another book called the Perennial Philosophy, where he argues that the future world religion that’s emerging that will come about will be a generic, syncretic blending of all the religions into a global globalist world. 

future world religion that’s emerging that will come about will be a generic syncretic blending of all the religions into a monistic blob, all is one, because when the religious mystics, when they have their mystical experiences, well, they all realize that we’re all one man. And he says that we could look to the ancient religious sects like the Bacchanalian sect, the Greeks who worship Dionysius and Bacchus, because they felt that through wine or through imbibing alcohol, they would immediately tap into some sort of mystical unity with the one. And he goes on to say that societies that give in to chemical dependency end up controlled. And he mentions the history of opium and the history of British Empire’s opium war, this kind of stuff. He goes into this in some detail. And you begin to see that this is not just an essay about mystical experience and liberation through drug experience. It’s actually an essay on the sociological control mechanism behind drugs. And that the power structure has known this for a long time. And you remember last week I talked about indoors of perception. 

He said a lot of similar things. He talked about the connection between drugs and society and how when he wrote Brave New World, that was really what he was thinking about was preparing for and sketching out the future dystopia control mechanism. But I’m trying to explain to you that this just comes out of the older British model of imperial warfare, not just through guns and bombs and whatnot, but also through cultural warfare, through drug warfare. 

We’re talking about the control of society through cultural warfare, which doesn’t begin with the 1960s or even the 50s. It goes back to the drug war, and I don’t mean the drug war of the Reagan era and the DARE program, I’m talking about the British Empire and their strategy of making a lot of money and exercising a lot of cultural influence and control through the sale of opium. And when we look at the history of pharmacology, we see that, again, I’m emphasizing this because I’m emphasizing this because I want you to understand that the idea of culture warfare, which is a huge part of what we’re experiencing today, what we’re undergoing. You can see that this is old, it’s not new. A lot of people are still, they can’t understand the idea that culture is created and steered. They think that it’s just purely organic thing. And I’m trying to explain to you that if you can understand that through the history of drug warfare, that that’s a huge part of culture war. You can begin to see that our society is really controlled. Our society is a top down dystopia that kind of already exists. And in Huxley’s scenario, he’s describing the situation 

Our society is a top down dystopia that kind of already exists. And in Huxley’s scenario, he’s describing the future religion, the future society in an essay that’s not part of Brave New World. And he’s not saying that this is going to be some top down thing, but it will be introduced. That’s where it starts getting wilder and wilder in this essay. It says that there will be future drug laws against certain drugs. But there will be the proliferation of other drugs precisely for social control. And he even goes on to say that psychiatry is engaged right now. He’s writing this back in the 50s, I think was when he wrote this essay, in perfecting pharmacological means for creating new drugs and new synthetic ways of escapism. So that eventually, there can be the release of this on society to the extent that chemical restraint will enable the dictatorships of There can be the release of this on society to the extent that chemical restraint will enable the dictatorships of tomorrow to actually deprive men of their freedom. Who will willingly give it away in exchange for a chemical synthetic form of happiness. All of this, he says, will be chemically induced. And thus, man’s achievements may turn out to be incompatible in terms of liberty and freedom and economic, none of that will compare to the pleasures that he will get from future drugs and future synthetic control mechanisms. And what I’m getting at here is that he’s not talking about street drugs. 

I mean, obviously, there are street drugs. But mean, obviously there are street drugs, but in my view, yes, fentanyl and all that is totally a ridiculous, absurd crisis that’s engineered and so forth. But I’m talking about big pharma. That’s the real drug dealers, and they’re at the top of the pyramid. And the big pharmaceutical companies who were intently involved in the last three years, the billions of dollars of profit and controlling a society on an unbelievable scale in the last three years of nonsense. That’s what he’s talking about. He’s saying that you’re going to be under a medical pharmaceutical dictatorship of the future, not a jackboot dictatorship. Now, I mean, in some places, it turned out to be that, like Australia. But who. Not a jackboot dictatorship. No, I mean, in some places it turned out to be that like Australia, but who was really calling the shots? It wasn’t really Fauci, it was the international oligarchic elite that run these corporations. That’s who’s calling the shots. And that is who was really in the background of MKUltra and all of this widespread research. Yes, there’s government elements to it, but it’s flip sides of the same coin, right? The big pharmaceutical companies, the big corporations, they’re in a revolving door scenario with the people who go to the CDC, who go to all the government agencies, they’re the same people. And so it might as well be a government owned the same people. And so it might as well be a government owned by these people. And so these people, these pharmaceutical companies, these are the ones that were studying MKUltra. 

Yes, again, there was army military research. But that’s not who’s really calling the shots, it’s these companies. And they were the ones studying intently the effects of peyote, the effects of LSD, and all of its derivatives back in the 1950s and 60s. And they weren’t studying it because they were interested in human liberation. They were studying it because they wanted, yes, to synthesize it, have synthetic versions of all these things for human control, sure synthesize it, have synthetic versions of all these things for human control, sure. But it’s ultimately about social control. In culture, it was not about primarily creating super soldiers, not about assassins. It’s about social control on a mass scale. And a big part of that is not just It’s about social control on a mass scale. And a big part of that is not just the drug culture. It’s the toxic pop culture. 

Those two things go together because they come out of the same labs, so to speak. He goes on to mention that in his day, it was being intently studied the ascetic practices of various mystics of different religions, to mention that in his day, it was being intently studied. The ascetic practices of various mystics of different religions, fakirs of India, and their bodily punishments and whatnot that would lead to altered states of consciousness. He mentions John C. Lilly, the float tanks, all this kind of stuff. He says that ultimately, all of this is being combined into a future offering that will be given to the population, to the public, to control them and make them happy. He says all of these things will soon be on the market. How did he know that? How did he know that all of these high level drugs would soon be on the market? And in my view, this is a big part of why so many people in society are going nuts. 

There’s the toxic culture, the brainwashing in the schools, the terrible food and diet, the stabbies. But there’s also countless people on countless pharmaceutical drugs. Bombing their minds on a daily basis, and they have been for decades. because if you remember back in the 90s when they really started pushing, for example, the SSRIs, the pharmaceutical answers to you having a bad day. It’s unnatural, it’s abnormal, you’ve been diagnosed with the genetic predisposition to depression. And so it’s a chemical imbalance. All based around the idea that just throwing chemicals at a problem solves the problem because man is just chemical reactions anyway, right? But ironically, Huxley is basically saying that, you understand what’s been rolled out as a control mechanism. And we just watched Apocalypto the other day, remember the Mel Gibson movie, understand what’s been rolled out as a control mechanism. And we just watched Apocalypto the other day, remember the Mel Gibson movie, great movie. 

And when you get to the last, the third of the movie, the climax of the film, when they get to the temples there, the ziggurats, the Mayan Empire, you’ll notice that the society is based around even this drug experience, it’s not really highlighted in the movie. But they were really into those hallucinogenic drugs in the Mayan Inc and all those kinds of Latin South America, Central America civilizations. And in my view, that’s kind of how they thought they were tapping into these other worlds and the shaman and the high priest and these people. And they were being told, we have to require human sacrifice. I’m not saying that everybody that does hallucinogens is going to require human sacrifice or be initiated into a Mayan cult. I’m just saying that that’s a feature of that religion, those religions and those cultures. And they did start requiring and asking for human sacrifice on a mass scale as people I’m just saying that that’s a feature of that religion, those religions and those cultures. 

And they did start requiring and asking for human sacrifice on a mass scale as part of social control. They weren’t just mad people out of their minds, they were, but they were also very interested in social control. And in that movie, they know that the eclipse is coming. And so they duped the population who doesn’t know calendars and dates, and they don’t know that it’s an eclipse. And so they’ve fooled the population into thinking that they can kill and resurrect the sun, right? The high priest and the emperor. 

We are going through the plans and the machinations of the oligarchs and their discussions, very open, by the way, hidden in plain sight, of what they plan to do with a lot of the technological means, as well by the way, hidden in plain sight of what they plan to do with a lot of the technological means, as well as the drug means of controlling society and erecting the brave new world scenario. And I’d found this sort of obscure essay from Huxley covering how drugs affect men’s minds. And he ends this essay by talking about a future world religion. And it just made me think about what I’d watched in Apocalypto, the excellent Mel Gibson film. Where you had the high priest and the emperor there engaged in the human sacrifice. And that they had duped all the people because they knew about the calendar and the eclipse that was coming. And the people thought, well, I guess he was able to resurrect the sun. And I was pointing out that when Gordon Lawson and these different figures who were actually bankers went and studied the cultures in Latin South America, Central America to understand the mushroom, to understand the ergot and all that to synthesize and create LSD, which is what eventually happened. That actually came from a banker. He was part of a group of understand the ergot and all that to synthesize and create LSD, which is what eventually happened. That actually came from a banker. He was part of the Macy Foundation, this figure Gordon Wasson and his wife. 

And they figured out how to synthesize LSD and that was later Sandoz Pharmaceuticals and the CIA and all that. They were definitely involved in this, but you begin to see the interlinking of these organizations, government entities, as well as these giant pharmaceutical companies. And Huxley says that one of the reasons that these societies were studied was the amazing amount of control that could be had when you take something like the drug trip and you turn it into a social control mechanism, right? And that’s what he’s describing this essay. He’s saying that we will even get the churches on board. Now this didn’t really happen. The churches didn’t really hop on board with psychedelics, maybe some churches did. But he says that maybe we could try to get the churches involved in this and he says and if the churches don’t go along with the counterculture that’s coming. By the way, how do you know that the drug counterculture is going to be a thing? But he says that maybe we could try to get the churches involved in this and he says, and if the churches don’t go along with the counterculture that’s coming. 

By the way, how do you know that the drug counterculture was coming? How did he know in the 50s that the 60s counterculture revolution was coming if it was an organic revolution? It wasn’t organic, it was steered by Esalen Institute, by these foundations, by the pharmaceutical companies. Changing images of men. White papers written about using counterculture, using alternative lifestyles to steer society. That is why all of this is out in the public now. All of the TRANS agenda, all of the vegan agenda. Do you understand this all comes out of think tanks? It’s not just random liberals organically deciding to come up with stuff. It’s not just random professors. All of this comes out of Tavistock, think tanks, Rand, MIT. They come up with this and they push it in society, just like they pushed the last three years of stuff. It was war game for decades. they come up with this and they push it in society, just like they pushed the last three years of stuff, it was war game for decades. With all these different event scenarios, Blade X, 201, Crimson Contagion, on and on, lockstep, well in the same way, the same countless think tanks, NGOs, foundations, war game and roll out the same countless think tanks, NGOs, foundations, war game and roll out new religions, new ideological movements, new scenarios to steer society. And the 60s counterculture was crucial for where we are now. Do you think you could have the Rainbow Revolution and the Trans Revolution without the 60s counterculture? No, of course not. But it comes in phases. And it’s just the latest instantiation of revolution. And that’s, by the way, one of the elements that Huxley got right that George Orwell did not get right, which is the intense sexual element of the dystopia. The clown world dystopia is of the dystopia. The clown world dystopia is a rainbow dystopia. It’s not just a dystopia of a Stalinist top down dictatorship. It’s the pleasure based model of pharmacological and sexicological control.

I made up that word. And so Huxley says that if we don’t get this world religion, it’s eventually going to emerge on its own. It will be a new world religion that emerges out of the spiritual experience of the beyond through people taking drugs and rejecting institutional churches and religions. And of course, the oligarchs have captured most of the institutional churches anyway, so they’re captured institutions. So you can see how they sort of game it both ways. Well, the religious institutions are captured and they’re turned into essentially just liberal NGOs and forms of soft power. That’s what most of the churches are. Then now people will turn to alternative religions and alternative religious experience. And those are also promoted by the exact same oligarchs. That’s what Leary is saying in these essays. And again, he says that this will come, you will have this rolled out. How does he know? Is he a prophet? No, he’s part of this inner structure, part of these people who know what they’re rolling out and they talk about worshipping and serving Lucifer. 

Now some of them think that’s a symbolic thing. They don’t think that there’s some real spirit. They just see it as a Promethean symbol to emulate, to be like the rebel angel. They see it as something to model yourself as a kind of rebel against even nature itself, right? To transcend humanity, transcending the limitations of nature and the created order. And so we get people like Dr. John C. Lilly who begins to have fixations for dolphins, and he gives them LSD and puts brain chips in the dolphins. I mean, just mad science people, okay? But they also typically talk about interacting with the entities on the other side. Both Huxley and John C. Lilly talk about on their intense drug trips, getting information and getting interaction with entities. The clockwork elves of Terrence McKenna, talking to beings, having conferences with these entities. You’ve watched the movie Altered States with William Hurt, right? Exactly what’s in that film. 

And so you have these figures continuing on this research from the time of Huxley on until now. And even still to this day, MIT, Berkeley, various universities doing the same types of research with very powerful hallucinogenic drugs to try to tap into the other side. But here’s the question that’s never asked. How do we know that the entities are good entities? It’s just the assumption is that, well, it’s a spiritual experience, it must be good. Well, maybe they’re lying, deceptive spiritual experiences. Maybe the entities that are telling you to have a world government and to kill everybody, maybe they’re bad guys. So did you ever think about that? Maybe they’re demons. It’s crazy, you’re a fundamentalist. Wait, I mean, you’re sitting here telling me that entities are telling you to kill everybody. Sounds like a demon to me. I mean, why do they always have the same message? They always say, erect a world government, cut down the population. That’s exactly what all these people say. So maybe these people are inspired by a malevolent force. Well, how come nobody considers that option? So I’m not going to go into Cut down the population, that’s exactly what all these people say. So maybe these people are inspired by a malevolent force. Well, how come nobody considers that option? Seems pretty no-brainer to me, but I guess if you don’t have any discernment, you wouldn’t be able to see that, your discernment is gone, lost. In fact, in McKenna’s books, for example, who’s continuing on this tradition in his Food of the Gods, he says, I’m continuing the work of Timothy Leary and all of these people, and I want to bring a shamanic initiation.

 And that’s exactly what Leary talks about at the end of his essay, Drugs and the Mind. He says that we’re bringing about a shamanic initiation for the masses. But I don’t think he’s interested in a real flourishing of human experience and freedom. He’s actually talking about fitting into the Brave New World scenario. And it’s nothing new because the same oligarchs running this now are the same oligarchs 100 years ago, 150 years ago, that were running drug lanes as described by Professor Anthony Sutton in his classic book, America’s Secret Establishment, Order of Skull and Bones. The origin of the OSS and the CIA comes out of what, skull and bones? And what do these families do? How do they make their money? Well, they were just really hard working individuals who were very moral and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. No, no, no, they’d run drugs. Did you not know that? You thought they just started Walmart and did all these things because they’re good business people and they’re very moral. No, they’re evil. And they take you to be dupes, you see, you the middle you to be dupes, you see, you the middle class or the dupes. 

And I want to remind you, if you head on over to my Twitter right now, just type in Jay Dyer on Twitter, and you’ll see me, I’ll pop up. There’s live events, I want you to come to my live events. We’ll be in Los Angeles live, July the 6th. And if you go to my Twitter, you’ll see there up there at the top, there’s the event right there, we’ll be live with some famous people, it’s going to be a lot of fun, it’s a five hour event. So our events are not like most people’s events, we did an event for the first time, we had be live with some famous people. It’s going to be a lot of fun. It’s a five hour event. So our events are not like most people’s events. We did an event a few weeks ago or actually a month or two ago when I was in Austin down there with Alex when we did a few in studio interviews with Alex. I got a lot of traction. It was a lot of fun. We also did a live event. Yeah, there’s my Tucker special. If you didn’t see the Tucker special, that’s actually in Austin where I’m running around. Getting the Austinites to eat bugs there. So hopefully I didn’t get Tucker fired, I’m sorry if I did, my bad guys, oops, my bad. It might have been the cloud, Klaus made a few phone calls. 

Get rid of the Tucker, this was the final straw, I want him gone. So my Klaus skit might have been the end of Tucker. Sorry about that. I’m bad everybody. I’m also live event Nashville will be live in Nashville at a big event. Owen Schroer, you might have heard of him. You guys heard of him, you know who he is. June 3rd and 4th. If you go to my Twitter, you’ll also see that a few down. That is the rebels for cause event. So there’s that event and then there’s also this event with the the the the the the the the If you go to my Twitter, you’ll also see that a few down that is the rebels for cause events. So there’s that event. And then there’s also this event with Owen and a host of people over in Nashville, Mel K, Ryan Christine, Scott Armstrong, Matt Baker will be there. Tons and tons of people, a two day event. So go get your tickets to that Rebels for Cause event outside Nashville, June 3rd and 4th. So get those tickets, it’s going to be a lot of fun. Yeah, that’s it. Should be a big event, again, Owen will be there, as well as a bunch of other really cool based red pill people. So we’re talking about the drug lanes, drug networks, America’s secret establishment. This classic text from Professor Anthony Sutton, and we’ve been covering a lot of Anthony Sutton books lately. I stumbled upon one that I didn’t know about, which he wrote with Patrick Wood. I know Alex has had Patrick Wood on many times, but this is actually written in the 70s. And so I’m really enjoying this text, and it relates to all this too, because we start to see that it’s really the same power structure that’s kind of been there, this oligarchy that’s been there for a long time, particularly the last 100 years or so in America, right? The American oligarchical power structure, which is the same power structure described by a lot of the elite texts, Dr. Carol Quigley and others. And I want to remind you guys too that I’ve lectured through 60-ish of these texts, and I’ve got more. I got more in the mail, good news. Just got this classic. So years before Edward Bernays wrote propaganda, Walter Lippmann wrote public opinion. So we’ll be covering this one in the next few weeks. 

It’s going to be a lot of fun. And I’ve enjoyed reading all these other Huxley books, Huxter books, Aldous Huxter books, Aldous Huxley that I’d never read before, because there’s a lot of insights. Everybody knows about kind of the famous books of Orwell or Huxley, but it turns out that a lot of times they have these other lesser known books and essays and writings that give you a lot of nuggets, a lot of gems, a lot of insights into what else they were up to and what was really going on. And I was mentioning, covering John C. Lilly’s books, covering Terrence McKenna’s books, the Psychonauts. The Psychonauts are really important because, although they weren’t necessarily running the whole New World Order, they were really the visionaries that were playing out and planning out and experimenting with future means of control. they were really the visionaries that were playing out and planning out and experimenting with future means of control. And one of those visionaries far prior to Huxley or Andy’s killer and this curse, Wells as we said, and HG Wells was talking about the future world religion in the 1890s. 

He wrote a book God the Invisible King where he said that the future world religion will be a new age kind of Luciferian religion. And in my view, the British imperial superstructure, that inner core, the shadow government of the British Empire, the Milner Fabian circles, they were actually running and controlling the Theosophy Society. And so Theosophy with this promotion of Bolshevism, its promotion of Soviet and Communist government, that was being foisted by the Milner-Fabian Society. And I think that Madame Blavatsky, one of these kind of predecessors to the New Age, almost 70, 80 years before the New Age movement actually becomes a full on thing in the 1960s. This was being planned out by the Fabian socialists and the Tavistock Institute. And so we again, we’ve covered this book, this 500 page classic text on the history of that conspiracy, which is a real geopolitical power structure. It is the Anglo American establishment. That’s who we’re talking about here. That’s the same as this, they’re the same. So you’re saying these are not as this, they’re the same. So you’re saying these are not conspiracy books. These are actual historians and professors. And this was also written by Professor Anthony Sutton as well, explaining this power structure in detail. And Hoxie is really just one of these figures that is an arm of this power structure, one of these people that is an arm of this power structure, one of these people in these circles. And so his writings are crucial, instrumental to understanding how this control structure works and how it rolls these things out over time. And so when we cover Brave New World in depth, we saw that he wasn’t just writing something that was a theory or fiction, it was a plan that would be rolled out. And I want to say too that if you want a deeper analysis of that, I will be covering that in detail this week on my channel, on my member section, we’re going to be covering heaven and hell, the essay, that’s the second half of this book, The Doors of Perception. We’ll be doing that tonight, but the psychonauts are crucial. The psychonauts are a big part of this, I hope you understand that. But ultimately, all of this is about total control. So it’s not a bunch of different conspiracies. There’s only one conspiracy, and it’s really just world domination and world power, that’s it. And a big part of that, as we said, is more than just culture, it’s energy control. Energy control via the bringing in of the technocracy, energy control by banning cars, banning stoves, energy control via controlling you, because you are a being that uses energy. And so controlling population is not just controlling the numbers of the population, controlling you because you are a being that uses energy. 

And so controlling population is not just controlling the numbers of the population, it’s controlling you on a day to day constant basis. The 15 minute cities, the ESG regulations and control mechanisms. I noticed I was looking at plane tickets the other day and now there’s these alerts about which airlines have more CO2 emissions, this is ridiculous. This is all control and social engineering, nothing to do with the environment. 100% totally to control you, and that’s what banning meat is. The vegan movement is part of this, the wild lands project, the UN biodiversity project. Now you can begin to see what an anti-family movements you see. Now you can begin to see one the UN biodiversity project. Now you can begin to see why an anti-family movements you see. Now you can begin to see why antinatalism. This actually fits in with that apocalypto human sacrifice religion. They’ve just taken the human sacrifice religion of the Mayans via apocalyptic. Turn that into a new earth religion and a new world religion based around worshipping the Earth. 

Which by the way, there was articles in the news last week about this. Earth Time Magazine, Earth Day needs to be a new religious holiday for the world. And that’s about Agenda 21. Go back to the Bush-Rio Treaty, Agenda 2030, etc. And that’s about agenda 21. Go back to the Bush-Rio treaty, agenda 2030, etc. All of this is the same agenda, the austerity agenda, the IMF austerity agenda. It’s this, it’s the same stuff, you understand? And so the drug culture contributes to the social revolution because they think they’re the tip of the spear, and And so the drug culture contributes to the social revolution because they think they’re the tip of the spear, as Jacques Attali calls them in his book, Brief History of the Future. 

They think they’re the tip of the sphere for making a better society when they’re actually the tip of the sphere for the final revolution of the enslavement of humanity and the transcending of humanity through transhumanism as the Huxley themselves write in their books. The cleansing of the doors of perception is really just mass mind control. I’m not saying that everybody that’s had a drug experience is mind control, I’m not saying that. I’m had a drug experience is mind control, I’m not saying that. I’m saying that the overall strategy of this being let loose on the population, not even through the 60s counterculture, but through big pharma. That is ultimately to control everyone, corporate dominance, corporate mind control. And Huxley is ultimately serving that agenda, and that’s what Brave New World’s about. That’s what doors of perception is ultimately talking about. It’s about controlling you, controlling energy, controlling everything, reducing population. Remember the Georgia Guidestones? 

Vastly reducing it down, even Putin has been talking about the golden billion. Have you heard of this? Reducing the population down to first a billion, and then they want to get it down to 500 million, then they want to get it down to even smaller, you see. That is what all of this is about, and it’s one single agenda. And all of these people write about. It’s in its one single agenda. And all of these people write about that single agenda in their books. And I cover that over on my channel. Head on over to the Infowar store, support the tip of the spear when it comes to fighting this Infowar. Go to the Infowar store and support Alex by getting those products. And also go to my website and get my books in the shop right there, see that? You can go to the shop and then we’ll be covering Mel Gibson movies tonight on my channel in the shop right there. 

See that you can go to the shop and then we’ll be covering Mel Gibson movies tonight on my channel. Come watch that tonight.

Luke Goodwin

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