
Secretive, Elitist Organizations Like the Bilderberg Group Plot  the Globalist Takeover Of the World

On the Fourth Hour of the Alex Jones show, Jay Dyer discusses the Bilderberg Group and related steering committees that run the world.

Back in the day, Bilderberg was a big secret and if you suggested that a supranational group of powerful people were gathering to craft world policy, and wield inordinate influence over global affairs you were considered a crackpot or conspiracy theorist. People denied the meetings even existed. Now, Bilderberg is mentioned on the news. Attendees admit that they go. But, it’s all for the greater good. Smart, powerful people combining forces (still behind closed doors) to save humanity. The very essence of gaslighting. 

Dyer says that many of the presidents have been selected by groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission–steering committees based in the United States that are focused on the American contribution to building a globalist government.

Read the books detailing the plans these elitists cooked up in the past and see if they have come to pass. In the 1970s they were talking about controlling farming and supply chains. The ever increasing consolidation of corporate conglomerates has made easy work of grabbing the reins of industry, food production, media, entertainment, and even religion.

David Rockefeller, one of the original attendees of the Bilderberg Group, founded in 1954 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (a member of the Nazi SS), admits in his Memoirs that he is a proud internationalist. That he’ll work with any person of any ideology if they can help him move closer to setting up  a global government. 

He comes from a long line of folks dead set on destroying the isolationist ethos of the United States in order to use the powerful country to meddle in the affairs of countries across the world, and push an ideology that will soften up the people of the world to prepare them for a New World Order. 

Henry Kissinger, a top social engineer for decades (and genocidal maniac), wrote in 2014 in his book, World Order, that the old guard of the managerial elite needed to make way for the new tech elite. They would be the ones, he says, who would bring the globalist project to fruition. This also rings true. Tech has taken over everything, and powerful AI is just around the corner.

The World Economic Forum seems to have taken center stage as the planning committee of record these days. Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman, was mentored by Kissinger when he launched WEF in 1971.  He pushes stakeholder capitalism, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the Great Reset, which are just new names for consistent themes coming out of the untoward gatherings. 



Learn Why The Mainstream Media Is Finally Talking About Bilderberg 2023

Welcome to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones show. I’m your guest host Jay Dyer of Jay’s Analysis. And today we’re going to be talking about one of those classic elite meetings, those steering committee level meetings that we’ve been covering so consistently. The last several years from many, many books. This is I guess going on over two years now of hosting the fourth hour of Alex Jones and so really honored and really happy to be here. I love doing this. I love talking about boiling down these topics. And we want to know the history of Bilderberg because it’s going on right now in Lisbon Portugal and what’s wild is that this year. Is beginning to really be kind of talked about in mainstream media not every mainstream media outlet but I noticed CNBC Fox News they’re all covering Bilderberg this year. 

And they’re talking about the one hundred and thirty or so participants who are this year all from the realm of AI. So we have CEOs from all of the big open AI from Google, Microsoft, Eric Schmidt, these kinds of characters. And a lot of these people have gone to Build a Word before. And this is important because the way I see it, the AI thing is really being pushed lately, ultimately as part of a kind of a propaganda thing. Now, I’m not saying that there’s not AI, but I don’t think that AI is anything like what it’s usually sold as, as this thing that’s going to take over the world per se, and we’re going to be slaves to the bots, and our consciousness will be uploaded. That’s a delusion that some of these tech elites, who I kind of think are probably, they’re part of a tech elite cult, some of these tech elites, who I kind of think are probably, they’re part of like a tech elite cult, some of these people. And I remember Alex was covering Bilderberg, obviously he’s covered it for many years. But back in about 2015, 16, 17, they started switching over and handing over Bilderberg to the tech gurus. And if we think about Kissinger he wrote a book called the world order and the last chapter that book Kissinger’s book from a few years ago was it’s time to bequeath our era to the tech overlords whoever runs a I in tech. 

Kissinger says we’ll run the new world order. So in the same way, we’ve seen this shift to the tech gurus heading to Bilderberg. And kind of being the face of it now, whereas it used to be a whole gathering of a lot of different CEOs and a lot of different corporations. And I’ve got some books I just read in fact the past week on the history of the steering groups, particularly the classic from Patrick Wood and Anthony Sutton. If you know we’ve covered Professor Wood’s book, read in fact the past week on the history of the steering groups, particularly the classic from Patrick Wood and Anthony Sutton. If you know we’ve covered Professor Anthony Sutton’s books many times, but there’s a great book that they wrote together back in the 1970s called Trilaterals over Washington. And the reason that’s a good book even though it’s kind of dated is that it gives us an idea of the planning and what the strategies were for the Trilateral Commission, which is where we get builder bird builder burgers basically. The same people that go to trilateral right. 

The planning that they were up to in the 1970s a lot of that has rolled out. So if we know what they were planning in the late 70s early 80s at trilateral commission meetings and at Bilderberg meetings and that has rolled out now. Then what are we expecting in the next say. Fifteen years. What’s the planning that these people have well we know now that is completely transition over to this whole transhumanist Skynet control model right that’s what we get. With the AI focus here at Bilderberg. Which again is now being reported on by Fox news and as worth mentioning because you know I remember listening to, I first heard about Bilderberg maybe in 2004. And I remember it was the spotlight and it was that outlet together with Alex and others and Daniel Esselin that would go and report and they would cover it live and make a big deal about it. And that was good because no other outlet back then would really focus on it. 

Every now and then you would have people, I think Charlie Skellington in the UK, they would every now and back then would really focus on it. Every now and then you would have people, I think Charlie Skellington in the UK, they would every now and then kind of get articles out in the mainstream. But it was still very hush hush, very rare that you would see much coverage. And all the way up until a few years ago, you were crazy if you talked about it even existing. It didn’t even exist. And then of course, as information, the Internet, right, the way the Internet is, it’s kind of hard to keep a lot of that kind of stuff on the down low. They just sort of say, yeah, of course, yeah, sure, it exists, but it’s great, and why do you hate it, bigot? Yeah, why do you hate that all the leaders of the Fortune 100, Fortune 500, the top government officials are attending these meetings, why do you care? Why are you a racist bigot? 

That’s the kind of response you would get. And again, it’s just an admission, right? It’s a gaslighting they used to do and now it’s all of course it exists. But what’s the history of this thing? Where does it come from? And you might be surprised to know that it actually comes from a former member of the SS, Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who is one of the co-founders together at Bilderberg with David Rockefeller and others. We’ll get to that in a minute, but it also overlaps with this 70s creation of the Trilateral Commission, which was a creation of Rockefeller and Kissinger together, or is the big new Brzezinski. So when Brzezinski wrote his treatises like Between Two Ages in early 1970s, which really caught the attention of the establishment. They said that guy put him in charge of something, he needs to be running a steering committee because he’s written this book in the 70s talking about earthquake weapons, talking about geo engineering, talking about mind control, talking about mutating people, talking about Skynet. 

Literally, it’s all in Brzezinski’s famous Between Two Ages book. And we’ve covered that a million times, but it’s worth noting because these are the people who are really creating the steering committee groups and meetings that are semi-secret, or not totally secret, they’re semi-secret. That discuss, debate, and plan policies. totally secret, they’re semi secret, that discuss, debate, and plan policy. So people say these things, you think they’re all getting together and planning the future, if they did it would come out. It has, it has come out. One of those is called Bilderberg. And there are many, many books about it, and we’ve been talking about it. My publisher has a book on it, Daniel Estulin, I just did an interview with Daniel Estulin the other day. And we talked about the history of these entities and how they relate to the Vatican Bank scandal and Operation Gladio. Well, this is no different. This is high level corporate control. And if we go back to the founding of the Council on Foreign Relations, again, by Rockefeller family, connected individuals and banking elites, 1921, we see the founding of the Council on Foreign Relations, and its job was to be sort of the analog to the British Royal Society circles and establishment, right? 

Royal and Supernational Affairs, Milner Group, Roundtable Group, that circle within circle model of steering committees becomes the model for the US in its version of it, when there’s an alliance between the Royal Society elite in the UK and the American oligarchic establishment, Rockefellers, JP Morgan, Chase, Vanderbilt. And the goal was to come up with a way to have a kind of an above government level steering committee group that would hand down policy to the elected officials. And if you’re wondering why in the US, things always seem to march in the direction of more and more tyranny and they never change, it’s because of this. It’s because the elected leaders aren’t really calling the shots. They have a limited degree of power, but they ultimately submit to people above them who are part of this open, semi-secret, hidden in plain sight, bypassing of government entity known as the Council on Foreign Relations. 

Now, within this CFR group, they’ve set up different sort of levels and tiers of that as well. Trilateral Commission, as we said, is a bunch of the same people that go to Bilderberg, but it’s just another higher level committee. And that one, as we said, was set up in the 70s and run by Brzezinski at the decision of David Rockefeller and Henry Kiss Brzezinski at the decision of David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. And so the way it works is that these entities decide policies and they hand it down to the government and the government does what they’re told. So out of the Council on Foreign Relations, which again, these are all the Fabian socialists, ideologically minded people for the most part. This is where we get the entities like the United Nations eventually being set up in 1944. This is where we get Bilderberg and Trilateral, so they come out of the CFR group. The early heads of the CIA, OSS and CIA heads. 

Typically, they’re from the Council on Foreign Relations. So again, you can begin to see that people say, which one runs everything? You say it’s that one, who else? And they’re from the Council on Foreign Relations. So again, you can begin to see that people say, which one runs everything? You’re saying it’s that one, what about the other one? No, it’s all of these people are in the same groups. All right, if you have seen that graph, that classic graph that shows all the people that go to Bilderberg are the same people that go to Trilateral, which are the same people in the CFR. There’s a famous graph, it’s been seen, shown a million times. It’s a great image demonstrating this point, showing that this is how it works, it’s called revolving door. So people that are in government also work in these things when they leave government, they go to Fortune 100, Fortune 500. And then sometimes they come back to government, right? And it’s a revolving door, but it’s the same with these committees. 

One guy goes to Bilderberg, then he back to government, right? And it’s a revolving door, but it’s the same with these committees. One guy goes to Bilderberg, then he goes to the CFR meeting, then he goes to the trial, so it’s the same stuff, same people. And they all work together for the common goal of global governance. This is the Alex Jones Show, don’t go anywhere. 

We are entering into the matrix. The tech is taking over. We are subjects of Skynet. We will obey our bitch bots. They are our overlord masters. This is the plan, the technocratic plan that goes all the way back to all these figures that we’ve been covering on the fourth hour. Bertrand Russell, HG Wells, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari. It’s the same coordinated plan. There is that beautiful graphic that explains for you. Hey, look, all of the media barons that attend Trilateral attend Bilderberg and also attend the CFR. It’s the same people. There’s no plan for world government. If they were conspiring, people would know about it. They do, it’s right there, it’s a graph showing you. And it even names all the media, that’s just media too, by the way. You understand that’s just people involved in tech and media. 

And I was looking back at this 1970s book by Patrick Wood and Anthony Sutton, I was amazed the trilaterals over Washington. And again, remember, Bilderberg is the same people that go to the trilaterals, the same stuff. I was amazed at what they were planning back in the 1970s that they did accomplish. And so Professor Sutton and Patrick Wood begin the book by talking about the fact that it was Bilderberg individuals that were involved such as the Rockefellers and so forth that picked Brzezinski. And then that was set up to pick Carter to be the president. And if you guys remember, I think it’s either Obama deception or end game. Alex actually covered a lot of this in those famous documentaries because the same model occurred not just in the 1970s, but And if you guys remember, I think it’s either Obama deception or end game. Alex actually covered a lot of this in those famous documentaries because the same model occurred not just with not just Bill Clinton, but also with Barack Obama. 

Have you seen my wife Michael, right? The Obama stuff was the same situation where he was missing when Bilderberg was at Chantilly, Virginia. I just did a great interview this week with Jason Burmas, and shout out to Jason Burmas for reminding him about this. When Obama was first running, they didn’t know where he was, he was missing, right? We don’t know where Obama is this week, and he seems to have been at a secret meeting with Hillary. They were at Chantilly, Virginia at Bilderberg. And this is, again, kind of violation of US laws, isn’t it called the Logan Act? You’re not supposed to have meetings with foreign entities in terms of the US elections. Doesn’t that suggest some kind of election issues perhaps? I mean, could you imagine if Trump was in a secret meeting with Putin or something before he was elected? I mean, that you imagine if Trump was in a secret meeting with Putin or something before he was elected? Everybody would be going crazy, right? But no, in the case of the establishment, if you’re somebody like Barack Obama and you go to Bilderberg before the 2008 elections, it’s okay, right? You can meet with foreign corporations and elites, no big deal, nobody cares, and it’s not in the news. It was actually hidden that he went to that, nobody cares, and it’s not in the news. It was actually hidden that he went to that. 

And Jason Burmas was a really good archivist there in bringing that up and reminding me that Candy Crowley’s there on the CNN clip saying we don’t know where he went, and he just seems to be hiding out with Hillary at a secret meeting. Yeah, well, they were at Bilderberg. And I think Alex covered that Bilderberg at Chantilly, Virginia. If I remember, this is a long, long time ago, but I remember watching Alex back in the day, I remember all that. Anyway, long story short is that you got a couple instances where, hey, we pretty much can tell that these are the people that the corporate elite chose. First of all, being a people that the corporate elite chose. 

First of all, being Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Carter’s chosen by Bilderberg and then he becomes president. Then we get Bill Clinton chosen by David Rockefeller, clearly, clear as day. I remember watching in the 90s, C-SPAN used to have these old, they would air these old meetings from CFR and Trilateral Commission, all this stuff, and I remember David Rockefeller, I think he even introduced at one of these meetings on C-SPAN, Bill Clinton. My choice, my good little boy, Bill Clinton, I’d like to introduce you. And he would come up there and give a speech, we’re going to introduce you. He would come up there and give a speech, we’re going to take over the world, globalism. I remember all that. And people could probably find those old archives, C-SPAN things. But it’s weird too that they would broadcast a lot of these meetings on C-SPAN and then people are still like, it doesn’t exist. There’s no such thing. I remember when I was in college, doing my grad work, and I checked out Tragedy and Hope from the doing my grad work, and I checked out tragedy and hope from the college library. This is probably this is before I read the whole thing. This is probably in 2010 or 11. 

And I brought it to class and I was trying to explain to professor that I was like, this is a real thing. It’s a real book, understand they’re talking about. And he’s like, you think the Trilateral Commission exists? Do you watch Glenn Beck? That’s what he said to him. I’m like, do I think it exists? I mean, they have a website. What do you mean? Do you believe everything on the Internet? I’m like, don’t you get your news even in 2011 from the Internet? What do you mean? It was just this weird gaslighting and that’s when I realized that there’s no hope in the world of academia for people that don’t go along with the nonsense. But anybody who knows anything about, I mean, he could have walked over to the International Relations Department and ask the people there, is there such a thing as the CFR? And the irony of that is that we would have people from these entities come and speak at the university. We had people from the University of entities come and speak at the university. We had people involved in these globalist entities come and speak. Who do you think there’s a CFR? 

Who do you think there’s a trail that it’ll commission? You mean like Desmond Tutu and all these people that just spoke at the university, come on. I don’t remember Desmond, I mean, he’s in these circles, but we had all kinds of Bush era generals and Benazir Bhutto, she came to speak before she was assassinated. So a lot of these people spoke at my university when I was there and I’m like, well, of course, there’s a CFR that a lot of these people know, they’re involved in these circles. I’m not saying that Benazir Bhutto was in the CFR, I’m just saying. A lot of these people, I mean, I’m not saying that Benazir Bhutto was in the CFR, I’m just saying. A lot of these elite figures is what I’m trying to say, and government policy would speak. By the way, also, it’s Scott Ritter come speak. I remember that too, many, many years ago. And I think RFK Jr. spoke many, many years ago at my university as well. So it wasn’t everybody totally bad, but it was definitely slided to one side. And it was weird because I remember that time period in the 2000s, when those people were coming to speak, that it was okay to be anti-establishment because it was all like, it was painted as Bush, right? And if you were against Bush, assume you were left, which is odd because not everybody against Bush. 

But anyway, I remember that time period, and I remember that time period And if you were against Bush, assume you were left, which is odd because not everybody against Bush a little bit anyway. Then it became Obama completely destroying any actual opposition to this stuff, right? He was very effective at that. And basically being a neocon, but getting everybody to give up on anti-war and give up on questioning 9-11. That was a key thing that the Republicans were doing. But getting everybody to give up on anti-war and give up on questioning 9-11. That was a key thing that the Obama presidency helped contribute to. And that’s just weird because now the so-called left are just these sort of fanatical pro-war, pro-big corporation goons. I mean, it’s just so weird, because I remember back in the early 2003, 4, 5 era when everybody in that sphere was anti-Bush in question 9-11. And so they did a very effective cast Sunstein cognitive infiltration approach to flipping all of that into the neocon left uniparty all being basically a war party. How was that done? Well, it’s done because as we said, there’s a level of control above elected leaders. And one of the easiest things to point to is CFR trilateral Bilderberg. Bilderberg is going on right now in Lisbon, Portugal. And so again, why is this a big deal? Why is the international corporate elite meeting to plan global corporate policies that are above government? Above government, above the government, above the government. Why is this a big deal? 

Why is the international corporate elite meeting to plan global corporate policies that are above government, above government? You understand, that’s how this works. They hand the policy to the government people. The government people say, yes, whatever you say, we will do it. We love you, we worship you. Let me lick your shoestrings. So that’s how the system works. This is the Alex Jones Show. Don’t go anywhere. We’ll get into Bilderberg in a moment. Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show. I’m your guest host Jay Dyer of And we are rehearsing the history of the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, and Bilderberg. Since Bilderberg is going on right now in Lisbon, Portugal, and they’re all concerned with running steering, controlling, using AI. AI is the big hot topic. Skynet, technocracy, that’s what it’s all about. And we’re going to talk about concerned with running steering controlling using AI. AI is the big hot topic. Skynet, technocracy, that’s what it’s all about now. And it has been at Bilderberg for the last several years, going back to, as I said, 14, 15, 16. 

They were bringing in people from big tech to really kind of focus the narrative on that. I remember Regina Dugan from DARPA,PA Google they brought her in she was there talking and I think 2015 16 about bodily modification and wearables and how this is going to prepare us for the implantable chips all of that was being discussed years ago at Bilderberg. Here we are. With the push now for open elements of nanotech surveillance and all that with the push now for open elements of nanotech surveillance and all that with the last three years of the coup fit nonsense. Now, we were talking about the decision to choose certain people for the presidency and how these people at Bilderberg and CFR and trilateral, they were all really involved in picking these people and we talked about Brzezinski being involved in the choice of Carter. So in other words, this is a higher level corporate establishment elite choosing presidents, not the people choosing the president. That’s why this matters, right? 

And they will do the same thing, obviously, with the other branches of government where they influence and control and try to subvert how those branches are run as well. I just did an interview, for example, with Tim Gordon on my YouTube channel where he went into the history of the subversion of the Supreme Court. And how a lot of people were put into place there to change the notion of rights coming from God and not from the state. All of that was kind of engineered via certain appointees in the last 50, 60, 70, 80 years of government. and not from the state. All of that was kind of engineered via certain appointees in the last 50, 60, 70, 80 years of the Supreme Court. And these key think tanks, NGOs, and foundations, they pull a lot of people out of the universities, right, to be recruited into this stuff. 

That’s the outer circle, the helper managerial class. And when we look at the 1970s focus and meetings, we see that they were very interested in, number one, controlling the narrative of the media. Now that’s wild because in the 1970s and early 80s, there weren’t a lot of anti establishment voices in media. Media was very much, you had three networks, Fox didn’t exist yet, and they pretty much controlled the narrative. So it’s odd to me that even then they were concerned about the control of narrative and stories in mainstream media. And Sutton and Patrick would discuss the other focus that they had, which was controlling other entities in society like unions. So apparently there was still elements of unions that were not completely under control. And they utilize a lot of the foundations that were connected with the steering committees like the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation to go in and take control a lot of these entities that were still not under their control. 

So, for example, there were six trilateral members that were on the board of Chase Bank at that time in the 1970s. And one of the things they wanted to go after was control of agriculture. This is something I didn’t really know much about. I’ve been studying this for many, many years. And I had no idea that back in the 1970s, they were really interested in going after certain gigantic farm equipment companies. And I had no idea that back in the 1970s, they were really interested in going after certain gigantic farm equipment companies. John Deere, Caterpillar, General Electric, a lot of these companies that were involved in the production of big farm stuff. They wanted to get into that and have control over those markets to make sure that farming was also under the control and dominance of the Trilateral Commission in Bilderberg. Now, why does that matter? Well, where are we now? Well, if you’ve seen the Tucker Carlson special that we did that I was in, the first part of that documentary together with Ava Vander, I can’t pronounce the rest of her name, from the Netherlands. You’ll notice that she’s been highlighting the control of food and control of food and control of farming. And I think John Kerry was coming out saying that it’s time to take over farms in the US if they won’t submit to our arbitrary climate control. 

That’s all from trilateral CFR Bilderberg, right? The policies and the control plans are set there, and then they’re rolled out throughout the next year through the trickles down. Trickle down tyranny, right? From the top of these people to the rest of the corporate control. But it’s just fascinating to me that I know that we go back to Bertrand Russell, we go back to HG Wells, we go back to Charles Galton Darwin, in their books from the 30s, 40s, and 50s, they talked about controlling food. But now we have the actual process of how we’re going to Charles Galton Darwin, in their books from the 30s, 40s, and 50s, they talked about controlling food. But now we have the actual process of how they went about getting into the food control market through the corporate 100, Fortune 500, through food power. And they even talked about engineered famines and engineered logistic disruption, so supply chain disruptions for the control. All of that, of course, we’ve seen in the last three years, right? So the last three years we had a lot of that kind of experience on a minimal scale, thank God. But controlling the supply chains, the CFR and the trilaterals, the Bilderbergers said in the 1970s would be key. And it’s just amazing to me that the way, the CFR and the trilaterals, the Bilderbergers said in the 1970s would be key. And it’s just amazing to me that all of that is in the 1970s. Again, if you fast forward to now, if you watch that Eat the Bugs documentary from the Tucker Carlson specials, you’ll see that that’s playing out right now. So the Bilderberg 70s and 80s stuff is playing out now. 

Say at the same time, Bilderberg engineered the 1970s OPEC oil crisis. And this was a Kissinger plan that had to do with establishing the petrodollar as the World Reserve currency or the focus. I know the dollar was already World Reserve currency, but this is making the petrodollar. And that was part of the OPEC 1970s oil crisis that was engineered by Kissinger. But you’ll notice that the same people behind all of that, you might think, well, that was given us preeminence. That’s how the dollar was, no, no. This is about controlling and creating engineered austerity, engineered scarcity. And Alex always talks about shutting down the Keystone pipeline and all that. That’s these people. These are the people behind that kind of stuff. austerity, engineered scarcity. And Alex always talks about shutting down the Keystone pipeline and all that. That’s these people. These are the people behind that kind of stuff. And the book even talks about, back in the 1970s, staged, engineered, managing, controlled crises, future shocks. Again, out of Tavistock, I’ve been talking about SRI and Tavistock. I’ve lectured through multiple Tavistock. I’ve lectured through multiple Tavistock texts and books on my YouTube channel the last month. So there’s probably five or six videos on there that cover Tavistock and Dr. John Coleman and all that. And I just did another lecture on that, getting into the Institute for Social Research from the University of Michigan, which is all these academic weirdos and creeps, including a guy, I think his name was Corden Wainwright, I forget his name, but one of these ISR guys. 

And he’s like a master student or a psychologist behind food crises and food famine in war. So utilizing food as a weaponized form of warfare and managing crises, right? So a lot of this is crisis management, crisis management, crisis management, So utilizing food as a weaponized form of warfare and managing crises, right? So a lot of this is crisis management. They talk about maladaptive process, that’s a Tavistock term for how you use and manage crises to get the population that’s the target, steered into the direction that you want. And if you can’t see that in the last three years, then there’s no hope, you’re never going to see anything. So Rockefeller Ford Foundation came up in the 1970s with oil plans and energy market controls and that related to the Seven Sisters oil conglomerate and all of that 1970s oil crisis. That was engineers, what I’m trying to say. And Sutton and Wood note that and explain that this is an austerity goal, and that it’s managed by people from the Club of Rome, like Maurice Strong and others who have openly since the 1970s talked about creating the idea, the perception. Not the reality, but creating the idea and the perception that human beings and climate are the problem, that humans are the problem, the perception, not the reality, but creating the idea and the perception that human beings and climate are the problem, that humans are the pollutants. Human beings are the pollution that need to be reduced. That’s all from Bilderberg and these people. 

You understand? It’s not based on science. They request the science which is created wholesale to back it up. Remember when Alex was popping champagne years ago, when the climate gate emails came out, because they were, Infowars was involved in exposing that? That’s this stuff, that’s these people, it’s all the same people doing this, you see. Anyway, they go on to talk about massive increases in taxation for the middle class, that’s a CFR Bilderberg plan from the 1970. Has that come to pass? Well, yes, it has, here we are. Now I want to remind you too that you can support the InfoWars by going to the shop over at InfoWars and getting those products, getting those t-shirts, getting those supplements. We’re a big fan of a lot of those supplements. We take them regularly over here. And you should go get them as well to support the InfoWar at the InfoWar store. Welcome back to the Oxygen Show, I’m your guest host Jay Dyer of Jay’s Analysis.

 And if you head over to my website, you can not only subscribe to my members section to get access to the archives going back many years with hundreds of lectures and talks giving you a university education, or pennies on the cheap, basically a grad level education on how to get a job, how to get a job in the real world. many years with hundreds of lectures and talks giving you a university education, or pennies on the cheap, basically a grad level education and how the New World Order really works. I want to remind you too that we have an upcoming live event. And if you want to come meet me, hang out with me and Owen Schroer and many other people in the freedom sphere, you can do that by heading over to the website and you can find by heading over to the website and you can find the links over to Rebels for Cause, the 2023 meeting in Nashville. We’ll have a big two day event there. Also, if you head over to the website, you can see the tickets and live events that are up. For the July 6 event in California, I’ll be doing a live event with Jamie Kennedy from Scream. 

And we’ll be doing comedy, we’ll be doing stand up, we’ll be doing philosophy, we’ll be doing comedy will be doing stand up with him floss people we all kinds of stuff lecture there- I’ll be doing presentations on my book. And my wife Jamie will do presentation on her works as well in Hollywood so it’s gonna be a fun time you get the tickets- at the website as well. And- back to Bilderberg back to the trial our commission and the background to that. Now as we said in the 1970s, we’re already pushing for more and more taxes particularly on the middle class, which is wild because it’s always sold this or well, it’s we got to tax the rich and that way we’ll have a more fair setup a fair economy. Of course, it’s never the case because the people pushing for more taxation are usually the 0.01% that are pushing taxation for the middle class. the case because the people pushing for more taxation are usually the 0.01% that are pushing taxation for the middle and upper middle class. Who are the people who are the engine of the economy and actually have the businesses and employ people. 

And that’s just a way to squeeze out and ensure that there’s no upward mobility by design. So it’s a big scam, it’s a big trick. And they talked about in this 1970s tax also that there’s going to be a lot of there’s no upward mobility by design. So it’s a big scam, it’s a big trick. And they talked about in this 1970s tax also the plan to further increase the US debt and move further away from, I think that we’re already, this is around the time of a few years after the Nixon shock doctrine of getting away from the gold standard, that was also a CFR trilateral Bilderberg plan. And so you can begin to see that, hey, pretty much everything that’s moving us in this terrible direction is directed by these people, exactly, because it’s a plan. And it’s not just a single plan with one person at the top of it, it’s a plan that’s planned over many decades and over many, even century, quarter century. 

And one of those entities, of course, the Bilderberg group. And we were talking about the origins and of course, the Bilderberg Group. And we were talking about the origins and the background to this group. And of course, it’s also people from the, where’s my David Rockefeller bug, I got to have my memoirs here, right? Rockefeller talks about this in his memoirs and how proud he was of setting this up. And it’s in that chapter that I’m sure many of this audience are aware of, And it’s in that chapter that I’m sure many of this audience are aware of, but it’s always good to remind everybody that this is the chapter called the proud internationalist, the chapter that’s about the establishment of a global governance, right? 

And David Rockefeller, of course, has a history, had a history of intelligence work, and he talks about in this book and in other books, that he was very proud of this time because he was able to establish a lot of networks for his future endeavors and his future private foundations. And he says that I’m a proud internationalist, that a lot of people talk bad about this. And he says that I call these people populists, because they care about people. He says, no, the real goal here, he says, is that he says, predictably, there was a photo that came out of me, and they called me the capitalist and the communist. And that’s because, of course, he had written these New York Times editorials praising Mao Zedong. We’ve covered this a million times. But even he talks about it and says, yeah, they talked about me this way. And he says, but it’s not that big of a deal because really, people say, you work for a secret cabal. And he says, no, I don’t work for a secret cabal, it’s a public cabal. He says, I’m proud of it, it’s no secret cabal. And he says that people thought that when I went and met with Castro and all these communists and talked about how great Mao was, that I’m a communist.

 And they said, but they couldn’t figure it out because I’m a zillionaire, but I’m not a communist, but why am I supporting communism? And again, it’s because communism has always been a movement supported by very wealthy people. The Bolshevik Revolution, as Professor Sutton writes about, was funded by the wealthiest people in the West. And he said, very wealthy people. The Bolshevik Revolution, as Professor Sutton writes about, was funded by the wealthiest people in the West. And he says, when I met with Castro, when I met with these Soviets and these dictators, when we put Chase Bank in China under the communists, he says that it’s not a problem because they’re internationalists like I’m an internationalist. He says it in this chapter. And he says, so do you want me to tell you the history of internationalism? He says that, well, all of these organizations that my family has been instrumental in helping to set up and support, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, NAFTA. He says that all of this, including my family’s basic creation of the CFR, is a problem because they’re internationalists. International Monetary Fund, NAFTA. He says that all of this, including my family’s basic creation of the CFR, he says all of these were to combat American isolationism. And if you listen to my lectures that I just did on the Tavistock books, Coleman says that isolationism is a weaponized term invented by Tavistock to demonize anybody that didn’t want to be involved in all these entanglements. 

That Rockefeller says that we set up the CFR to transition America away from independence and isolation into being an engine of the tool of these people, global interests. And he even talks about, yeah, we utilize people like John Foster Dulles and the Dulleses at this time, who were neutral in the question of Nazi Germany. So it’s not even about the moral things that everybody brings up. Well, we had to fight in World War II because we had to fight the dictators. Well, he’s saying that the people that he allied himself with and utilized, like John Foster Dull’s saying that the people that he allied himself with and utilized, like John Foster Dulles, they didn’t care about, they were actually pro-Nazi. They were involved in Operation Paperclip. So it’s not even about the moral things that everybody’s always harping about. I’m saying at this level, right, the level of these people doing the chessboard, Brzezinski’s ran chess, it’s not about the moral issues that everybody thinks it was about. Then he goes on to say, well, how do we get us to this engine of globalism in America? And he says, well, I set up a bunch of institutes and steering committees. 

He says, I helped set up Bilderberg. He says, and together with another Nazi, I helped set up the World Bank. And he says, I said I helped set up Bilderberg. He says, and together with another Nazi, SS Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands. He says, we were able to help set up this corporate control. We utilize people like Etienne d’Avignon in the 1970s, they came to Bilderberg. People from all the Fortune 100. So he just goes on and on talking about this. And he even talks about connections to Vatican individuals and Opus Dei and the CIA. That’s in his own chapter in his book, and how that was all connected to changing institutions, changing them towards these globalist interests. It’s an amazing chapter. I mean, the book is worth it just for the chapter on proud internationalism and these globalist interests. It’s an amazing chapter. I mean, the book is worth it just for the chapter on proud internationalism and the creation and establishment of Bilderberg. He talks about the choosing of Jimmy Carter in the 1970s, Bilderberg was involved in that. He talks about setting up Brzezinski there. He talks about working with Brookings Institute, Ford Foundation, Harvard University to set up these global institutions. And he said that, it’s funny because there was a president who one time said, one time, that he thought he might challenge the Trilateral Commission. 

Bilderberg. Remember, those are the same things, right? So trilateral might have been, it might have been easier to talk about the Trilateral Commission in the 1980s, I guess. He said, one time Reagan said that he would go against trilateral, and that didn’t work out too good for him. I mean, David Rockefeller is not saying that he had Reagan shot, but he’s saying that it didn’t work out when Ronald Reagan tried to speak against our New World Order. And then he ends the chapter by saying what I was just telling you that I said my time as an intelligence officer in World War II gave me the effectiveness I needed to develop the networks to create circles of influence. He says a lot of people think that this was some kind of a conspiracy. He’s like, it’s just, it’s not really conspiracy because it’s not hidden. So he’s not of a conspiracy. He’s like, it’s not really conspiracy because it’s not hidden. So he’s not denying that he’s conspiring. He’s saying it’s not a secret conspiracy, it’s an open one. And the whole damn chapter is about that and says that. And it’s amazing to me because over the years, anytime I meet people who are just really nasty deniers of anything like this, it doesn’t exist, you’re making it up, you’re crazy. And I bring out this chapter, and the mental gymnastics and the coping that people engage in are just next level, it’s wild. Yes, well, he says that, but it’s a good thing. Well, it’s just, I mean, he’s just trying to help the world. Well, he says in this chapter that it’s about establishing population control. He says that. He says that ultimately all of these entities have as one of their key goals, the control of population. 

And I think from his vantage point, if you don’t see that, he says, he basically has the attitude that well, if you’re too stupid to even see that we’re up to this, then you don’t see that, he says he basically has the attitude that, well, if you’re too stupid to even see that we’re up to this, then you deserve it. That’s his attitude, right? So I want to remind you guys, too, if you want access to my books, you can support me over at the website. I have the shop. You can get my 600-page book here, all of my geopolitical, theological, philosophical writings in the infamous red book at You can also still get my classics, Esoteric Hollywood 1 and 2, signed copies in the infamous red book at You can also still get my classics esoteric Hollywood one and two signed copies in the shop. People always say, will you sign the books? Every book from the website is signed. You get it from Jeff Bezos. He’s not going to sign it. I will sign it. I will sign my books at

Luke Goodwin

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