Jay Dyer 4th Hour

Are You Ready for the New Age Utopia as Fritjof Capra Describes in His Book The Turning Point?

In this examination of Fritjof Capra’s The Turning Point, Jay Dyer goes through a litany of revelations on the 4th Hour of the Alex Jones show.

Fritjof was one of many writers documenting the plans of the Cabal, giving us clues of where we’re headed in their diabolical hands. 

The author repeats many of the same talking points as the other globalists that Dyer has read over the years. Ironic, because they say reality is flux and change, but they’ve been ironically consistent in the methods and means with which these social engineers are conspiring to tear down the existing world structure to build up a new one that they fully control.

Here’s a sampling of the insights:

  • Change agents are at the corporate level as well as the more commonly believed grassroots. And groups like Extinction Rebellion, PETA, and vegan movements are not organic at all.
  • Humans are just cells that live on Mother Gaia.
  • These social engineers are alchemists at heart, dissolving and breaking down society to resurrect it fully new and to their exact specifications.
  • We must always have change. Do they ever consider that change can make things worse. They need periods of crisis. Crisis leads to transformation. Crises are either fabrications or created by the elites themselves. Nuclear war. Climate change. Covid. Etc.
  • Sometimes they identify legitimate problems, like the Military Industrial Complex is a frightful power, but they don’t tell it was their work to build it into the monolith it is today.
  • A lot of the blame is laid on the general populace by these elites. We should feel bad for destroying our world with pollution, but the biggest polluters on earth are the corporations and vast militaries that they created. The leverage this guilt to make us think humans are bad, and there should be considerably fewer of us inhabiting gaia.
  • We are seeing scientism, which has done tremendous damage to our planet and the psyche of the people give way to a new age spirituality, which will carry us into a new age. It’s a Burning Man mix of drugs, eco worship, and Eastern philosophies and mysticism to drive us into neo paganism where we are all one and pliable, so that we’ll meekly slip into a collectivist oligarchic model.

Link: https://www.banned.video/watch?id=6471419f68e61792de6e34d8

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Jay Dyer Breaks Down Globalist Climate Change Propaganda in ‘The Turning Point

Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show. I’m your guest host Jay Dyer, Jay’s analysis. We’re covering Fritjof Capra book, The Turning Point, Science, Society and Culture. And what does he mean by turning point? What does he mean by this juncture where everything now can shift away from the era of the enlightenment and individualism into a new reconstructed collectivism. It’s like an alchemy, you have the process of dissolving and breaking down and you have the phase of then re-coagulating and bringing it back into a new whole. That’s essentially what he’s talking about and he actually goes into citing some of the mystical Eastern texts. He cites the I Ching and he says that this time of decay of the last several centuries of male phallic dominance and colonialism and this kind of stuff, this will go away because now we’re at the turning point. 

He’s appropriating the quote I’m saying to mean this, where there will be a new movement. This new movement will arise spontaneously, naturally, resulting in the transformation of the old. Change, hope and change. Change, change, resulting in the transformation of the old. Change, hope and change. Change, change, change, transformation, turning point, change. Always slogan, slogan, slogan. Never any real clear analysis of, is it always good to change? There’s the assumption that change itself is good. Well, can’t we change for the worse? Why is change itself necessarily a good thing? And he says, well, let’s explain why things are changing and what direction we’re going. And he begins the book by saying that we’re in a period of crisis, and crisis leads to transformation. And the crisis is always the crisis that the global elite have either fostered, invented, or have made up. The crisis is overpopulation. The crisis is nukes, nuclear war. The crisis is the environment being destroyed, the A-bomb. 

But at the same time, when you read Burson Russell, for example, he says, he takes credit. The elite, the elite invented all these things. We created all these things. We’re so smart. And by the way, you’re guilty. It’s your fault that we have these world destroying weapons and dangerous to the environment. So we got to get rid of everybody. That’s the that’s the logic here. Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones show. I’m your guest host, Jay Dyer. And thank you to Owen there, who did a great week hosting this week. And I wanna also mention that we’ll be doing a live event in Franklin, Tennessee, which is right outside of Nashville. 

So basically Nashville, Tennessee, June 3rd and 4th. And Owen will be there, Harrison Smith will be there, as well as a host of other prominent individuals, speakers, activists, artists, musicians, Jimmy Levy will be there. And so you can get the tickets over, if you go to my website, you can see the links there for the Rebels for Cause event. Today we’re gonna talk about another one of these big old dusty boring global elite tomes that I actually went and read so that you don’t have to. So this is what I do is I help you out and do your homework for you. And you get a global education by the global elite for globalist purposes. Well, not for globalist purposes, I said that wrong. You get a free in the writings of the global elite at an international globalist level for anti-globalist people. Frido Koppra is important because he’s one of the green guys, right? He’s a big promoter of the green agenda, the climate stuff, and getting back to so-called indigenous earth religions, indigenous attitudes towards living in harmony with nature, this kind of stuff, all of which kind of sounds neat on the surface, but actually is promoted by a corporate agenda. Now, a corporate agenda is the agenda that we have been seeing rolled out, not just in terms of the Great Reset, but for decades going back to the 1970s and 80s with the push by the first global revolution book by the Club of Rome, which is pushing austerity, pushing this whole idea of a great reset model, even before the great reset. We need to return to some kind of quasi-primitivist, archaic revival situation where we no longer have private property, we no longer rely on fossil fuels. 

Of course, fossil fuels is, I mean, that relies on the idea that oil is crushed up dinosaur bones, which is a ridiculous theory in my view. I don’t know what oil is, but I don’t believe it’s fossils, that’s ridiculous. Whatever it is, it’s actually something that comes from the earth. I don’t know if you know that, but it’s not a completely toxic creation that was masterminded by oil companies to destroy the planet. Now, obviously a lot of the giant oil corporations, Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, these kinds of things, they are globalist entities, Standard Oil, Rockefellers, and all that. So that’s definitely part of the power structure. But one thing you have to understand is that a lot of the so-called environmental movements, the push for radical eco-agendas, But one thing you have to understand is that a lot of the so-called environmental movements, the push for radical eco-agendas, they’re actually funded by giant oil conglomerates and energy corporations. Did you know that? Did you think that all of the astroturfed protesting, the Extinction Rebellion, the PETA, all these kinds of vegan movements, they’re not organic movements. 

They’re movements fostered and foisted upon us by the Fortune 100, Fortune 500. And for many years, I got a lot of flack for criticizing corporatism and the Fortune 100, Fortune 500. So I was making this criticism back in the early 2000s because it was obvious to me that a lot of this agenda is not being pushed by ground level commies. They’re just one angle, one element of this system. A lot of this agenda is being pushed by the Fortune 100. And I remember in the 90s, in the early 2000s, it was a big deal when certain giant corporations were beginning to push the Skittles agenda. And it was evident back then that there’s something coordinated with this. It’s not just organic movements of low-level activists. They play a role, right? But there’s also pressure from above. Pressure from above and pressure from below is actually part of the strategy of change, future shock, social engineering, right? This is what change agents engage in. And there’s change agents at the corporate level as well as at the groundswell level. But a lot of it is engineered. A lot of it is co-opted. And it’s all resting on a lot of propaganda that comes from certain ideological pushers, ideological figures. And Friedrich Hoppe is pushers, ideological figures. 

And Fritjof Capra is one of those key figures. And many, many years ago, in 1982, he wrote a book called The Turning Point. Turning Point is a book about the revolutions that were occurring in science, society, and culture. And he’s one of these key figures, again, I don’t remember exactly what his ideological background was but this was being pushed by all of the establishment in 1982 because this was a move away from Western oppressive structures, they said. And it’s very similar to another book that came out right around the same time that has the similar ideology that a lot of people point out was actually pushed by the Tavistock Institute and Stanford Research, and that is The Aquarian Conspiracy Book by Marilyn Ferguson. Now, these are not conspiracy texts, even though the book is titled The Aquarian Conspiracy, it’s not a conspiracy book. Dr. John Coleman argues, by the way, that it wasn’t really written by Marilyn Ferguson, but it was in fact written by Willis Harmon and the people that wrote Changing Images of Man, another one of these key white papers that set the stage, set the tone for the turning point. 

This era, post-70s, early 80s, where we would have radical transformation in society and in the corporate world. This is a book actually targeted at structures of society, CEOs, educators, board members, and how they can start to link up in new networks that can bring about this Aquarian age of change. One of the key texts beyond the Aquarian Conspiracy, as we said, is Fritjof Capra’s book. And when we look at what the philosophy of this text is, we’re gonna find out a lot of fascinating things. Now, the subtitle of the book, as we said, deals with science, society, and culture. But he wrote another book prior to this called The Tao of Physics. And in that book, he was interested in promoting, under the guise of the new physics, or quantum physics, he was interested in promoting the idea of Taoism, right? Now, I’m not critiquing Eastern philosophies in total. I’m sure there’s some really good insights. I’ve read some on Eastern philosophy. But you can immediately see that what the purpose that Capra has in co-opting Far Eastern philosophies is. He says that we need to look at Eastern philosophies because they’re holistic. They place everything in the context of the collective and those are gonna be a lot more useful for the future that we’re going into, which will be collectivist. So even though he’s not necessarily a communist or an outright Marxist, he’s a collectivist in the sense that in turning point he says, we’ve got to look at the way that other Eastern philosophies and systems like Taoism or Confucianism see everything as a wholeucianism, see everything as a whole. 

And if you see everything as a whole, this will diminish the idea of the particular, the individual, the one, the one in the many. In fact, he says, the best way to conceive of this is that you are a cell that exists in Mother Gaia. Mother Gaia, the Earth, is a living creature. You’re a cell in that living creature, and you’re kind of going to be recycled. And all of society, all of reality participates in this natural cycle, death, life, rebirth, and so forth, kind of a reincarnation type of idea, even though it’s not necessarily actual reincarnation. He just thinks that we kind of get recycled in this giant engine of Gaia or the universe or whatever. And he says that when we understand that, we can begin to move towards the ideas of a circular economy and being trained to accept recycling because it damages Mother Earth. He says this is the system’s view of life, and he actually cites one of the other global elite texts that we’ve referred to many times, Ghost in the Machine by Arthur Kessler. 

And Ghost in the Machine, as we said, was a book that deals with this whole idea of a systems view of life and philosophy where you’re just a cog in the wheel of nature. And since that’s your proper place, you need to abide by the rules of nature, which are that you as an individual are totally subject to the whole, to the collective. And the argument they make is, look at life forms, look at plants, look at the animal ecosystems. They all exist as a whole, a whole lawn, is what Kessler calls it. And by the way, Copra sites Kessler in many, many places. Thank you for fading me into Gaia there. She has two different colored pupils, interesting. Systems then are webs and networks, and we should view all of life as webs and networks. And so since you’re connected to a web and a network, you can’t be an individual, you’re going against the collective. And so that’s why Huxley and other figures said that we really have to get rid of this idea of any kind of individualism. Now I think there’s an extreme individualism that goes the opposite, which is bad, but we’ll explain that when we come back.

 Welcome back to The Doc’s Show, I’m your guest host, Jay Dyer, I’m Jason Alces. We’re covering Friedolf Kopperer’s book, The Turning Point, Science, Society, and Culture. And what does he mean by turning point? What does he mean by this juncture where everything now can shift away from the era of the enlightenment and individualism into a new reconstructed collectivism. Just like in alchemy you have the process of dissolving and breaking down, and you have the phase of then recoagulating and bringing it back into a new whole. That’s essentially what he’s talking about, and he actually goes into citing some of the mystical Eastern texts. He cites the I Ching, and he says that this time of decay of the last several centuries of male phallic dominance and colonialism and this kind of stuff, this will go away because now we’re at the turning point. 

He’s appropriating the quote, I’m saying, to mean this, where there will be a new movement. This new movement will arise spontaneously, naturally, resulting in the transformation of the old. Change, hope and change. Change, change, change, transformation, turning point, change. Always slogan, slogan, slogan. Never any real clear analysis of, is it always good to change? There’s the assumption that change itself is good. Well, can’t we change for the worse? Why is change itself necessarily a good thing? And he says, well, let’s explain why things are changing and what direction we’re going. And he begins the book by saying that we’re in a period of crisis, and crisis leads to transformation. And the crisis is always the crisis that the global elite have either fostered, invented, or have made up. The crisis is overpopulation. The crisis is nukes, nuclear war. The crisis is the environment being destroyed, the A-bomb. the environment being destroyed, the A-bomb. 

But at the same time, when you read Burton Russell, for example, he says, he takes credit, the elite invented all these things, we created all these things, we’re so smart. And by the way, you’re guilty, it’s your fault that we have these world destroying weapons and dangerous to the environment, so we got to get rid of everybody, that’s the logic here. Now he mentions a few things that are also again, actual dangers. weapons and dangerous to the environment. So we got to get rid of everybody. That’s the, that’s the logic here. Now he mentions a few things that are also again, actual dangers. He says that, for example, the military industrial complex has arisen as a frightful power. But do you not realize that the military industrial complex is actually behind the push for the Aquarian conspiracy? That’s who’s behind this. Stanford Research, Wallace Harmon, Changing Images of Man. Stanford Research is part of the establishment military industrial complex. He says, yeah, but the ecology, the systems of ecology are now destroyed by air pollution and global climate change. He says that look at GMOs, genetic modification. Well, who’s behind GMOs? It’s not the people that are behind GMOs, it’s gigantic multinational corporations like Monsanto, etc. But he’s saying that we are all collectively guilty because of these ridiculous mad science projects of the mad science elite that run the planet for the Fortune 100 and the international finance elite. He says that, look what just happened in the 1970s, we had an energy crisis. And we have that energy crisis because we’re on fossil fuels. And he says that another problem, the reason we’ve had this energy crisis, I kid you not, he says, is because of patriarchalism. Patriarchy, it just wants to rape nature, it just wants to oppress women. And if we just have more feminism and equality in society, we wouldn’t have the military industrial complex. I mean, this is just ridiculous. 

Then he goes on to cite actually something that vindicates what we were talking about with Dr. John Coleman was the references to civilizational patterns, Arnold Toynbee and Oswald Spengler. Now Toynbee was one of the Fabian socialists who talked about these civilizational patterns and he was a key figure at Wellington House, which was the propaganda outlet of the British Empire at the time of World War I. That would become, become eventually Tavistock. So we know that this is also then a Tavistock sourcing document, right? And he says, look at the patterns of civilizations, which I do think there are patterns for civilizations. 

The book of Daniel describes these patterns with the various empires. Spangler describes these patterns as a life cycle for civilizations. They have a birth, they have a rise, an apogee, and a death, a decline. And he cites these cycles of civilizations and even gives us diagrams, and this is all from Toynbee and Spengler models, right? Can you see that? Yeah. And he says, well see, we’re in one of those decline-collapse. And he says that because we’re in a decline-collapse, we can now create the new technocratic utopian style civilization. And he even says that we can look at civilization figures talking about this world order who preceded us, who understood the universal rhythms. He says Saint-Simon and Herbert Spencer and Hegel saw human civilization in these cultural evolutions and developments. But of course, Saint-Simon was an Illuminist, right? And he was actually a Jacobin-style hardcore socialist communist. Herbert Spencer, of course, one of the key promoters of evolutionary theory. Hegel, the philosopher who provided the dialectics for Marx. 

Marx flipped Hegel on his head. So you can see that he says, we got to follow these guys because their evolutionary philosophy, their metaphysics of evolution proves that everything has changed, everything is evolving. That’s also by the way, the philosophy of Marx, Lenin and Trotsky, right? The Marxist philosophy is everything in nature is in dialectical battle. And because nature and evolutionary philosophy show this, that Marxists would utilize survival of the fittest to prove this. And that somehow the species, for example, in the survival of the fittest model, it battles against nature, against death, against whatever, to produce the fitter members of the species for the good of the species. So it hints the collectivism you see. And so he says, as a result of this and the decline of patriarchy, it’s time for feminism. It’s time for Gaia to balance out things. This is so ridiculous. This is just propaganda. But now you’ll notice that this is the kind of person that’s cited as if this is a authoritative global figure, right? 

He’s kind of like a Jacques Attali or a great thinker of the elite. But all he’s doing is just putting out propaganda that says that, by the way, we just need no fuel, which by the way, we just need no fuel, which by the way, they’re shutting down. You understand that they’re shutting down cars and automobiles and having a car. Now, as part of this agenda written about in the 1980s as an austerity shutdown model, and the auspices are all fraudulent. Oh, it’s all bad for the earth. And how do we know that? Well, because of the experts, who’s the experts? This guy, the propagandists. So you’re just been propagandized. And he says, it’s time for a paradigm shift, future shock. Exactly what Toffler talks about. Again, Tavis talks of power shift, he says. 

Paradigm shift, future shock, all the same buzzwords because it’s all from the same people. Next, we’re gonna talk about the history of revolutions and how he ties in what Huxley says about the coming technocratic order, brave new world as the final revolution. He says the exact same thing. This is the Alex Jones Show, don’t go anywhere. 

Welcome back to the Alex Jones show. I’m your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay’s Analysis. We are analyzing the cycles of history based on Spangler and Toynbee that Fritjof Capra has mentioned in his book, Frito Capricorn has mentioned. And he talks about revolutions in history, particularly French Revolution, the revolutions of the 1800s, all the way up until today. And he says that what this has taught us is the faith in historical process, faith in revolution, because revolution reflects in the mind of the revolutionaries. They’re not just communists, there’s revolutionaries of all stripes. All revolutionaries serve the eventual outworking of the dialectical synthesis. He says that revolution is a reflection of progress and history moving towards its apex, towards its Omega point, towards its end goal. For example, Hegel said that history would eventually evolve into a kind of a transhumanist self-consciousness where all reality would kind of become God. And so being, which is stasis or fixity or immobility, is always in a battle with becoming and flux and change in the history of philosophy. But what he’s saying is that what we’ve learned is that no, in fact, reality itself is all pure change, pure flux, and so they’re really repeating the ancient philosophical systems that everything is flux, right, Heraclitus. And that’s why even the Marxists themselves, I think it’s either Lenin or Trotsky, would actually actually said, I’m just repeating the ancient philosophy of Heraclitus, which is that everything is in permanent, perpetual flux. In other words, nature itself is revolution, constant revolution. And thus, nothing is actually true, nothing is actually objective, nothing is actually certain, everything is subject to constant flux and change. And he says that this is dialectics, right? And dialectics is what Eastern philosophies were always teaching. 

And he says that’s why we have to look at the notion of Daoism, process and change in Daoism, because in Daoism everything is understood in this point, counterpoint, thesis, antithesis, right? Position, opposition,, position negation stance. Yin, yang, earth, heaven, moon, sun, night, day, black, white, winter, summer. These are dialectically seen as in opposition and in contrast and tension. Daoist philosophy, he says, is a philosophy of dialectics and thus it was easily, China, for example, easily accepted Marxism and Marxist dialectics because of the history that they had with, for example, Confucianism. Confucianism is also a dialectical position. We have this constant back and forth between yin and yang, the feminine versus the masculine, the contracting versus the expanding, growth versus contraction, conservation versus non-conservation or revolution, cooperation versus competition, synthesis versus analysis. And he says that all of this is constantly working out in history, all actions, all governments, everything towards a greater future union, a balance of union. 

He says, look at even the right and left brain, our hemispheres, you see. Then he goes back into history and he says that the history of Western philosophy was just really one position, one limited positing of a position that was true for that time. But in the greater whole, it needs to be now negated. All of Western civilization needs to be negated by its opposite. And by the way, Marxism believed the same thing. That is Marxism. So systems analysis tells us that because nature is a giant evolutionary survival of the fittest system, everything has to work out in the same praxis way. That’s why Marxists, for example, always engage in what they call praxis, which is activism, action. You have to take action. True Marxism is not sitting back and theorizing. 

You must take action to further the dialectic. Taking action is Marxism. He says social Darwinism is part of this, and so it’s not that the British Empire and its social Darwinian philosophy and all this kind of stuff was inherently evil. It was just a time-bound necessary dialectical phase which gives way to new phases. And he says this is a process that we are now moving into. He says that, let’s look at Newton. Newton gave us this notion of a mechanistic society, the Royal Society, Baconianism, scientism, all of that. That’s a very highly rational system, which now must give way to the new system. So basically everything now is, it’s basically Mother Earth manifesting as a living organism phases of her life cycle and development. And since we’ve had this dominance of the dialectical imbalance of masculinity for the past several centuries in Western civilization, it’s now time to capitulate to the dominance of the feminine, to balance things out. Right? Like the force type stuff. 

Luke, Luke, use the feminist side of the force, Luke. Luke, Luke, be cocked by the force. Right? This kind of a thing. cocked by the falls, right? This kind of a thing. Einstein, he says, was a Newton because now he unseated the previous models. I don’t know why my microphone, my microphone died for some reason. Okay, there we go. Are we back? So he says that Einstein unseated all this and gave us this return to a model where reality is purely relativistic. And relativistic physics is concomitant with relativistic views in everything else. Philosophy, ethics, social, cultural relativism, no culture is any better or any worse than any other. They’re all relative. You see, it all goes together with the new systems and the new models that have been introduced. And he says, all of these things are great because they’re actually leading us to the next phase. 

Out of Newtonianism and after Darwinism, we now have quantum physics, uncertainty, the double- double slit experiment, all this kind of stuff. And he says that all that is there to basically confirm far Eastern metaphysics of reality being basically illusory, that there’s no such thing as Aristotelian laws of, you know, the three laws, law of non-contradiction, the law of the excluded middle, the law of identity, those things, we don’t, those don’t exist anymore. Everything is in a dance of energy and a flux. Everything is becoming. And then he actually pauses some kind of like weird matrix theory where he talks about the subatomic particles prove that we’re in some sort of maybe you were in a hologram or a simulation this kind of a thing but all of these models are really reductionist and they’re just basically making huge religious metaphysical leaps that as if he knows what all reality is so he’s positing a sort of a mystical scientism. He mentions Paracelsus, he mentions these alchemists and these mystics. And he says that it’s time to get away from extreme materialism that came as a result of Darwinism.

 And now we need, even though Darwin, Lyell, and Malthus gave us great insights, he says it’s time to move to a new kind of spirituality, you see. And I would agree that, yeah, that materialism and Darwinism and all that are bad news. But the spirituality that he’s giving us is a weird new age spirituality, something more akin to theosophy, right, out of Blavatsky and her Seeker doctrine. And remember, we’ve covered, I’ve got many videos, many talks on this. Blavatsky was basically a British intelligence agent for the Fabian socialists. She was a Fabian socialist. So she’s working for the power structure, and I think she was even probably a British spy. But he says that, look, there’s a lot of propaganda in science, which is true. So not everything that Copper says is false, right? He says GMOs are bad. Okay, yeah, that’s good. But his answers are terrible. It’s like identify real problems, give even worse solutions, you see. 

So when we come back, we’ll get into what are his solutions and what are his solutions and what are the models that he proposes for the new coming post turning point society? What is the new society going to be like? This is the Alex Jones Show. I’m your guest host, Jay Dyer. Jay’s analysis don’t go anywhere.

Welcome back to the Alex Jones show. I’m your guest host Jay Dyer of Jason Alice’s the most important part of this book I think I mean, there’s a lot of really interesting nuggets and Fascinating little tidbits that he throws out there. But it’s the foresight that he had to discuss how the transformation in society, one of the key elements that would be there in society to bring this about would be the medicine arena, medicine. And he says that in order to bring about this transformation into this new era of the austerity, new age, depopulation, Malthusian model, he said that we needed a new model of what humans were. And there’s a book I just got, one of the global elite texts, it’s really rare. It’s the Molecular Vision of Life by Lily Kay, and that’s a book produced by the Rockefeller Foundation. And my buddy Tristan, he’s done talks on this on his YouTube channel for many years. And it was hard to get, I finally got a copy of it, and it’s amazing because it’s actually what Copper’s talking about. 

He’s saying that Rockefeller Foundation played a key role in sort of co-opting medicine, and that would be a key way in which cultural transformation would occur kind of back door. We always think about, oh, it’s going to be the 1984 big brother government that’s going to put the boot up on our necks and, you know, squish us and all this kind of, which, yeah, that happens. But the real way that the system would transfer into this great reset and credit model is actually through medicine. The new world we’re coming into interview through giant insurance corporations and through giant medical conglomerates. And so we needed a new vision of what the human being was and what biology was. And so we got that through these entities taking over and reframing medicine and reframing then everything else on the basis of the new biology. And what does that mean? Well, just to simply put, man isn’t a being made in the image of God. We need a changing image of man. Man is a cog in the wheel or the machine of the cosmos. Man is a cell on the surface of Mother Gaia’s skin. 

And this you see when we view man as a piece in a holistic system. Now it’s a collectivist oligarchic model. And now we have the justification for the good of society, for the good of Mother Earth, to shut down, suppress, destroy, etc. under emergency measures. Growth, reproduction, economics, et cetera. Mother Earth is a life cycle, right? So maybe you should be recycling and sharing your property, bro. You need a circular economy. You need an app where you share your whitey tighties with the other people in you. You don’t need two pairs of whitey tighties. Just share that with your neighbors in your coon pod complex, literally. You see, everything must be reformed and changed. It’s no different than what the Great Reset is about. These are the same people in the same circles with the same plans. And every week, it’s almost, there’s two years now, two years I’ve been coming on the fourth hour reading you from their texts. 

The new age requires, Capra says, a new economics. This will be an economics of integrated systems, recycling a circular economy. Right, Ida Elkin, buddies with Klaus and all them, the World Economic Forum, she gives TED Talks on circular economy. We need to recycle. Everything will be reintegrated into a holistic systems approach. What’s the dark side of growth? Well, growth can’t go on. It must be stopped, it must be halted. We need limits to growth. That’s their phraseology terminology, that’s their white papers and documents. Limits to growth in all areas, economy and population. In fact, some of these people have posited since the 1970s, ZPG, zero population growth. Growth must cease, he says, because we’ve learned through the study of nature that beings in nature don’t continue to grow, they die. So you must accept this death process, it’s a death cult. And you must be willing to die for the holistic system. Holistic health, holistic ecology, holistic systems analysis. He says all of this will undergo radical change. Now, by the way, I’m not opposed to holistic organic food and health, that’s not what he’s talking about. He’s saying that health movements which are getting popular in the 1980s, right, eating fresh food, this kind of stuff, which is all great. 

He’s saying that needs to be utilized and co-opted exactly what Alvin Toffler said. Toffler said we will tie the vegetarian and vegan movement into political revolutionary social movements to eventually control people’s diets. And Toffler cited Plato. And here he is citing the systems view. This is directly from the Arthur Kessler book, The Holons. Goes to the machine, discusses systems analysis of nature, and you see everything in nature is part of a holistic system, so therefore you don’t have individual rights. That’s the logic of this. Hierarchies in nature, he says, are there because they promote the holistic view. And here’s the craziest part of this book. He says that when it comes to wholeness and health, we’re going to have to have a new process to how we integrate human beings into society. He actually, I’m not joking, he actually says, now this is after the 1960s counterculture revolution, right, so this is 1982. He says we’ve got quantum theory, quantum physics, everything’s new, everything’s changing. And he says that when we look at the studies that were done of Gregory Bateson studying schizophrenics, now Gregory Bateson was one of the MKUltra doctors, and Bateson famously said, you know, if you want to control mankind, control and capture his imagination. And he studied families and schizophrenic members of families and whether this might be genetic and 

He actually he actually says Schizophrenia is not a bad thing. In fact, maybe there’s a kind of a mystical Interplay, that’s a good thing for Dissociative states he says mystics and societies shamans. Well well they are basically like schizophrenics. Religions, religious people hearing and seeing visions, that’s all just schizophrenia. And maybe they play a key role in society. He says, why don’t we have initiation monies that initiate people into a kind of a shamanistic new religion? And he cites Gregory Bateson for this. He says that would be a better approach to religion, getting everybody to just be initiated through LSD. And then they’ll be integrated into the global system, because people that do these drugs typically think they want to, we’re all one dude, we need to be united because we’re all one dude. So basically Brave New World is what this chapter argues. This chapter argues. This chapter argues we need a mass induction into eco-worship through everybody taking drugs. And then he says, we’ll be into deep ecology. You’ll realize Mother Earth’s alive and all this, basically ancient paganism. And these approaches, he says, will lead to a new society and they’ll finally will have a balance between men and women. But he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to say that what we really need in terms of world religion is a goddess. If we can just go back to the image of the goddess, then we will resolve the one and the many problem. The one and the many being, should we have a balance between the one and the many? Should the one rule or should the many rule? Democracy, collectivism, fascism, socialism, those are all social manifestations of the one and the many question of ancient philosophy. question of ancient philosophy. And he says that the 60s counterculture revolution that was actually a CIA promoted thing. 

He says that that is part of the evolutionary process to bring in the new age the new era, which will be an era where we live in harmony and we don’t try to have children and we just submit to living in a coon pod. That’s what he says. So there you have it, yet another text where we find out that Brave New World was not a fiction thing. It was not the random usings of some fringe academic literary nerd. No, they were part of a structure, a super structure, a super class that writes many, many, many super boring books that lay all of this out as the actual plan of where they want to go. How many times does it have to be shown to you from their own text that it’s a coordinated belief and agenda? Now, I want to remind you guys, head on over to my website and you can see the upcoming live events. Under any one of those posts, it will list the live events. We got July 6th in Los Angeles together with Jamie Kennedy from Screen. 

You’ve seen Jamie Kennedy and other friends of mine. We’ll be doing lectures, we’ll be doing stand-up, we’ll be doing a lot of fun things. We got many live events. Go check those out and get my books in the shop and subscribe to my website and follow me on Twitter and YouTube under my name.

Luke Goodwin

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