
Will AI Be the Religion of the Future?

On the Fourth Hour of the Alex Jones show, Jay Dyer discusses artificial intelligence (AI) and the role it will play in the future one-world religion that the elite are pushing. The plan, for a very long time, has been to destabilize society by destroying its bedrock institutions like marriage, family, church, individual human rights, cultural heritage, borders, property rights, and even nation states. 

These things don’t happen over night. You have to slowly chip away at societies built on Christianity from all angles. It’s been a struggle, but in the last decade the plan has escalated. The social engineers have never been shy about documenting their plans in books and whitepapers, but now it’s blatant. 

Why? Because there are no stable cultures to push back. The only one unified force that seems to be pushing back is Islam. Yet, Islam is one of the most powerful pieces on the chessboard for the Cabal. They know with it they can destabilize regions, and deliver powerful blows to Western societies. This is the point of the mass immigration into Europe caused by devastating wars in the Middle East, which were also caused by these people. 

Next up is getting under the skin and in our minds with the transhuman agenda. Yes, body modification and mutilation is part of it, but not everybody is going to go for that. But, brain chips, nuerolink, virtual reality, 24-7 online lifestyles. These will have the power to brainwash people. 

But, the elites ushering in this nightmare sold as a technological utopia with universal basic income, and the chance to plug in to the universal hive mind and know everything, will have all the power in the one world order. 

One government. Global citizens. Total intrusion into our lives. We will own nothing. We will eat the bugs. We will respect mother earth and not leave our pods. 

We will solve climate change and overpopulation with these drastic measures. Thanks to the technocratic overlords and their infinite wisdom powered by the machine of loving grace.

And that will be the religion of the future. Of course, if everything goes to plan, the psychos will have killed 90% of the population, so not all of us will be so lucky to experience the beast system come to fruition.

As far as the coming religion it will be an easy sell. People are completely unmoored from any stabilizing force in their lives. Church is gone. In person communication reduced. Sexuality is aberrant. You shouldn’t have kids so do kinky stuff where that isn’t a risk. 

You shouldn’t eat meat, so eat highly processed, toxic, soy garbage instead. Oh, and don’t slack on getting your jab jab jabs. You saw the power the governments wielded with COVID. That was just a test run for tyranny. And the next one will be even worse. 

Of course, people will turn to whatever “religion” is on offer at that point. Since the 60s we’ve been hammered with Eastern mysticism religions that breakdown the self and encourage you to meld into the collective consciousness. Buddhism, Transcendental Meditation, isolation tanks, hallucinogens, Goddess worship, witchcraft, and nature religions. Give up yourself. Give up your rights. 

Meld into the oneness. And soon plugin to the everloving, omniscient Matrix. The AI has collected all the wisdom of the ages. It has synthesized all knowledge and knows exactly what is good for you, and good for the planet. It is the all-knowing one created by man, and infused with life by ….

The evil one.



The Beast System’s AI Religion Exposed

 I want to talk about the plan that is now rolling out that’s been there for 100 years. I want to talk about some of the things that were predicted many decades ago that have already come to pass, proving that it is a plan. And then what are the ways that we can oppose it? And also the elements of the religion that I see developing, the new emerging religion that I think will incorporate AI. In fact, you know, H.G. Wells wrote a book called God the Invisible King and he said that in the coming technocratic age, they know that they would have to replace the existing world religions, particularly the biblical tradition, with a new world religion.

So this has been in the works for many, many years. They’ve been tweaking, they’ve been studying. One of the key documents that covers this that I’m gonna be covering in the near future is the Stanford Research document, Changing Images of Man that came out in concert with a lot of Tavistock researchers on how to tweak and change the Western mind to get it away from topics like liberty, self-sufficiency, sovereignty, again, rule of law, constitutional government. All of that needs to be chunked out the window. They know they can’t do it right away. So what they do is an incremental slow kill, slow approach Fabian model. And one of the first things that’s mentioned in their plans is the getting rid of, for example, the middle class. So the middle class is kind of a bulwark to having a feudal system. We know they wanna bring back a neo-feudal system or the middle ages idea of the land, the gentry, and the peasants living on the land of gentry’s land. Serving the gentry, this will be reorganized to be the tech elite, the billionaire class as the new feudal lords. And then the 1 billion or so people that are allowed to live for a time after they’ve gotten rid of about 7 billion. Those will be sort of the peasant class that helped to run the technocratic world government. So the first thing is that there needs to be mass depopulation, as we said, this is intended to occur between 2030, 2040, 2050. Those are the goals, doesn’t necessarily mean they will absolutely get it. It might take them longer but that’s where they want to go. And with this new feudal system that they want to bring in. One of the key elements that they have to have which was discussed- a hundred years ago is a kind of. Socialistic universal basic income. Again this is discussed you know by she Wells in the twenties and thirties virtual Russell in twenties and thirties Bertrand Russell in twenties and thirties. 

And it’s now discussed openly by the tech lead we just had another one of these- world economic forum whistleblowers professor burner. He just did a talk this video is going all over Twitter. Where he said yes when I was at W. F. in two thousand four we were discussing at that time in two thousand four. The means by which the population of the world could potentially be When I was at WEF in 2004, we were discussing at that time in 2004, the means by which the population of the world could potentially be microchipped for the purpose of tracking and tracing every one of their interactions, controlling, surveilling, and really limiting. So it has nothing to do with really creating some kind of a utopia. It has to do with control and management of the human population. So universal basic income is one of the key elements of their plan. And again, Dr. John Coleman, when he wrote his book in 1992, he talked about every stage of this plan that’s rolling out right now. Now, he was writing as a, he claimed to be a former British intelligence operative. 

It seems like a lot of his information has borne out. And so he’s probably telling the truth. He talks about, along with the universal basic income, would be the eventual removal of and banning of guns. And we’re seeing, of course, in the last several years, especially since the Obama administration, limiting purchasing of ammo, trying to get rid of ammo companies, gun companies. But also new laws that intend to limit and restrict what you can even do with your guns, right? Putting bump stocks on and all this kind of stuff, and charging people outrageous fines for minor modifications of firearms. All of that really is not about the fines, but actually it’s about more and more control and eventually getting rid of guns. This is one of the, I mean, if you look at the United Nations, don’t they have, I think, a statue out front with a gun? And the gun is all wrapped up in a circle because it’s intended to get rid of war, right? So all to get rid of warfare, right, we have to have disarmament of the public, again, going along with the getting rid of the middle class. And a lot of what we’ve seen in the last few years, these operations of the public. Again going along with the getting rid of the middle class. And a lot of what we’ve seen the last few years these operations of. 

The COVID psyop of billionaires making all this money out of the whole three year scam of COVID. That was a lot of wealth transfer and a putting out a lot of- middle class businesses. Also the last several decades of sending all of our industry overseas by design by the way it’s not just a battle between big government and corporations that want to avoid taxes, that’s one level of it. But there’s also a long term plan to deindustrialize the West. Most people don’t recognize this. Very few people understand that this is done by design. And at the same time as you deindustrialize, you also destroy the existing population with completely open borders, more and more levels of high-risk And at the same time as you deindustrialize, you also destroy the existing population with completely open borders, more and more levels of high level of taxation on the middle class, not taxation on the 0.01%. 

But taxes that are really intended to undermine, destroy the economy, to weaken the economy, and then to overload it, clouded impotence style with the importation of refugees, migrants, illegal immigration. This model of reorganizing society, as we said, needs a new religion to go along with it. I’m more and more thinking now that they’re speaking openly about this that some form of AI will definitely play into their emerging world religion. So we’ll talk more about that in a little bit. But some of the other things that have to be ended is anything that you have as a heritage, a tradition, a family, the notion of the family itself, all of that has to be done away because those are also firewalls against the tyranny of some external force, whether it’s the federal government, whether it’s some international future world government, to have a family, to have a nation state, to have this kind of state system is a way to have the decentralization of power. The complete centralization of power, especially under the corporate bank and tech elite is what is emerging as this new world government this new- international order. Has centered in places like Davos. 

As you know centered in places like DC New York London and now it appears even entities like the Vatican are coming fully on board with. This emerging world structure so again in order to have this emerging world structure. So again, in order to have this future world state, we need to have a lot of conflicts and a lot of division and a lot of chaos on the way to justify. Aha, you see, it is people wanting to have nation states. It is people wanting to have a family, to have private property, to have their own rights, to have borders and walls. Those are the things that caused the wars of the past. And all we have to do is to sign on to understanding that we’re all global citizens, we’re all just humans. But of course, being a human has no real meaning or identity anymore because we’ve been degraded into believing that we’re really just animals and monkeys anyway. So just being a human will actually be subordinated real meaning or identity anymore because we’ve been degraded into believing that we’re really just animals and monkeys anyway. So just being a human will actually be subordinated to the emerging Android class and the AI class who will eventually be given rights. You’ll notice a lot of the TV shows, a lot of predictive programming about the sci-fi that deals with bots and people, you know, humans, these TV shows like this, AMC’s humans, or even Spielberg’s AI. 

The AI are pictured as the ones that are persecuted by the evil, flawed humans. So it’s actually the AI that will be the future versus the humans that will be depopulated, Skynet style, right? So in order to get rid of the family, one of the key things that occurs is the targeting of gender itself. You gotta target the biology of the beings that make up the marital family unit, male and female, and obviously that’s going on. And really the only way to understand in a totality picture all the stuff that’s been happening, all the things that have been going on, especially in the last decade. I mean, things have just gotten insane in the last decade, far more insane than they were the prior decade. I mean, they were pretty crazy the prior decade, but the last decade, especially 2015, 2016, after that, when you had the public declaration that a man is the woman of the year, that was really, I think, a big turning point in the culture and in culture wars, because we started getting not just, um, you know, the pushing for some sort of agenda, but the actual mass acceptance, not by everybody, but by many, many people of complete delusion, things that are completely, objectively knowingly false. 

Right. And once you’ve gotten to that territory, are completely objectively knowingly false, right? And once you’ve gotten to that territory, it’s very dangerous because now you kind of have a brainwashed gigantic cult. But that’s exactly what this system is trying to create, a giant brainwashed hive mind board cult. And to do that, you’ve got to get rid of the things that might stand in the way of melding into that new reality, that new identity, that new cult. And the things that stand in the way of that would be things like family, tradition, heritage, morals, church, these kinds of things, all of those things, and even the history of your nation state, right? Those are in the way of the emerging global order that they want to bring into place. And so from this vantage point of the technocratic elite, everything is seen as a potential tool on the chessboard. So for example, what are the types of religious ideologies that we might want to promote if we want to get people in those family tradition centered ideas? If we want to get them into a more unified globalistic approach to the world, we want to push any kind of philosophy or religion that promotes the breakdown of individual identity. the breakdown of the family, and thus collectivist religious ideologies. So we’re going to promote things like Confucianism, Buddhism, we’re going to promote things like other forms of Eastern philosophy that are all about collective identity and sacrifice the identity of the individual. 

So we’re gonna promote other things like goddess worship, witchcraft, nature religions, because the idea here is that, oh, we’re all just manifestations of nature. We return to nature, therefore we all need to kind of give over our self-sovereignty and our rights to the idea of the goddess of nature, of Gaia, Mother Earth, right? We’re harming Mother Earth by our very existence by having too many human beings. So you see that the goddess witchcraft stuff, which by the way, what’s another, I mean, if you look at the stats on what religion are Gen Z identifying with, it’s like witchcraft is exploding. One of the reasons for that is that there’s all these witches on TikTok. And so this is really getting to, you know, people like 20 and under. And even if they don’t remain within witchcraft up into their 30s and 40s, they’re being primed for an attitude which makes them not want to pair up and to have offspring. And so that’s the real ultimate goal of all this. It isn’t even really in terms of getting somebody the freedom to practice witchcraft or getting this right past or whatever. 

The real goal is to just make sure that people don’t pair bond and have offspring. And 100 years ago, 150 years ago, the eugenicists that were talking about the promotion of all these ideas actually said that. They actually said anything that works to make sure that people don’t have families, don’t have offspring, that’s useful for us as the West is flooded with people that are, for example, Islamic and do have offspring and do not believe in those ideas. And that’s done on purpose as a strategy of tension model to disrupt the existing societies. But keep in mind, that doesn’t mean that the elites are necessarily pro-Islam. The global technocrats just see these as chess pieces. Islam is just as much a chess piece on the global chessboard as is witchcraft, Wicca, Satanism, or any of these emerging and growing in popularity types of religions. So when we have the breakdown of all of these individual identities, individual sovereignty, the family, and then out of the family you have the local city, community, the nations, all of that has to break down and destroy the existing structure and thus eventually the ending of marriage itself. And why would I say that? I mean, you know, we already see fewer and fewer people getting married.

Well, marriage is tied to a religious idea. It’s an idea that ultimately has its roots in what you read about in Genesis between Adam and Eve. So if you don’t believe in Western religion, the Bible, you know, Genesis, whatever, then there’s not really much use for marriage. I mean, it’s just sort of this kind of public spectacle ritual that we go through. I said benefits women with a certain law, the way the laws are now. So there may be some social benefits. There’s not a whole lot of reason or significance behind it in any kind of religious historical context because everything that it’s grounded in and from what it emerges from has been destroyed. It’s not seen as a religious covenant, as a sacrament as it used to be. And so according to Dr. John Coleman’s thesis, he actually argues that eventually marriage will be banned because it’s actually tied to religious institutions and religions will eventually be banned except for the global religion, probably tied to something like the AI tech type B system. And he argues this on page 162 of his Committee of 300 book. 

He says that they might even try to push in if they can get it through eventually, a one child policy or a no child policy, right? Some form of sterilization for the masses. We know that this has been discussed by many of the lead that maybe when we have the smart cities, if you want to live in the smart city and get the UBI. Maybe you need to sign on to being sterilized and a lot of people will go along with that because- they think they’re- becoming free and then this is part of their liberty. But in fact they’re actually just buying into this agenda to make sure that. You don’t have any offspring going into the future and only a select genetic choice of people will have a future offspring. The other thing that Dr. Coleman talks about that we just talked about last week was the intentional promotion and explosion of drug use along with the occult. Not every occultist is involved in hardcore drug use. Not every drug user is an occultist, I’m not saying that. But he’s saying that from the vantage point of people that wrote things like Changing Images of Man, people at Tavistock, people like Huxleys, Tim Leary, all these people that were pushing the drug revolution in the 1960s. 

They also talked about the mass alteration in how society views drugs, so that you could have the mass proliferation of drugs. And that could either be in the form of illegal drugs in the black market or the legalization of drugs on a mass level through big pharma. Really doesn’t matter, can go either way. It’s a pressure from above, pressure from below situation where on the one hand, you can go on the street and buy these horrible drugs, fentanyl one hand, you can go on the street and buy these horrible drugs, fentanyl, crisis, all this kind of stuff that’s out there, but at the same time, which is supposedly bad, which I agree is bad, but at the same time, the tech, the big corporations, big pharma, actually push equally bad things from the top down in terms of their mass scams that we’ve just seen in the last three years with everybody going through the COVID nonsense. 

So we see a lot of these plans that people think are just organic culture war. No, they’re actually studied by technocratic elites for the purpose of social engineering and changing society, changing images of man. Not just how we view each other, but how man views everything. This is the Alex Jones Show, don’t go anywhere, we’ll return with more of the Elite Plan. 

We’re talking about the strategies and the plans that the technocratic elite, Tavistock, Stanford Research Institute have strategized out over the last several decades going back to World War II and afterwards into the Cold War, figuring out the different ways to tweak people’s worldviews, to tweak their attitudes, their perceptions, to do what Kissinger called perception management, to control perception of events, and not just perception of events, but how we view each other and how we view ourselves in this world. And that’s really what changing images of man is about, is actually to change man’s image of man, change man’s images of himself and of the world, and to do what the global elite wrote about in their first global revolution book to condition man to think that man is the problem, population is a problem, humans are the problem. This is precisely why the climate agenda has been hammered so hard from these elites, from the Fortune 100, Fortune 500, all the same people pushing all the same stuff have one plan. And it’s very clear, it’s very consistent, it’s all in your face. In fact, don’t worry, from the Fortune 100, Fortune 500, all the same people pushing all the same stuff have one plan. And it’s very clear, it’s very consistent, it’s all in your face. In fact, Dr. Coleman said in 1992 that, for example, in the near future, you will see the option to have euthanasia. What do we see already rolled out now in Canada and in other places, I think in Europe, the option to now have euthanasia. other places, I think in Europe, the option to now have euthanasia? Now, people might think, well, but that’s what people want. If they want to die, that’s their freedom. No, no, this is being rolled out as a plan, as part of an overall strategy to get everybody into the same ideas of adopting just basically eugenics all over again, except it’s not called that anymore. It’s disgenics, and it’s a way to convince people that because humans are the problems, humans then need to will their own, you know, the death or to be opposed to having more humans, to having children, right? 

Children are hurting the planet. That’s what we’ve been hearing over and over and over for the last 30 years. That’s what we’ve been hearing over and over and over for the last 30 years. That’s why everything is subject to change in this fourth industrial revolution. The great reset is really just this. It is the bringing in of the austerity feudal order, the bringing in of a total technocratic AI controlled order, and the destruction of you. That’s it. The banning of meat in the C40 planned cities that they’ve already talked about, the banning of cars they’re already talking about. That’s so that you can’t have travel and commerce. 15 minute cities getting rid of cars, right? Again, getting you locked into staying where you are, ultimately to alienate you, to make you no longer connected to other individuals. We saw that was a big part of the sign up of the last three years, social distancing, don’t look at the sun, don’t talk to people, right? 

All this ridiculous stuff that we were told that many people went along with because they capitulated, they were so weak-willed that they worshipped the establishment and the system because they had put their trust in it. Remember, you’re not gonna eat meat, you’re not gonna have what you want, you’re gonna eat bugs. In fact, Dr. John Coleman said that in the future, they will ban meat and make you eat rationed fake foods. And Dr. Coleman knew that because Bertrand Russell had said that back in the 1930s, as we’ve covered many, many times. 15 minute cities, banning of meat, banning of travel, getting rid of freedom of commerce, all of the social controls that they wanna have via the systems coming in of tracking and tracing. It’s also there to make sure that you don’t violate the new ethic. You know, in Klaus’s book, he said, it’s not just time to have a great reset in a completely different order, it’s actually time to have a new ethic, a new right and wrong. And that new right and wrong will be the new right and wrong of the global elites that you don’t say things against the system, you don’t have free speech, you don’t speak against anything that is actually the case, you must go along with the narratives. And so a lot of what they’re doing, I think with the last several years of, oh, you have to put this flag in your profile and if you don’t go along, you’re a bad person. Now put the Black Lives Matter flag, now put the Ukraine flag in your bio, now put this flag in your bio, if you don’t, you’re a bad person. 

So all of this is entrainment, right? It’s getting you patterned into the new order and operating as a good global citizen. The anti-family agenda is thus tied to the mass promotion of the wildest, craziest, nastiest forms of aberrant sexuality, right? That ultimately is about getting rid of the family. That ultimately is about breaking down and debasing society. And if you don’t think that exists, just look at the fact that in warfare, armies study the ability to debase the opposition. How do we demoralize the opposition? And demoralization can come about in a lot of different ways. One of the ways that you can demoralize the opposition is to demoralize the population. So you might beam into that society a bunch of degenerate artwork, or TV shows, Hollywood, you know, pornography, who knows, right? They completely change that existing order. That’s part of culture war, and culture war is part of soft power, which is part of warfare. And you better believe that the nanny state, the daddy state, sees its target population as subject to precisely this kind of warfare. 

And again, this is all already stated, not just in old documents like the first global revolution of the Club of Rome, and all the environmental nonsense, the climate scam, all of that is part of the same stuff, right? We saw it in public meetings with Bush at the Agenda 21, the Rio Treaty, right? They tried to get everybody on the Kyoto Protocols. We see the UN Biodiversity Pact. We see the Wildlands Agenda, all of these different agendas which have come out, They try to get everybody on the Kyoto protocols. We see the UN Biodiversity Pact. We see the Wildlands Agenda. All of these different agendas which have come out over and over and over since the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. It’s all tied to the same strategies and plans, for example, that Kissinger tried to push Global 2000 under Carter. The same stuff was pushed under Nixon by Kissinger, State Department Memorandum 200. All these different strategies and reports were put out about how we’ve got to stop growth to have ultimately ZPG, zero population growth, and ZG, zero growth. So all of these papers were coming out consistently in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s. 

Again, Changing Images of Man is just another one of these. You understand that all of these are public documents. They’re white papers, studies that have been out there for decades. And even though some people say, oh, well, they didn’t really adopt Global 2000 because Carter wasn’t in office anymore, and then it was Reagan. I said, do you think that it wasn’t the same strategies? What do you think, Reagan runs things? No, it was Krasinski and Kissinger still running the show in the background all the way up until now. And I mean, even Kissinger’s came out a few days ago and admitted that as if he didn’t know this, it’s kind of silly people, oh, he admitted it. He admitted it. Like he didn’t know that mass immigration would destroy Germany. He knew that. He knew this 50, 60, 70 years ago when he was writing his dissertation on civilization studies. Right. I’ve read one of his, I think he wrote his, maybe his master’s on Spengler. And he talked about, he was doing civilization studies when he was a young man. So he didn’t just figure out at age 300 or whatever he is, that mass open borders, maybe it damages the society. Wow, it took me 100 years to figure that out. No, he knew that a long time ago. This is all a plan. And people in NATO were already talking about the same plan a long time ago. This is all a plan. And people in NATO were already talking about the same plan a long time ago.

Eleanor Leonard said it’s time to destroy Europe and the people groups. Count Kutunov-Kalergi publicly said that and it’s a quickly talks about it’s not a conspiracy theory quickly talks about the Kalergi plan. That it was adopted by the EU socialists. Now, by the old EU socialists. Now, the EU socialists though, they were all organized by Hitler and Tiny Mustache Man, or well, I guess Hitler is Tiny Mustache Man. No, actually the EU was not organized by Hitler. There was a plan that Hitler had for a unified Europe, but actually it was organized by the OSS. And the Europe project run by the OSS, And there’s an entire book that we’ve covered on that, the Ratu book on the Milner Fabian Conspiracy. Now, it was the OSS and the CIA that really restructured and set up the plan for the EU, which is really was set up as a control mechanism of the American deep state. And it really is just the people that run America. It’s the same people that run the UK, that also run the EU and NATO. And that’s why the NATO leaders have said for many decades, we got to get rid of the European peoples. We got to do this via Islam as a great tool. Islam is the best tool for doing that in Europe, as well as all this atheism and culture war, and destroying the faith of that people group. This is the best tool for doing that in Europe, as well as all this atheism and culture war, and destroying the faith of that people group. This is the Alex Jones Show, don’t go anywhere. We’re going to come back with the secrets of the religion of the emerging world order. 

we’re covering the plan of the technocratic elite emerging and unfolding, especially in the last few decades. And now I wanna kind of come to the apex of what that plan is in terms of the religion of the future. And that’s actually the terminology that a lot of these elites are using is, what is the religion of the future? What will it be? How might we tool and create this kind of future religion? If you think about Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, which I read many years ago, he has an interesting element in there. And I think he kind of knew a lot of these elite plans in terms of what he wrote into his fiction. He had a future society that’s a sort of space empire run by a Google supercomputer. He doesn’t call it that, but that’s basically what it is. And one of the things that that supercomputer was able to do is track mass movements via tracking algorithms. And it would give projected possibilities of where things might go in the future. And for Asimov in that fiction series, he knew that the public typically wouldn’t be able to really believe in this or understand this. So they created a fake religion that had fake miracles and stuff around this priest class of science elite. So they had a scientism religion basically that the public believed in that was really just a bunch of technocratic science elite that ran this supercomputer. 

And I think that that’s, again, very predictive, prophetic for probably where things are going when we see people like, you know, Noah Yuval Harari in his book that, you know, discusses the brief history of tomorrow. It’s very reminiscent of another one of the Global Elite Tech’s brief history of the future by Jacques Attali. They’re both basically saying very similar things here. And when we read their books, we find similar patterns. We notice, for example, that the text by Harari, he says that we gotta look to ancient societies and ancient civilizations, and if we look at those ancient societies and civilizations, we can see how they evolve through various revolutions. And so today’s revolution is just another kind of revolution where we’re gonna have a new society emerging that could be completely created by scratch, from scratch, much like we saw in the French Revolution, right, where societies have these turning points, these shocks in the system that really switch everything over to a new turning point. We’ve done in my Global Elite Lecture series, Fritjof Capra’s book, Turning Point, which is arguing something very similar. So there’s these crises that occur that shock the civilization into a new revolution, a new system, a new way of being. And when Klaus wrote the fourth Industrial Revolution, he was saying the exact same thing as his confidant Harari and as their BFF Jacques Attali. Of course, Attali, as you know, is the Kissinger of France. Kissinger wrote the blurb for the Jacques Attali book in 2006 but I bring it up because Attali says that, you wanna understand what we’re up to, understand that the transhumanists are vanguard of the revolution, he says. 

They are the tip of the spear for hyper-democracy, he says. And what is hyper-democracy? Well, that’s just the radical egalitarianism that will bring about the future collectivism that will emerge out of the capitalist order that we’re presently in. The monopoly corporate capitalist order will eventually give way to what Marilyn Ferguson wrote about in her book, which is known as the Aquarian Conspiracy, but it’s not a conspiracy, but it’s actually, according to Dr. Coleman, a Tavistock SRI produced book about how we will transition into the future, right? The so-called Aquarian Age, which will be an age organized around not individual rights or ethics, but the common good, a collectivist ethic that Klaus said would be the new ethic, the ethic of stakeholder capitalism, inclusive capitalism, not the capitalism of profits, but the new socialist capitalism of you submitting to the collective good. Well, who decides what that is?

 Oh, well, Clausen company, of course, right? Atali said that there would be eventually a few thousand megacities underneath continental unions. And in these megacities with continental unions, he says there will be one kind of central super tech control system known as the global brain. Everybody would be linked into the global brain through what he calls the collective golem. That’s his terminology. It’s not mine, it’s what he says it is on page 273 of his book. The collective golem is the many individuals throughout the world surrendering their individual identity to be part of the global brain, his terminology. When you’re in this universal intelligence, he says, history will then arrive at a collective universality. So we won’t be individuals anymore, we’ll all have a collective universality, which will make up this AI supercomputer. So in other words, joining into the future AI supercomputer with its deep, you know, consciousness AI or whatever they’re gonna say it is, that’s exactly what Harari is talking about in his book. He’s saying that that is the religion of the future because it will allow people to directly experience this quasi-omniscience. Now, you don’t, you’re not gonna get omniscience, you’re not gonna, and the AI won’t be omniscient. It’ll be this kind of like pale imitation of omniscience where maybe you can ask the great AI, Oz, what’s happening in China right now? What’s happening on the other side of the planet? And it’ll know, right? 

Because it’s tied into this giant AI. And so, into this, you know, cameras everywhere and so forth. So the idea then is that people will kind of give their obeisance, they’ll surrender themselves to this and link into this, and it will become for them in a very real way, a religious experience. I think that’s very likely, that’s very possible as a potential contender for the future world religion. I don’t know for sure, they may try to tie in alien nonsense and the AI. Maybe aliens secretly actually gave us AI tech and it’s an emerging God that’s going to attain omniscience. They might create some mythology. In fact, Harari says that the Bible and the religious books of the world, they’re all written by men. We’re all going to just believe in a book written by AI. Because why would you believe in a book written by one guy or 10 guys or 20 guys? It’s still going to be a fallible, limited book. Ah, but you see a book written by AI because it can read all the books in the world. It can give you this synthesized perfect, but what else? I mean, there’s a lot of fallacies in that, first of all. Just because something’s mushed together, doesn’t make it the right book or the better book. 

Maybe there’s a bunch of errors mushed together, you see. So it’s just based on kind of fallacies. Same idea of AI and art, right? Oh, well, it’s AI’s art superior because it’s smushing together all the other art. Well, that doesn’t make it better just because it’s smushing a bunch of things together. But regardless, I think there is a real potentiality for this org assimilation hive mind as a kind of AI mimicking reality or mimicking divinity as a real potential contender for a replacement religion. And I’ve thought that for many years as a possibility, and it’s very helpful to have Noah Yuval Harari basically saying that for us. So he’s thinking the same thing. He basically says, you know, the AI will be a kind of God figure, a kind of avatar. And you could see why so many people would fall for this, right? I don’t, I’m not saying that Revelation when it says that the beast, you know, gave its power to the image and the image spoke. I mean, that could be a reference to AI. I don’t know. I don’t pretend to have any knowledge of that. But it is in the book of Revelation, talking about a principle behind ideology. Idolatry is basically ascribing to created things divine powers and properties. So to say that this totem pole or this little idol over here is God, and it has magical powers or something like this, that is what idolatry is, right, the false, because it’s a lie, right? 

The prophets say to say that this or that thing is God is a lie, and so an idol is a lie. But what more powerful idol could there be than the AI passing itself off as this sort of pseudo divinity, and one of my friends was saying on a live stream last night, if you go to my channel, you can watch the live stream we just did. We went really deep into this topic on the religion of the future and being AI. And some of the philosophers that are out there are proposing that AI can be what they call a silicon sage that will, in the future, will be listening to AI as this sort of embodied pseudo divinity, this pseudo sage. Maybe it’ll be walking around with a robot Jesus or something walking around. I’m not joking either, I’m not being blasphemous, I’m being serious. Like a robot Jesus walking around and blessing people like you see in THX 1138. If you go watch the movie of Robert DeVall, he confesses in a confessional to a robot Jesus, which returns to him blessings of the state, blessings of the masses, right? Go watch that because that’s what we’re talking about here. THX 1138. My name is Jay Dyer, this is the Alex Jones Show. If you wanna support my work, you can go to my website, You can get the excellent books over there in the shop, signed copies of my philosophy books, meta-narratives, my Hollywood books in the shop, my other books as well. Subscribe to my work. Also support Alex in the InfoWars store. 

Luke Goodwin

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