
JFK Assassination Conspiracy: Was Israeli Mossad Primary Player?

In his book, Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, Michael Collins Piper makes a convincing argument that the major player in the JFK assassination was the Israeli secret service organization, the Mossad.

He provides mountains of citations and documentation, which makes his thesis hard to refute. And, his scholarship got better with age. He first published his book in 1994. It was 335 pages long with 677 footnotes. The sixth and final edition, published in 2005 is 768 pages, including over 1100 footnotes. 

The work continued to evolve but the thesis never wavered. The evidence grew stronger.

It’s a bold claim to say you have the last word on such a complicated topic, but Piper put together the definitive resource on the John F. Kennedy assassination before he died in 2015.

He surmised that as a researcher if you didn’t have an Israeli connection, you were compromised or lacking. He consumed a ton of the literature on the subject and highlighted where it was on target and where it missed the mark.

He also touched on most of the JFK theories, and there are a lot of them, explaining why some were dumb, some possessed kernels of truth, and others sophisticated obfuscation. 

Piper also has words on many of the players in the plot and narrows down the prime movers, who must have had full knowledge, while also denoting those who were working off only a fragment of the complete conspiracy. 

It’s a fascinating book and a terrific resource for digging further into the JFK assassination conspiracy.

Here’s Piper’s final word on the matter:

“This is our final judgment: Israel’s Mossad was a primary (and critical) behind-the-scenes player in the conspiracy that ended the life of John F. Kennedy. Through its vast resources and its international contacts in the intelligence community and organized crime, Israel had the means, it had the opportunity, and it had the motive to play a major frontline role in the crime of the century–and it did.”

Why did the Mossad get involved?

The Mossad, an Israeli intelligence agency, orchestrated the assassination to ensure the viability of Israel as a nation-state. 

It’s little known that John F. Kennedy had an ongoing battle with Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion over Israel’s development of nuclear weapons. Kennedy did not like the idea of nuclear proliferation after seeing the utter devastation of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

He envisioned an arms race with both sides in the Middle East piling up nukes to keep up with the other. So, Kennedy demanded inspections of Israel’s suspicious facilities like Dimona. He threatened to pull annual U.S. funding if they did not comply. 

Ben-Gurion, a prime mover in the establishment of the State of Israel in Palestine thought nuclear weapons were a necessity for the long-term existence of Israel, and, ultimately, for the Jews to survive as a people. 

Hard to negotiate with a head of state who thinks like that. Kennedy didn’t back down, and Piper posits that Ben-Gurion was so frustrated, that he stepped down from his position as Prime Minister in June 1963 and ordered the Mossad to execute the president of the United States. Off the books. No paper trail of the dictate in an official capacity.

However, you risk the existence of your state if you kill the very popular leader of your main ally and funder, so you have to put together an unbelievably complicated and sophisticated operation built to kill JFK, while also leaving clues to deceive law enforcement and researchers for decades. 

Four months, from June to November 1963, probably isn’t enough time to construct such a mission, so it’s natural to posit they were laying the groundwork for this eventuality as soon as JFK started making it clear early in his presidency (starting in January 1961) that he was no stooge of Israel.

Looking at the event 60 years later, Ben-Gurion and company succeeded mightily. Of course, there has been constant post-murder maintenance, including threatening, defaming, canceling, blackmailing, and even killing people who know too much.

When they threaten your livelihood or even your life it tends to put a chill in any real hard-nosed investigation of the facts and search for the truth, no matter where it may lead. Piper says this is why many great investigators, researchers, and writers came to the precipice of naming the Israelis but could never seal the deal. 

The Israel question has been monumental across the world since its modern-day inception in 1948. The United States has an untenable connection with the Israelis. A preponderance of politicians are beholden to the cause. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) rules the roost in the beltway, while the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) stalks the streets for any sideways glance toward the holy land, or words and actions they can decry as anti-Semitic. 

Capturing eyeballs, hearts, and minds while crossing that line is a surefire trigger of all the tools at the Israeli’s disposal. In essence, Piper had to triangulate from other sources, not specifically looking at the JFK assassination, and connect the dots, to support his final judgment. 

Israel, Founded By Terrorists, Funded By Gun and Drug Running, Perfectly Capable of Carry Out Assassinations

Israel does a tremendous PR job. Funny to say now, because the narrative is starting to crumble bit by bit after the latest battle in the Gaza Strip following the aggressive actions taken by Hamas on October 7, 2023.

But, for the most part, Israel has done an amazing job of making the State look like a humanitarian homeland for forever displaced chosen people, who end up hated for no reason by every country in which they take residence. The WWII holocaust narrative bolsters the power of that story exponentially. Never again.

It helps to have disproportionate control of the media in major population centers and superpower countries like the United States and to pull the strings of Hollywood, so the Jewish experience is only portrayed in a poignant, but low-resolution way.

And to have access to massive money flows, through incredibly smart planning and manipulation of the banking industry. When you put in the incredible groundwork with unparalleled foresight, you can get away with a lot of shenanigans in broad daylight with hardly a peep of resistance or questioning. 

Piper bravely gets into all of this even though the knee-jerk reaction to any of those points is ANTI-SEMITISM!

Bottom line: Israeli factions committed strategic acts of terror to take full control of the State of Israel. And, they’ve continued to commit those acts to grow their territory and increase control in the region. 

In fact, in the early 1960s, Israel, through proxies, attempted to assassinate French President Charles DeGaulle. The DeGaulle efforts have many parallels with the JFK assassination. DeGaulle was trying to grant Arab Algeria its independence from the colonialist rule of France. Israel did not like giving power to Arabs at all. JFK publicly backed DeGaulle’s policy. There were several attempts on DeGaulle’s life by Permindex-funded Secret Army Organization (AOS) according to French intelligence investigations. 

Permindex’s primary shareholder was Banque de Credit International (BCI) in Geneva Switzerland, which was the brainchild of Rabbi Tibor Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum was president of the World Jewish Congress. He was also the founder of the World Zionist Congress and Director of the Jewish Agency in Geneva. He served as Director General for Finance and Supply for the Mossad. At one point 90% of the Israeli Defense Ministry’s external budget flowed through Rosenbaum’s bank. 

The French Connection JFK researchers stumbled on is the Permindex connection, which, in turn, is the Israeli connection. Permindex funded both the assassination attempts on DeGaulle and the assassination of JFK. More on this later.

Israel Is Not the Greatest Ally of the United States

Israel likes to perpetuate the myth that they are the United States’s greatest ally to keep the aid money flowing. The US provides annual economic aid and military assistance to Israel. Israel, a first-world country, received over $3.3 billion in assistance from the U.S. in 2022. Since 1951, Israel has received nearly $318 billion in aid. Congress recently approved an additional $14.3 billion in aid in response to the October 7 attacks by Hamas.

What the United States gets in return for that money is not clear. Golden platitudes like a stronghold in the Middle East, or the only democracy in the region. It’s a hazy sort of math. What is the tangible benefit of that? 

We do know that the ADL and AIPAC have massive influence in the United States. Perhaps taxpayer money sent to Israel repatriates in the form of blackmail operations, bribes, and lawfare against U.S. citizen’s interests.

The United States also seems to jump at any chance to launch a war against enemies of Israel, no matter how feeble the pretext (see 9/11 and the War on Terror for an example). 

So, we give them economic and military assistance, yet are still on the hook to send our kids to die in wars against their enemies for no other reason but to quell the existential threat to Israel. Seems like a rather one-sided arrangement.

Not to mention Israel’s hidden role in major events like the torpedoing of USS Liberty (US Navy communications ship) to get US support in a war against Egypt; 9/11 to justify the US war in Iraq; and the JFK assassination, which was the consequence of opposing Israeli interests. Piper writes that these seem like the acts of an enemy.

People push back on Piper’s thesis pointing to the JFK memorial that Israel erected after his death as proof they loved him. 

Piper writes: “this is scant ‘proof’ indeed–of nothing. A cynic might be so crass as to suggest that the memorial was nothing more than a tribute by the Israelis to one of their own more outrageous public executions and the skill with which it was conducted.”

The Mafia’s Role in the JFK Assassination

Many researchers found Mafia connections to the JFK assassination. These are certainly credible, but the powerful Jewish influence on the mob at the time is concealed.

The Mafia Helped Get Kennedy Elected and Then He Turned on Them
Many point to Kennedy’s backstabbing the Mafia after they helped get him elected as a huge piece of why they wanted him dead. And, it’s true, the Italian mafia did help get JFK elected, drumming up support from the Italian community, the Unions, and other segments they controlled or influenced in exchange for a promise to look the other way from their racketeering.

Instead, after winning the election in 1960, JFK appointed his brother Robert Kennedy as Attorney General, who immediately got to work making life miserable for organized crime. 

They obscure the role of Jewish mobsters in the rampant organized crime in the United States.

Meyer Lansky: Capo di tutti i capi 
Piper makes it clear that at the time of the JFK assassination, Meyer Lansky, a Jew, was the de facto boss of all bosses of the Italian Mafia. He rose to the top after the deportation of Charles “Lucky” Luciano, whom he worked for. There is credible speculation that Lansky ratted out Luciano, along with several other high-level mafiosos on his way to the top.

Luciano didn’t realize Lansky duped him until later in life.

“… he (Lansky) was pullin’ the wires and everybody was dancin’ to his tune on the other end, like a bunch of puppets. Lansky held the purse strings, too; he was the treasurer and he was really tryin’ to be the boss of everythin’. He was so hungry for power behind the scenes he’d kiss anybody’s ass and do anythin’ he had to do so that in the end, he— Meyer Lansky, my old partner and a Jew— would wind up the real boss of bosses of all the Italians and the Jews— and without a single fuckin’ vote on the [organized crime syndicate] council. I never really knew what it meant when we was kids and I used to call him the Genius. But at the age of sixty-four, I finally got wise.”

Few realize that Lansky and his syndicate were calling the shots. He greased palms, betrayed powerful Italian heads of families after spending years working his way into their circle of trust, and resorted to violence when required. 

In other words, unlike typical Hollywood portrayals, Jews were not just the numbers guys, particularly Lansky and his crew. But, that perception enables them to run their rackets unimpeded in the shadows.

Researchers connect Carlos Marcello and Santo Trafficante to the JFK plot, but few understand or will publish that they were Lansky’s underlings.

Meanwhile, Lansky was a huge supporter of Israel, sending them weapons and money throughout his career. Piper makes the case that Lansky facilitated both the Mafia and Mossad participation in the assassination.

Lansky and partner, Bugsy Siegel, were the big players in the build-up of Las Vegas into a vice-ridden hot spot.

The Mafia Didn’t Like that JFK Was Too Soft on Fidel Castro
The Mafia had a great thing going on in Cuba before the Castro revolution, making tons of money with casinos on the island. Castro booted them out. The Mafia wanted Kennedy to intercede, use the great power of the American intelligence community and US military to overthrow Castro, and put a puppet in place, who was more amenable to Mafia business in the region. 

They thought Kennedy owed it to them, and that it would be an easy PR win in the Cold War years of the early 1960s to take tough anti-Communist actions. Instead, Kennedy wanted to negotiate a detente with Castro. Probably wise when looking at big-picture relations with the Soviet Union.

Lansky had major operations in Cuba. Once Castro came to power he had to move his casino interests to resorts in the Bahamas and the Caribbean. He had no problem pinning the assassination on a “pro-Castro operative” like Lee Harvey Oswald.

Jack Ruby Often Connected With the Mafia
Jack Ruby was much more than just a patriotic Dallas nightclub operator.

Piper writes: “Ruby was an errand boy in a high-stakes operation–the assassination of an American president–that was being undertaken by the joint alliance of the Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate, the CIA and Israel’s Mossad.”

There is evidence Ruby was on the payroll of the Bronfman family, a major player in the liquor trade, and a huge supporter of Israel. 

Sam Bloom, point man for the Dallas elite, who changed the Kennedy speech venue to the Trade Mart, which required an update to the motorcade route, so that it passed through the Dealey Plaza kill zone, also was instrumental in forcing the Dallas police to make Oswald accessible to the press and move him publicly from the Dallas station to the city jail. This opened up the chance for Ruby to shoot Oswald. Police found a piece of paper in Ruby’s home with Bloom’s contact information.

Ruby, whose real last name was Rubenstein, was closely involved with Israel and the Mossad, and their gunrunning operations. Most likely he was doing their bidding to shut up Oswald, who was yelping about being a patsy. Can’t have a line of inquiry like that go any further in the media or court of law.

According to researcher Peter Dale Scott, law enforcement investigated Ruby for International drug trafficking in the mid-1940s. 

In his book, An Act of State, William Pepper, the attorney for James Earl Ray, writes that in 1963 Ruby participated in an international arms smuggling operation, based in part in Texas, which involved a senior Mossad agent working in South America, who liaised with US military and CIA.

Phone records indicate Ruby called numerous mob figures just before the assassination, seven of whom were Jews. After the murder in Dealey Plaza Ruby expressed fear that if the whole truth ever came out it would implicate the Jews.

George Robert Blakely and Richard Billings report in their book, The Plot to Kill the President, that Lansky henchman and attorney, Melvin Belli, agreed to represent Jack Ruby in the Oswald murder trial. 

Seymour Ellison got a call from a Las Vegas attorney, who said “One of our guys just bumped off the son of a bitch that gunned down the President. We can’t move in to handle it, but there’s a million bucks for Mel if he will take it.”

Mickey, Menachem, and Marilyn Conspire for Israel
Mickey Cohen, as a Lansky henchman, took over for Bugsy Siegel in Las Vegas, after Lansky put out the hit order on Siegel. He then moved on to the Hollywood rackets, which primarily consisted of sexually compromising movie stars for blackmail, according to author John Davis.

Cohen worked closely with Menachem Begin, who was the leader of the militant Zionist group, Irgun, and eventually became the sixth prime minister of Israel. One of Cohen’s associates hooked up Marilyn Monroe and Kennedy for blackmail and gathering intel on Kennedy’s feelings toward Israel. They killed Monroe to ensure that the connection never came to light and that Kennedy’s uneasy relationship with Israel didn’t become common knowledge.

Piper says Cohen and Begin worked on the early planning of the assassination plot. Cohen was a friend and role model to Jack Ruby.

The Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) Role in the JFK Assassination

As many researchers have discovered, the CIA certainly played a big role in the assassination, but few mention Mossad’s influence on that agency.

Kennedy Threatened to Destroy the CIA So They Whacked Him
In part, yes. In 1966 the New York Times reported that a high-ranking official in Kennedy’s administration said the president wanted to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.” 

Even if this is a fabrication he certainly expressed his displeasure with the CIA after the Bay of Pigs debacle. He also spoke against “secrecy” in a free and open society in a 1961 speech, which is easily perceived as a veiled reference to the clandestine work of intelligence agencies. 

Kennedy fired CIA Director Allen Dulles after the failed Bay of Pigs in part because he thought Dulles was lying to him to escalate a Cuban invasion.

The Central Intelligence Agency doesn’t have the interests of the United States at heart. They operate under separate motivations beholden only to their own rules of engagement. It’s hard to tell whose objectives they are working for under a shroud of secrecy. They refuse accountability and don’t suffer threats lightly.

Who Was James Jesus Angleton?
James Jesus Angleton, a founding officer of the CIA after working with the agency’s precursor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), during WWII, had many points of contention with Kennedy. 

Angleton and the CIA were actively working against DeGaulle, whom Kennedy supported. Angleton was also a rabid anti-Communist. Kennedy’s work to mend relationships with the Soviet Union and wind down the Cold War did not sit well with him.

Most importantly, as historian Stewart Steven wrote in this book, The Spymasters of Israel, Angleton’s CIA was so closely tied to Mossad that every CIA man in the Middle East was also working for the Israelis. Evidence suggests that Angleton was covertly assisting Israel’s nuclear bomb program, which, as noted earlier, was the primary source of conflict between JFK and Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion.

The Israelis appreciated Angleton’s work so much that they erected a monument in Israel to commemorate him after he died in 1987.

CIA Director William Colby fired Angleton in December 1974  after revelations of his involvement in illegal domestic spying by the CIA. There is speculation that Angleton was using the ADL to gather information on American citizens who threatened his agenda. 

Angleton tried to bury any evidence that proved Oswald was not a KGB operative. As a rabid anti-Communist, Angleton pushed the flimsy theory that the KGB killed Kennedy.  Blatant misdirection.

Angleton, who ingratiated himself with Mary Pinchot Meyer and her kids after her divorce from former CIA man Cord Meyer, burned her diary after her suspicious murder in October 1964. Meyer had a long-term affair with President Kennedy.

Tim Leary, who was a friend of Mary, wrote in his book, Flashbacks, that Mary called him a few days after the JFK murder, and said “They couldn’t control him any more. He was changing too fast. They’ve covered everything up. I gotta come see you. I’m afraid.” 

At the end of his life, Cord Meyer divulged to writer C. David Heymann, who he thought was responsible for his ex-wife’s death: “The same sons of bitches,” he hissed, “that killed John F. Kennedy.”

Angleton was a close friend of Philippe deVosjoli, who was one of two high-ranking French intelligence officers hired by Robert Kennedy to conduct an independent investigation of his brother’s murder. They determined that Texas oil barons aligned with Lyndon Johnson were behind the assassination. This report was eventually the basis of Herve LaMarre’s book Farewell America. More sophisticated deceit.

With Angleton’s connection to the material, it’s reasonable to believe the report contained grains of truth but ultimately was disinfo used to steer attention away from CIA-Mossad involvement.

Piper says that after former French intelligence officer Pierre Neuville read an early draft of Final Judgment, he told Piper in a letter that a French team of assassins were among the actual shooters in Dealey Plaza, committing the crime at the behest of the Mossad.

He went on to say that Mossad assassination chief, Yitzhak Shamir, who later became the Israeli Prime Minister, arranged the hiring of the assassins through deputy chief of the French intelligence service (SDECE), Colonel Georges deLannurien. 

Neuville also wrote: “It was no coincidence that on the very day of the execution of the president by the French team that [deLannurien] was at Langley meeting with James Jesus Angleton, the Mossad mole.”

They said they were meeting to discuss Communist infiltration in French intelligence teams, but Neuville said more likely they were together for damage control, making sure the assassination plot cover-up was in full force.

It was Angleton who sent E. Howard Hunt to Dallas in November 1963. In an in-house memo, Angleton ended up accusing Hunt of possible involvement in the Kennedy assassination as a rogue agent. This happened when public suspicion of the CIA’s involvement in the plot was ramping up. There was never an official accusation.

E. Howard Hunt and the Fake Assassination That Went Hot
On his deathbed E. Howard Hunt told his son that he was in Dallas on that day and that there was a conspiracy. People assume he was in on the murder of JFK, but according to former Los Angeles Police Department detective, Gary Wean, in his book, There’s a Fish in the Courthouse, Hunt was there to run a fake assassination attempt with Oswald and pin it on Castro.

Hunt was also involved in a court trial that unearthed interesting Kennedy assassination material: The Spotlight vs. E. Howard Hunt. Mark Lane documented it in his book Plausible Denial.

In 1978 a weekly Washington-based newsletter called The Spotlight published an article by former high-ranking CIA official Victor Marchetti which alleged the CIA intended to frame Hunt for involvement in the Kennedy assassination. 

Marchetti wrote that growing suspicion of the Agency, and its involvement in the assassination forced them to throw one of their own under the bus. They decided to label Hunt a renegade operative.

Hunt sued The Spotlight and won $650,000 in damages. However, there was an error in the judge’s jury instructions, which gave the publication grounds for an appeal. Lane was the defense attorney for the retrial. 

The most damning evidence against the CIA and Hunt came in the deposition of former CIA operative Marita Lorenz who said she arrived in Dallas a day before the assassination on an unclear secret mission guided by her handler Frank Sturgis. Lorenz said they met Hunt and Jack Ruby in Dallas.

Lane pointed out inconsistencies in Hunt’s testimony in the first trial. Eventually, Hunt admitted under oath that the Marchetti story seemed plausible, probably considering the loss of $650,000 a better outcome than the implication of an accessory in killing Kennedy.

The jury reversed the decision against The Spotlight and dismissed Hunt’s claim. 

Jury forewoman Leslie Armstrong said “Mr. Lane was asking us (the jury) to do something very difficult. He was asking us to believe John Kennedy had been killed by our own government. Yet, when we examined the evidence closely, we were compelled to conclude that the CIA had indeed killed President Kennedy.”

Lee Harvey Oswald Was a Patsy
Piper says evidence suggests Hunt was Oswald’s handler and the plan was to implicate Oswald in an assassination attempt and shuttle him out of the country to avoid prosecution. Oswald pegged as a Soviet sympathizer and pro-Castro, would be the connection to a Castro plot, which would then rouse public support for tougher sanctions on Cuba. 

Operatives, who wanted JFK dead, infiltrated the fake assassination plot. Imagine Hunt’s surprise when Kennedy was shot in Dealey Plaza.

Oswald was certain he had been set up as the patsy and said as much.

It didn’t take much to “sheep dip” Oswald, turning him into a pro-Castro activist in the public eye. WDSU-TV filmed him as he handed out pro-Castro fliers outside of Clay Shaw’s International Trade Mart in New Orleans. Researcher Dick Russell points out that Oswald and company were only passing out leaflets for a few minutes, but a crew just happened to be there to capture the footage. Very suspect.

WDSU, closely connected to the ADL, also arranged a debate between Oswald and an anti-Castro activist. They turned the transcript of the debate over to the FBI office in New Orleans. In other words, there was a suspicious amount of publicity given to a random small-time “activist” like Oswald. Almost like they wanted to inject Commie Oswald into the public record.

Kennedy Planned Pull Out from Vietnam 
Organized crime and intelligence agencies get miffed when you mess with their black market funding operations. Kennedy stated on October 2, 1963, that the US would pull 1,000 troops out of Vietnam by the end of 1963. And all troops by 1965.

The CIA was not happy with this. They had put together an exceptionally lucrative drug-running business in Southeast Asia (the Golden Triangle), and the Vietnam War was a perfect cover for those dirty operations, which flooded the US with heroin. The Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate was also a big player in this operation. 

Lyndon Johnson reversed Kennedy’s policy and the sham war continued through April 1975. Drug traffickers, weapons manufacturers, and Israel, who received money directly from Lansky’s operation, were ecstatic.

Main Premise of the Oliver Stone Movie JFK: MIC Was Prime Mover

Piper calls Oliver Stone’s 1991 movie a mix of fact and fiction that covered up the crucial connection with Israel. Instead Stone focused on the military-industrial complex (MIC) angle, where high-level military men and multi-billion dollar defense contracting companies continued to make money in a prolonged Vietnam War.

Stone understated the intelligence community’s involvement. Interestingly Warner Brothers, which has a history with the Jewish mafia, distributed the film. In 1967 Warner Brothers Studio was shockingly taken over by a seemingly tiny company called Seven Arts Productions, which was a money laundering facility for Lansky and others.

As a result, Bernie Cornfeld and his Investors Overseas Service (IOS) owned a big piece of Warner-Seven Arts. Cornfeld worked for Tibor Rosenbaum, mentioned earlier as a high-level Mossad and Permindex operator. 

The executive producer for JFK was Arnon Milchan, who provided funding in exchange for creative control. Milchan was Israel’s largest arms dealer, and instrumental in funding the nascent country. He was also a Mossad man.

Garrison’s family sued for payment promised to them for the rights to his memoir in conjunction with the production of the film. Milchan reneged on the deal.

Stone was a generous contributor to AIPAC.

Frank Mankiewicz was the key public relations man for Stone’s JFK film. Formerly he was a publicist for the Mossad-linked Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Mankiewicz was also Robert Kennedy’s handler and insisted Kennedy exit through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles–the site of his death.

Piper sums up JFK, the movie, as “highly sophisticated black propaganda financed by Mossad money.” Despite all that, the movie triggered a wave of mistrust in the general public regarding the official story of the JFK assassination.

Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) Lover of Israel

Kennedy planned to drop Johnson off the presidential ticket in 1964 because of LBJ’s connection with the dirty financial dealings of Bobby Baker. Instead, LBJ took the Oval Office in 1963 and won the 1964 election in a landslide. Meanwhile, Baker, who was Johnson’s protege and bagman, did time in Federal prison and kept his mouth shut about his connections to Johnson. Rumor has it LBJ rewarded Baker with $1 million for taking the rap. 

The earliest evidence that Israel delighted in the Lyndon Baines Johnson presidency was a memo written by I.L. Kenan, director of AIPAC, on November 26, 1963, hailing JFK’s successor’s “front-rank pro-Israel position.”

Seymour Hersh reported that Johnson’s first symbolic act as president was to dedicate a synagogue in Austin, Texas less than six weeks after assuming the presidency. He was the first U.S. president in history to do so.

LBJ also cranked up financial aid to Israel. The 1964 budget, last of the Kennedy administration, was $40 million, a reduced sum from previous years. In fiscal year 1965 the budget rose to $71 million and in 1966 it topped out at $130 million. The $92 million earmarked for military aid in 1966 was greater than the combined military aid provided to Israel by the U.S. since its founding in 1948. 

Johnson approved a secret Israel nuclear weapons program with a wink and a nod, and he facilitated building up Israel’s arms supply, tipping the balance firmly to the Israeli side in the Middle East. This was a radical change from the more equitable approach of previous presidents.

Johnson covered up the purposeful bombing of the USS Liberty reconnaissance ship by Israeli fighter jets and torpedoes in June 1967 at the onset of the Six-Day War in the Middle East. Thirty-four American sailors died and 172 were wounded in Israel’s attempt to goad the U.S. into the war on their side by pinning the attack on the unarmed ship on their enemy, Egypt.

This sent a very strong signal to Israel that they could commit war crimes against the United States and still receive massive annual aid packages with no accountability. 

And, as mentioned earlier, Johnson reversed Kennedy’s decision to begin withdrawing U.S. forces from Vietnam, opening the way for the CIA to expand its power during the Vietnam conflict, and pleasing his friends in the defense industry. Many believe Johnson’s decision to ramp up the war ruined his chances for a second term. He and his cronies reaped substantial while they could.

How did Johnson become so pro-Israeli? It might have been the lucrative deal he had with the mob when he was Senator. Lansky funneled $50,000 a year to LBJ through Marcello to kill all rackets-related legislation that might have impeded the illicit profits of his Syndicate.

Stephen Green in his book, Taking Sides, concluded: “By June of 1967, for a variety of reasons that prominently included “domestic political considerations,” LBJ and his team of foreign-policy advisors had completely revised U.S.-Israeli relations. To all intents and purposes, Israel had become the 51st state.”

What Was Permindex?

“It is the Permindex connection which is the tie that binds–the final proof that the Mossad was at the center of the assassination conspiracy. In Permindex we find all of the critical elements tying the Mossad, the CIA, and the Lansky Crime Syndicate together in close-knit intrigue linked directly to the murder of President Kennedy.” – Piper

Permindex (Permanent Industrial Expositions), a Rome-based operation, was Mossad arms trading and money laundering venture operating in conjunction with the Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate. 

Louis Bloomfield was the chairman of the board of Permindex and devoted to the Israel cause. He fronted the Bronfman family empire, which built its fortune as the Canadian arm of Lansky’s illegal liquor trade. Patriarch Edgar Bronfman was president of the World Jewish Congress.  

As Jim Garrison and other researchers started unraveling the Permindex connection, a new theory gained prominence … Permindex was a Nazi operation run by the remnants that survived WWII. The leading promoter of this theory was Mae Brussell, who was the daughter of Rabbi Edgar Magnin, a spiritual leader of Hollywood’s Jewish community. Brussell along with her acolyte Dave Emory posited that the Nazis brought into the American Intelligence apparatus after WWII were responsible for the assassination through Permindex. 

In reality, Israeli intelligence was working with former Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen’s network.

Clay Shaw, a longtime CIA asset and prime player in the New Orleans phase of the JFK assassination conspiracy was on the board of Pemindex. He also had close ties with the Edith Stern family, who were key financiers of NUMEC, which was the nuclear plant in Pennsylvania that smuggled nuclear material to Israel. Shaw was also closely associated with the Mossad. 

Shaw’s official job was as founder and director of the International Trade Mart In New Orleans, which was the perfect business to provide cover for moving money around for the Lansky Syndicate.

Shaw, along with Guy Banister and David Ferrie, were also CIA contract agents tasked with sheep-dipping Lee Harvey Oswald. In other words, they helped Oswald build up his false identity as a pro-Castro agent in the eyes of the public, which made him a plausible assassin. 

Jim Garrison’s investigation zeroed in on Shaw, which would have opened up the connection to Permindex and exposed the Israeli connection to the plot. This is why Garrison was shut down. 

In the early days of his investigation, Denver oilman John King visited Garrison and offered to arrange a federal judgeship appointment in return for abandoning his investigation. Garrison refused.

King did international business with Bernie Cornfeld, the Geneva-based head of Investors Overseas Service (IOS). Cornfeld was protege and front man for Rabbi Tibor Rosenbaum, founder of Banque De Credit International. BCI, as mentioned earlier, was the primary Permindex shareholder.

King represented Permindex with his friendly offer to Garrison to shut down his investigation before Shaw’s connection to Permindex and its complicity with the assassination plot surfaced.

The Zapruder Film

Some people believe dress manufacturer Abraham Zapruder had advance knowledge of the assassination plot. He was certainly in a prime position to take the only film footage of the event. 

In its investigation, the Warren Commission used the Zapruder Film extensively. Evidence suggests somebody doctored the film to solidify the lone gunman theory. Piper said he saw several versions.

Zapruder, a Jew, had connections to Israel. He housed his business in the Dal-Tex building, which many researchers believe was where at least one assassin took a shot. Dal-Tex was co-owned by David Weisblat, who was a major backer of the Israeli ADL.

It was also discovered that many businesses in the building often called the phone number of Morty Freedman, attorney, garment manufacturer, and Jewish activist. Freedman was a business partner with Zapruder.

Piper praises Josiah Thompson’s analysis of the Zapruder film in his book Six Seconds in Dallas.

“This book is a fantastic analysis of the Zapruder film. Profusely illustrated, this volume establishes that there were several assassins in Dealey Plaza beyond any question and that the official autopsy evidence doesn’t jibe with the truth.”

The Warren Commission White Wash

For major conspiracy plot subterfuge the government must run an official inquiry to gather the facts and deliver the unquestionable truth about what happened.

If you don’t agree with those unbiased findings then you’re a nutter with an ax to grind. The CIA popularized the term conspiracy theories and weaponized it against any intrepid researcher who dared question the Warren Commission Report.

The Warren Commission, named after Chairman Chief Justice Earl Warren, was sketchy from inception. President Johnson convened it a week after the murder. They published the 888-page Warren Report on September 24, 1964.

The Report concluded that Oswald acted alone as did Jack Ruby. 

Johnson appointed Warren, former World Bank head John McCloy, and former CIA Director Allen Dulles, as key participants on the Commission. Dulles, coincidentally, was fired from his CIA post by Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs. Not exactly an impartial observer.

The FBI conducted investigations for the Commission, which was hurriedly launched to get in front of an official investigation by US Attorney General Robert Kennedy.  William Sullivan, close friends with James Angleton, ran point for the FBI’s work with the Commission. Sullivan was also head of domestic intelligence and closely linked with  COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) operations, which relied on the ADL for intelligence. 

For playing his dutiful role on the Commission, the powers-that-be helped Gerald Ford become president in 1974 after Nixon resigned. Piper delves into Watergate in Final Judgment saying the same cast of characters pushed Nixon out of office for his waning support for Israel.

Piper recommends Accessories After the Fact by Sylvia Meagher as “a highly detailed examination of the Warren Report that is a valuable exposition of all the flaws in the case against Lee Harvey Oswald.”

And he highly recommends Mark Lane’s book Rush to Judgment, which proved the Warren Commission report was a fraud.

Over time the public was not satisfied with the simplistic lone gunman explanation of the assassination delivered by the Warren Commission. To get in front of this pushback, they formed a group called the Assassination Information Bureau (AIB). The prime mover in the AIB was Jack Newfield, a major supporter of Israel. This group caught the “conspiracy theory” kooks in their net, by sympathizing with their distrust of the official report, and redirecting them to a nonsensical theory: Jimmy Hoffa ordered the hit on the President. 

Classic misdirection. Harness a burgeoning truth movement and guide it into a dead end.

Who Were the Key Players in the Plot to Assassinate JFK?

For convenience, Piper names those he thinks knew the entire assassination plot, and those who only knew the bits they were responsible for. Oftentimes, people incredulous of conspiracy claims say pulling it off would require the participation of dozens and dozens of people, and it would be impossible to keep them from leaking purposefully or not. 

Good point, but surprisingly they pull off these conspiracies in a way where very few people know the full picture via compartmentalization. They cascade orders to bit players tasked with discreet assignments that further the plan. These underlings may even think they’re contributing to national security or rooting out criminal elements. 

And, there are cleanup crews for these operations. They shut people up with bribes, threats, or even violence. As credible information starts to merge it’s dangerous for the integrity of the mainstream narrative, particularly if unwitting actors start to piece together the bigger picture and connect their role in it.

The perpetrators have to maintain the fiction for as long as possible because there are modern-day implications. For example, if it was widely known that Israelis played a key role in the JFK assassination and 9/11, would a majority of the American public consider Israel their greatest ally? And if that fiction fell away, would there be a popular mandate to stop financial and military aid to Israel? That is why they continue the propaganda even 60 years after JFK’s demise.

Here’s Piper’s list.

Those with full knowledge:

  • Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion
  • Israeli Mossad assassinations chief Yitzhak Shamir
  • Permindex chief executive officer Louis M. Bloomfield
  • Mossad officer and Permindex banker Rabbi Tibor Rosenbaum
  • CIA Counterintelligence chief James J. Angleton
  • French intelligence officer Georges deLannurien
  • Crime Syndicate boss Meyer Lansky. His associates most likely know the plot:
    • Santo Trafficante, Jr.
    • Carlos Marcello
    • Sam Giancana (under the thumb of Mossad-connected crime boss Hyman Lamer)
    • Johnny Rosselli (under the thumb of Mossad-connected crime boss Hyman Lamer)
  • There were multiple shooters at Dealey Plaza, but Piper only names one that evidence strongly points to … French mercenary Michael Mertz
  • CIA contract agent and longtime Mossad asset Frank Sturgis (admitted he played a part)
    • Sturgis’s Cuban henchman Guillermo and Ignacio Novo (played some role – not yet determined if they were actual gunmen)

People on the periphery – engaged in some form of activity whether they knew of the actual assassination plot:

  • Lee Harvey Oswald
  • CIA operative E. Howard Hunt
  • CIA station chief for Mexico City, David Atlee Phillips
  • CIA contract agent and Permindex board member Clay Shaw
  • CIA contract agent Guy Banister
  • CIA contract agent David Ferrie
  • Permindex courier Maurice Brooks Gatlin
  • CIA contract agent Robert Morrow
  • Dallas mob associate Jack Ruby
  • CIA associate and US Senator John Tower
  • CIA contract operative Marita Lorenz
  • Lansky henchman Mickey Cohen
    • Cohen associate Al Gruber, who most likely gave Ruby order to kill Oswald
  • Israeli diplomat (and later Prime Minister) Menachem Begin

Piper wrote:

“Various members of the CIA, figures in the Mafia and the Lansky Syndicate, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, and some investigators for the Warren Commission and the subsequent House Assassinations Committee may have gleaned some information over the years as to portions of what had happened, but few would be aware of the entirety of the conspiracy.”

JFK Assassination Conspiracy Resources

Piper goes through many of the books written on the subject of the JFK assassination or related topics. He points out their faults and any valuable pieces they contributed to the conversation. Here’s an abbreviated list of his favorites.

Mark Lane contributed a great deal to the JFK assassination research.

  • Plausible Denial by Mark Lane – Lane’s portrayal of the E. Howard Hunt libel trial.
  • Rush to Judgment by Mark Lane – the first book to question the Warren Commission Report.
  • A Citizen’s Dissent by Mark Lane – Piper’s favorite from Lane. He answers reader questions and provides attentional information to supplement his other works.

Three books about Kennedy’s Middle East policies and increasing tension with Israel. They do not make the connection with the assassination.

Good historical background and overview despite believing the Warren Commission conclusions. 

The rest of the standouts in the voluminous archive of JFK material up until the publication of the final edition of Final Judgment.

Additional Resources
Interesting material that is not in Piper’s book.

Luke Goodwin

View Comments

  • It struck me as odd, but plausible, that Mossad played a significant role. However, Mossad wasn't formed until 1949. To have amassed that much influence in such short a period of time suggests, to me, that there is yet another missing link. The precursor of Mossad was Sherut Yediot (Shai), which was the intelligence and counter-espionage arm of the Hagenah in Mandate Palestine. Hagenah was the the main Zionist paramilitary organization that operated for the Yishuv in the British Mandate for Palestine, according to Wiki. The pre-Mossad link is certainly connected to the dark and dirty corners of Zionism and their bankers. Baron Edmond de Rothschild, a member of the Rothschild banking family, developed a deep interest in Zionism during the 1880s. As the honorary president of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland, Rothschild received the declaration from British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour. Ergo, the Cabal played a significant role in JFK's assassination. No surprises there.

  • You've gone quite a ways down the rabbit hole to uncover all this but you haven't gone far enough. Jewish and Zionist corruption of America in 1963, both within and outside the government was far worse than you have uncovered. What I have seen in my own investigation is massive corruption that allowed the assassination to happen. And you are wrong on a key point. It was not a team of French assassins outside the limo that killed JFK. It was a single assassin within thr limo, Jackie Kennedy. It's clearly shown on the Zapruder film. Few are willing to touch this third rail but I leave it to you to go further down the rabbit hole than you have dared to go and uncover more profound truths. Make me proud.

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