
Inching Closer to the End Game of the Technocratic Agenda

Jay Dyer keeps hammering on the technocratic agenda on the Fourth Hour of the Alex Jones show. 

John Coleman was purported to be a former MI5 agent, who reported what he learned during his time in that intelligence agency in his book Committee of 300, published in 1992.

Much of what Coleman writes about is the crazy plans this high-level group of social engineers have for the world. It’s definitely a long game and many of this top level elites will be dead before the plans come to fruition, but they dutifully keep pushing the agenda. 

Testing, analyzing, improving. Over and over until they perfect modes and methods for mind control and turning humanity upside down. We are definitely getting close to ultimate goal of a technocratic world government which imposes resource scarcity (austerity) on the people. 

Dyer says that Operation Gladio, which was a post WWII operation to leave behind operatives to make sure communism didn’t take root there. But, really, they were also building out ratlines for drug operations, including banks to launder the money in order to fund projects across the world. 

The Cabal learned a great deal from this operation. They took those learnings to perfect present day operations. The ideologies might be swapped out. The people may be different, but the ultimate goals remain the same. 

Dyer added that The Tavistock Institute has played a huge role in spinning out the latest and greatest methods to destroy culture since the 1950s: sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll, feminism, veganism, and transgenderism, etc.



Jay Dyer Breaks Down the History of Mind Control Warfare

And I thought today what we talk about is a little more of the history of Dr. John Coleman’s book, The Conspirators Hierarchy, the story of Commedia 300, which Alex has referenced quite a bit in the last few weeks. And we did a podcast on that recently. And I got to look back at this book, which I haven’t looked at many, many years, and I forgot how good it was. I forgot how much information, how predictive it was, and how it ties into a lot of the other texts that I’ve been lecturing through and covering lately, such as this excellent history of Gladio by Paul Williams, which I finished. And you might think, well, what does the Cold War and Gladio have to do with right now? 

It seems disconnected. It doesn’t have anything to do with people self-mutilating and people, no, it actually has a lot to do with it because the entities behind the operations in the Cold War are the same entities that you see involved in the Ukraine operation, because NATO and these groups that supported what amount to the SS, these kinds of things, that was all part of Gladio. The reason that there are tiny mustache man followers in the Ukraine goes back to Operation Gladio. The reason that there are tiny mustache man followers in the Ukraine goes back to Operation Gladio. And a lot of that also ties into this, the Tavistock Institute. And so we’re gonna be talking about Tavistock, which Dr. John Coleman wrote a lot about, which was mind control, psychological warfare, and don’t go anywhere. You know, I’ve been reading all these great Cold War texts and going back and looking at some of those writers that were writing in the 80s and 90s, warning us about what was coming in this new world order, this technocratic agenda that they had planned. You know, we’ve lectured through tons of books, Anthony Sutton, Carol Quigley, all of these academics that have been saying what would come, some pro, some con. And one of those books that was more of a critique was by the alleged former MI6, MI5, spymaster John Coleman. 

And he wrote the book, the Committee of 300. So a little bit about that book, because it was published, I think, in the early 90s, 1992. He said, look, I was in a lot of these meetings, and in these meetings, we have people who were planning a future technocratic world government. And he said, you know, I didn’t realize that when I was recruited into intelligence work that what was really going on behind the scenes at places like Cambridge and Oxford and Harvard, Yale, the Eastern Seaboard Elite, the Anglo-American establishment, what they were planning was actually a completely different style of living, that all of life would change, that we would undergo tumultuous, crazy changes in the coming decades that would lead us out of what we consider normal, healthy, traditional ways of living. Having families, going to church, having and running a business, passing on your inheritance. Literally everything would be changed because there was a coterie of groups, including entities like the Club of Rome, which planned the future global revolution known as the Green Revolution. And in their documents that they published back in the 70s all the way up to the 90s, they argued that we would have an austerity future, a future where it would not be based on production, but on limited resources, resource scarcity. And I want to get to that agenda because that’s what’s rolling out right now. We are right now living in on production, but on limited resources, resource scarcity. 

And I wanna get to that agenda because that’s what’s rolling out right now. We are right now living in the era of what Dr. John Coleman talked about in regard to these documents of the Club of Rome. And he says that the people behind the scenes were precisely people like Dr. Henry Kissinger. The beginning of Dr. John Coleman’s book, he talks about an operation that was run by all these people, including Henry Kissinger, in Italy, and that was known as, at that time, he said it was just the secret operation where the CIA, together with organized crime, Sicilian mafia, had concocted a plan to fund their black ops through drug money. And he says that this was discovered by many secret society members being leaked throughout the 70s and 80s in Italy and throughout Europe. We now know today that this was Operation Gladio. Because Gladio wasn’t known until about 1990 in terms of what it really was and what it was about. Now, the auspices of Gladio seem plausible, they seem sensible. Hey, why don’t we have a secret army, a bunch of cells, a few thousand people trained throughout Europe and other countries to stave off a future potential Soviet invasion? So maybe Stalin, maybe Khrushchev, maybe later Soviet leaders are going to try to invade and establish a Soviet government. We better have a stay behind unit. 

And the means and methods that they use with the recruitment of certain organized crime figures in certain Masonic societies, namely the P2 Lodge in Italy. The P2 in Italy and the CIA used the Vatican Bank as their chief operation for money laundering. They had other banks as well. They set up numerous shell companies, numerous shell banks. And again, that’s a big part of Gladio. Of course, Paul Williams covers it in his book, Operation Gladio. Now, why are we talking about, again, all this Cold War stuff? Because you can’t understand where we are now without understanding the real architecture and about all this Cold War stuff? Because you can’t understand where we are now without understanding the real architecture and breakdown of the Cold War. And while it’s true that there’s a potential or some kind of danger that might have come about through the popularity of communism, we know in Italy at this time that the Christian Democratic Party was beginning to lose adherence and communism was on the rise. And not only does Paul Williams talk about that, Dr. John Coleman talks about that in the late 70s, early 80s. And so we had these operations that Kissinger and other entities basically ran in Italy where they staged the kidnapping of Aldo Moro. They did all these operations to make communism look bad, now communism was bad, I’m not saying it was good. But we have these entities that are basically big crime syndicates, right, it’s two different organized crime syndicates you could say. 

You could say the communist crime syndicate versus the Gladio crime syndicate, NATO crime syndicate. And one thing that we know is that the people behind Gladio, the people behind the so-called right wing, were also all of these Club of Rome people pushing for a future great reset, a future austerity. For example, John Coleman says the Club of Rome conspired through umbrella organizations, and they achieved a marriage between the Anglo American establishment and the old black nobility families of Europe. So this would be like, you know, the King of England and all these groups, right? The so-called nobility in London, Venice, Genoa. The key to their successful control was to create and manage and savage economic, to create, manage economic recessions and then eventual depressions. So they actually do intend eventually to blow up economies. And so they were able to do that to create, manage economic recessions and then eventual depressions. So they actually do intend eventually to blow up economies. And he says that the committee of 300, which he’s just calling that the kind of, if you know about David Rothkopf, he wrote a book about the rulers of the world. He’s from the Kissinger Group. He wrote another book about running the world. And it’s basically, he talks about a 6,000 people managerial class that runs the planet. That’s a mainline academic, again, coming from under the Kishner group. Then above that, Dr. John Coleman posits there’s another 300 people that kind of tell these people what to do. And amongst that group, you could figure out who it is. It would be people like Prince Charles, the Queen of England, Lord Rothschild. it would be people like Prince Charles, the Queen of England, Lord Rothschild. It would be people like Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski. So that’s that coterie of the top controllers. And these are the people that all have similar positions in groups like the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Rand Corporation, Sanford Research. 

They sort of go in and out of all of these entities. And that’s publicly on record. That’s why the members of Bilderberg are the same people in Trilateral, the same people in CFR. That’s who runs the planet. So we’re talking about the top CEOs of the Fortune 100. We’re talking about the top think tank planners and social engineers. We’re talking about the Kissingers, the Brzezinskis, we’re talking about the top think tank planners and social engineers. We’re talking about the Kissingers, the Brzezinski’s, we’re talking about the Jacques Attali’s, the David Rockefeller’s. These are the top people, top men, right? Healing our planet. And we know that they have the same plan because they all openly say they have the same plan. This is not a theory, this is a fact. A theory is something that you theorize about that you have perhaps some evidence for. Maybe a little bit of evidence, maybe a lot. That is not a fact, because a fact is something that is objectively the case. And all the people that are involved in this have written countless books which we’ve lectured through, 60, 70 of them now. 

Many of them, white papers, think tank documents, actual big geopolitical texts. We’ve lectured through many of these, and there’s absolutely no doubt that there is this overall overarching plan. And we’ve talked about all the different groups because they’re also all public. And one reason we know this, the same guy running the Gladio operations, for example, basically at the tip top, I’m talking about the Kissinger people up at the top of that, State Department Memorandum 200. We need to bring in austerity to bring down the population of the third world. And under the Nixon administration, that’s not the only instance. In fact, under the Nixon administration, Kissinger was promoting and pushing all of these papers and memorandums for population reduction, because he works for the Rockefeller Foundation, just like everybody else that pushes population control, works for these same entities publicly. State Department Memorandum 200, reducing global population. And under the Nixon administration, Kissinger was promoting and population control works for these same entities publicly. State Department Memorandum 200, reducing global population. 

Now that doesn’t mean they’re going to get it done that year. These are long term plans, long term actuary plans, right? About how to achieve these events. And he says that a lot of these people consider themselves to be the wise men of the West or the Olympians. In other words, comparing themselves to the gods of Olympus, right? We’re talking about the Kissingers, we’re talking about the George McGundy, the McGeorge Bundy’s, we’re talking about the George Kenan’s, we’re talking about the Henry Kissinger’s, we’re talking about the Brzezinski’s, we’re talking about John McCloy, we’re talking about the Henry Kissinger’s, we’re talking about the Brzezinski’s, we’re talking about John McCloy, we’re talking about all of these, these, uh, high level CFR planners and strategists, Cyrus Vance, we’re talking about all these kinds of people, right? 

With a single plan to bring in a single technocratic world government. 

I’m just rifling through all of these old foreign affairs magazine or journal texts. And here’s an old one from 1972, which features a really interesting article by old Zbig himself. Zitown and Zhatap, how the Cold War was played by Zbigniew Brzezinski. And this was in 1972 when he was laying out the strategies up till that time. And the amazing part is that, Zbigniew Brzezinski then took over Cold War machinations and operations and recruited the Mujahideen, what would later become Al Qaeda, to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. And we know that the focal point of Afghanistan is not just a geostrategic area, but it’s also a drug poppy region. And after the US, post 9-11 invasion of Afghanistan, we had the explosion of heroin production from 200, 300 tons a year to something like 5,000. Remember Geraldo interviewing troops. Those clips are still on YouTube. You can find them from Fox News. US troops guarding the opium. And you listen to the troops and they say, well, we’re going to burn all this opium, this billion dollar crop. We’re going to plant cucumbers. Give me a break. Cucumbers, who believes that? What is the plan of these Olympians, these titans, these technocrats? What do they want to set up? Well, Dr. Coleman says, here’s a helpful list of the things that you will see. Again, this is written in 1992. He says, based on the plans of these elite, he says that they will eventually, number one, create a one world government, where there will be a unified church and a unified monetary system. So Dr. Coleman is one of the few people who understands the importance of this one world religion that they’re pushing and promoting, something that we’ve talked about for many years. And in fact, Pope Francis has just inaugurated his multi-faith center in Abu Dhabi, where the three world great monotheistic religions, as he says, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, will now merge into some kind of new hybrid thing. A new hybrid world religion where all the world religions are basically tools of the super state, the world technocratic order. Number two, the utter destruction of all national identity and national movements and pride. That of course is a huge move that’s been pushed for the last several decades, the anti-American movement, the idea that any form of patriotism is itself evil, racist, right? The destruction of religion, we’re going to the list of Dr. John Coleman. And after there being a new world religion with no dogmas, we’re told that, Brzezinski says, quote, we will enter into a new age of technotronics, the technotronic technocratic era. 

And he says that this will basically create androids, cyborgs, and a version of humans that we’ve never seen before. In other words, transhumanism, again, from Brzezinski’s famous book, Between Two Ages. There will be an end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear energy into what they call a zero population, zero growth society. So this is that austerity I’m talking about. This is that agenda for total energy control to put everybody in a communal living, everybody in a coffin apartment, everybody in a coom pod. And that’s part of a larger agenda that we’ll talk about here in a minute, which is the complete shutting down of everything. That’s the eventual goal. So this deindustrialization will send all the production off to other countries. And of course, remember NAFTA, remember GATT, remember TPP, all that stuff. That was part of this, that was pushing all of this. We will see the complete legalization of all drugs and all forms of pornography that’s already begun. We will see the movement of people out of wild areas and into large cities ultimately for the goal of population control. So he’s actually talking about the 15 minute cities, he’s talking about the basically running, it’s living in an AI technocratic grid that you are controlled and tracked in these smart cities. And then we will see the about the basically running, it’s living in an AI technocratic grid that you are controlled and tracked in these smart cities. 

There will be a suppression of all scientific development except for scientific developments deemed beneficial by the Committee of 300. Now, this we see in the book, Brave New World, which I just lectured through that entire book chapter by chapter for my members if you want to go listen to the full breakdown because this is, I hadn’t gone through Brave New World in probably six years going through it again. I was amazed at how much I missed. There’s so much stuff in there that Huxley, an insider to all of this, he put in the book and said, this is a real story. This is not fiction, this is real. This is what they’re going to roll out, and that’s exactly what we see rolling out. And I think that is what they’re going to roll out, and that’s exactly what we see rolling out. And in regard to the suppression of real science, the suppression of actual health developments and all this kind of stuff, that’s actually in Brave New World as well. The world socialist controller, Mustafa Mond, says that we can’t give everybody the truth, everybody can’t handle these real scientific developments. We have to suppress this, and we have to dumb down the population, right? It’s again, real world, it’s not fiction. There will be strategic operations of an arc of crisis and strategy of tension, he says, throughout various countries, eventually leading to so much chaos that we can have means by which there will be an eventual depopulation by the year 2050. throughout various countries, eventually leading to so much chaos that we can have means by which there will be an eventual depopulation by the year 2050. So they’ll reduce the world population to 500 million and then down to 100 million by 2050. 

And that will be achieved through continual war, continual bio releases, continual everything you can think of. This is the Global 2000 report. And this was, you can look to high level people like Cyrus Vance who are involved in the production of these kinds of documents. We should probably cover this Global 2000 report since we haven’t done that one yet. The moral fiber of the nation must be demoralized and they must be destroyed through toxic culture. Now this is where Tavistock comes into play. You heard me talk about Tavistock and I’ve mentioned and analyzed the Daniel Esselstyn book on Tavistock so many times because it goes into the actual strategies of the various doctors, the various, even people from the Frankfurt School, Marcuse, these weirdo figures that were really degenerate philosophers who engineered where we are now. We’re talking about the 1960s counterculture, right? That’s Esalen Institute, that’s Tavistock Institute. It’s engineering these ideas that Alvin Toffler, another one of the global elite, writes about. He wrote about in the 1970s and 80s, not just in PowerShip, but also in books like Future Shock. Future Shock is a Tavistock idea. It’s a Tavistock terminology whereby they talk about shocking the population with such crazy overblown information, so much change that you can’t process it. And this creates a apathetic, malleable, pliable population. That’s the purpose of the psychological warfare that Tavistock puts out. That’s what this book is about. What has Tavistock published and what have they been involved in? Psychological operations, the promotion of scientism, promotion of feminism, the Phoenix program. 

They were all involved in all of these things. MKUltra, studying shell shock dissociation, studying and promoting groupthink. Groupthink is a Tavistock operation. They also were involved in pushing and creating, promoting the vegan movement. Veganism is a Tavistock thing, coming out of Stanford Research and Tavistock. Again, all covered in this book. But that’s what Dr. John Coleman is talking about, is that these manuals, these books, changing images of man by Harmon, right? The Aquarian Conspiracy, Marilyn Ferguson, right? Coleman talks about these.

And we’re going through this discussion of the Tavistock Institute preparing what’s called the Aquarian conspiracy. And this was a book that was written in the 1980s. I think this was 1980. We have the documents folks, we have the documents 82 three, somewhere in there, 80 1980 by Marilyn Ferguson. And although this book is titled The Aquarian Conspiracy, it’s not actually a conspiracy text. In fact, she is a proponent of this completely new, revamping and new way of doing all of life, but where she says that everything’s gotta change. For example, women have gotta be put into leadership roles, men have gotta become more feminine. We’ve got to have more new age stuff, we’ve got to change the churches, values have to be inverted. Everything flips for what she calls value transformation. Instead of thinking of yourself as an individual who has a job and starts a business or whatever, no, you’re part of a collective and you’re gonna be living in a communal style of life. You’re gonna be part and parcel of a whole earth global transformation, the whole earth conspiracy. Now again, this is not a conspiracy book. This is her promotion and she’s saying what we’re doing is a conspiracy, but it’s an open conspiracy in the words of HG Wells. It’s the same plan. So that plan comes out of Tavistock and Tavistock planned all of the promotion of the trans and skittles stuff that you see today. Literally look up the news the last five or six years, spearheading this movement is the Tavistock Institute. Why? 

Why do they care so much about that? Because it promotes sterilization and the inability to have offspring. And it destroys families. Reducing families reduces population. That’s all this is about. Everything is that. That’s it. It’s not hard to figure out what’s going on. It’s in all of these books. But I was seeing some statistics the other day. I was blown away. I couldn’t believe it, but now I can. I think something like 60% of students, like high school students, they can’t even read. And they’ve never read a book. So we’re at like totally, you know, Eloy Morlock situation almost from H.G. Wells, where it’s like, we’re dealing with people who have never read a book and probably can’t even read. I’m not trying to be mean, I’m saying literally, that’s what the statistics show. So, they’re not, I mean, even though this is in a hundred different books that I can look at right now on my shelf, people are never gonna figure this out and they don’t care and they don’t want to. And that’s part of the point of the apology, right? When the philosopher tries to enlighten the people, they get mad, they wanna stone him. Stop taking away our shadows on the wall. We don’t want to know that. Dr. Coleman says that Tavistock was instrumental in engineering not just the sexual revolution, but the 60s countercultural revolution because sex, drugs, and rock and roll were discovered to be amazingly effective means of social change, not for the positive, but to degenerate and destroy and toxify culture to make people more malleable for the technocratic global collective. 

Now, that doesn’t mean that everybody who’s a 60s counterculture musician was a bad guy. No, no, no, there were a lot of people who had good ideas and were authentic, organic musicians, but that got taken over and steered into the degenerate control pop culture that you see today, everybody making the all seeing eye image, like why are they all doing that? Because they’re all part of the same club, or they want to be members of this club. These are all the just pop stars thinking that they’re being social climbers or whatever, when in reality, they’re all just the same club, or they want to be members of this club. These are all the just pop stars thinking that they’re being social climbers or whatever. When in reality, what’s the first rule of all the revolutionary takeovers? It’s amazing that people don’t know this, or that people that do know it. And if you heard my lecture that I did on the famous NKVD interrogation of Krishnamurkowski, the Bulgarian socialist Trotskyite, And if you heard my lecture that I did on the famous NKVD interrogation of Christian Rokoski, the Bulgarian socialist Trotskyite, when he was interrogated by Stalin’s NKVD, they told him, you’re going to die or you’re going to tell us what’s really going on. And he said, all right, I’ll tell you what’s going on, because I know you’re probably going to kill me anyway. And he said that basically, this is all a scam. The capitalist communist monopoly, capitalist communist dialectic is run by the same people. 

And the ultimate goal is to allow monopoly capitalism to build the infrastructure, which will then be taken over by the revolutionaries. The true Trotskyite, true Luciferian revolutionaries, and they will get rid of their revolutionary guard. They will get rid of their dupes. Amazing. And then Stalin did the same thing. Stalin purged all of his immediate underlings. Why? Because you can’t allow the people that participate in the selling out and destruction of the culture to go into the new power structure because they just sold everybody out. So they’re not reliable. So the more devious and cunning technocratically know that their underlings are the first people that go. And if you’re familiar with the history of the French Revolution, you know that that’s exactly what happened. French revolutionaries, they would all just purge the ones right underneath them when they came to power, because they knew how devious and wicked the underlings were. 

And John Coleman is basically saying that, that this will lead to eventually the introduction of this technocratic order. Now there’s a lot of madmen out there, there’s a lot of people insane in the government and the Biden, these level people. But these level people, they’re not really running things. And I would think that the whole Biden thing shows us that Biden isn’t really running things. It’s people like this, the Kissingers, the Brzezinski’s, right? Now Brzezinski’s gone, Kissinger’s very advanced in age, It’s people like this, the Kissingers, the Brzezinskis. Now Brzezinski’s gone, Kissinger’s very advanced in age. But the people at that level, that holdover sort of boomer power structure that’s still holding the reins of power. They are still calling the shots, they still have the majority of the world’s wealth, right? Blackrock, Vanguard type people. And he says that as we move through the plan of this high level group, trilaterals and the CFR and all that, they have decided to manage all of these crises. This is where the model of Gladio, so we’re not under Gladio, it’s just the model of Gladio. 

What they did in the Cold War with Gladio, and by the way, I’m not just going from so-called quote conspiracy texts, it was actually just a PhD thesis, Daniel Ganser’s book, Gladio, secret armies. So it’s not like we’re under the threat of some giant global right-wing Gladio thing, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that the structures and techniques that Gladio perfected are the structures and techniques for how it’s run today. So the Gladio’s secret armies are the same pattern and model for the radical ISIS Al Qaeda models. You see, that’s what I’m saying. The strategy of tension that was previously Gladio is now that kind of stuff. Now, we haven’t heard a whole lot about ISIS, Al Qaeda in the news lately. But of course, any of that can come back at any moment, because those are all hybrid warfare, proxy warfare strategies and techniques that can be used by the establishment when they need to roll them out. Likewise, we can see the strategy of tension, as I said, involved in the groups that are run in the Ukraine. And some of the people like the Galen Network, the Reinhard Galen Network, which is actually the origin of German intelligence, the BND, comes from the Galen Org, the Galen Network, which is actually the origin of German intelligence, the BND, comes from the Galen Org, the Galen Network, who was recruited into working for the CIA after World War II by Dulles and Donovan, very famous, very well known, and guess what? Galen, Otto Skorsany, they train groups in the Ukraine, which are still there. 

That’s why we have tiny mustache men people followers in the Ukraine, which are still there. That’s why we have tiny mustache men, people followers in the Ukraine. There you go, that’s the holdovers, the descendants of Gladio right there. That’s how to make sense of all this. Doesn’t mean that we’re being run by Italian Gladio, World Cold War mobsters. That’s not what’s going on now. It’s the technique, the plan, the strategy, the model is the same that’s used in these groups. And if you don’t understand that, then you’re not gonna understand how all of this stuff is controlled and run and works.

 As we were talking about Gladio and we’re talking about how that’s a pattern, a technique, a technology for social, disrupting social cohesion through false flags, through terror, through assassinations. And that was exactly what Gladio did throughout the Cold War. And we might think, well, yeah, but I mean, it was a Cold War, so you got to fight the bad guys. But it’s like, wait a minute, this is all running black market stuff, it’s all funded by heroin, global heroin trade. So wait, who’s the bad guy? Well, we got to do all that because the bad guys will do it. global heroin trade. So wait, who’s the bad guy? Well, we got to do all that because the bad guys will do it. Okay, whatever. I mean, that’s the thing is that this whole world order was structured on drug money, money laundering, giant fake banks. And this model is what the CIA took from the older British model, opium trade, right? Controlling the sea power, British Navy, these kinds of things. The Anglo-American establishment just adopted that same older model of fiat banking, drug warfare, and that’s exactly what explains where we are now. And now they want to seize and control the reins of tech. That’s their key thing, because if we read in Kissinger’s world order, it’s absolutely imperative that we control the technology to create the transhumanist future. So basically, that’s what Kissinger says. He says, whoever controls the tech will control and run the world in the future. In other words, technocracy. So I’ve been reading through other books about this, like Patrick Woods book that he wrote with Professor Anthony Sutton, Trilaterals Over Washington, which is about how this same group, that’s the same as the same group through other books about this, like Patrick Woods’ book that he wrote with Professor Anthony Sutton, Trilaterals Over Washington, which is about how the same group, that’s the same as this, the same groups, not different, erecting a technocratic global government. 

That’s the plan. Now, we’re going through this step-by-step plan of Dr. Coleman, and the next one he says is that they will induce and create new cults. Well, that’s something we’ve talked about for so many years. I wrote two books on all of these cults and how it plays out in Hollywood, right? In all these movies, go get my two books at my website. Go to the shop, you get signed copies, Esoteric Hollywood 1 and 2. I wrote two whole books on this, and I’m working on a third book on that. Go get those at Jay’s Analysis, the shop. And he says that these cults will be run by and promoted by a lot of the counterculture, right? Oh yeah, let’s get into the counterculture, let’s get into meditation, and let’s get into, and all that is is funnel people into all of these cults, which are run by this same power structure. Not every cult, but many of the cults, right? And this is why when we look at Jonestown, we see these odd patterns of CIA popping up there, and mind control, and all this kind of stuff at Jonestown, and the shady background that Jim Jones has. Go to my YouTube channel, I just did an interview with a guy who wrote a big piece on the history of Jonestown, Uncovering New Information, big piece on the history of Jonestown, uncovering new information that’s on the top of my YouTube channel. Go watch that. We went really deep into that. And he says that we will build up the cult of aberrant versions of Christianity. 

He says that the establishment will promote aberrant versions of Christianity to change it, to move Christianity into the global government along with the other groups that they control, such as the Muslim Brotherhood. He says that even at this time, that weird mind-control cults like Muslim Brotherhood, like ISIS, Al-Qaeda, these kinds of things, he says that they are modeled like Jim Jones-style cults and like Son of Sam-type cults to create assassins, to create crazy patsies that will go out and do crazy things. Those are great breeding grounds for recruiting these creeps and weirdos and basically mentally deficient people who are in cults that are then unstable and manipulated them to do radical actions or terror actions or assassinations, right? And we see the same thing with the recent shooting in Nashville, right? People who have mental problems, mental instability. I don’t know if that person was in a cult, but you could say that the whole thing is basically a cult. I mean, essentially the whole normie world, the NPC world is a giant cult. Just look at the last three years of KOOF. 

Trust the science, put your mask on, take your mask off, put it on, take it off. Off, on, off, on, off, on, take it off, put it on. Put it on, take it off. Trust the science, science. All right, what in the fouls should you do? Literally just gaslighting everybody every day. Changing it, contradicting himself. That’s cult mentality. literally just gaslighting everybody every day. Changing it, contradicting himself. That’s cult mentality. Export liberation theology and liberation feminist movements across the world. Oh, we gotta go in all these countries to help the women. Oh, we’re there to help free the women from oppression. Meanwhile, this power structure is intent on destroying women and destroying their identity and destroying population, destroying children, which is what women do. Women birth children. 

I know that’s a revolutionary statement, right? Like Brave New World says that in the future, you can’t say women give birth to kids, but here we are. 16, collapse the existing world economies to engender political chaos and then to integrate it into this CBDC global fiat Fedcoin. Now he says that they would push this cashless stuff. He was writing this back in the 80s and 90s. So he was way ahead of time, right? Absolutely. Here we are. BIS Fedcoin all coming now. Right. Bank for National Settlements, the giant triple chin dude said that we will have Fed coin and we’ll shut your wallet off when you’re a bad boy. Take control of. Domestic policies in the US, that is the CFR and the elite controlling all domestic policies, including at the state level, so they want to undermine the state firewall. Give full support to international bodies such as the UN International Monetary Fund, BIS, and the World Court. And that’s exactly what we saw in the last three years. We got to listen to the UN. The CDC is going to pass on and hand off, we just do whatever the UN tells us. And who tells them what to do? The Rockefeller Foundation, Bill Gates. So we do what they say. Why, and who tells them what to do? The Rockefeller Foundation, Bill Gates. 

So we do what they say. Why? Because they say so. Says who? Them. Why don’t we follow them? Because they say so. Penetrate and subvert all the governments. Now this sounds, that’s conspiracy theory. That’s so conspiratorial. How is Dr. Coleman saying that they plan to penetrate and subvert all the world governments? And what did Klaus say last year? We will penetrate the cabinets of the world. We will penetrate them all. We will have our minions in all of the world’s governments and parliaments. And he didn’t say, and we now already control most of the world’s parliaments. Remember he said that. Hello, so this wasn’t a conspiracy theory, this is a plan. Organize and control worldwide terror groups, including entities like Red Brigade, entities like ISIS, Al Qaeda, all these crazed radical cult groups that then become terror groups. And that’s exactly the purpose of Gladio. So now, remember, they didn’t know the name of Gladio when this book was written. And yet Dr. Coleman talks about, for example, P2 being involved in the death of Grace Kelly, the actress who married King Rainier, Prince Rainier of Monaco. And why did King Rainier, Prince Rainier of Monaco. And why did it well, Prince Rainier made the Illuminate confirm mad. Because there was a dirty deal that went down in regard to P2 having, and Gladio, moving heroin into Monaco. 

And that was organized and run according to Dr. Coleman by Kissinger. And I guess Prince Rainier didn’t do exactly what he was supposed to do, and so that’s what, according to Dr. Coleman, led to the demise of Grace Kelly. Now that’s a theory, right? That’s a theory. However, that this was going on in Monaco, and then there was P2 and all this, that is not theory. In fact, one of the famous books that was considered wild conspiracy theory back in 1985 when it was written is the famous David Yalop book, In God’s Name, which is a book investigating the Vatican Bank, the P2, the CIA, and the suspicious death of Pope John Paul I, who was Pope for 33 days. And then he mysteriously died of what they call a heart attack, but appears to have been probably a poisoning. Now what’s interesting about this is that he talks about all these figures that in his research, such as Opus Dei, such as the Bologna bombing, the involvement of these criminal organizations, the only thing he leaves out is the name, because he wrote this prior to anyone knowing the name of Gladio. Well, it turns out that wasn’t all conspiracy there, it was true. PhD thesis, NATO secret armies. It’s all true, it was called Gladio. Operation Gladio. 

That’s what Dr. Kahn was talking about. They just didn’t know the name of the operation. They had all the information. And then it turns out yes, it was called Gladio. Now we’re not being run by right wing Christians, okay? This crazy conspiracy theory that it’s a right wing Christians running everything, no, no, no. It’s not right wing Christians, it’s technocrats above any of these kind of ideologies, and they use ideologies to control people. And so the last plan that he says is that he’s going to it’s technocrats above any of these kind of ideologies and they use ideologies to control people. And so the last plan that he says is that ultimately take control of education in America to promote all forms of sexual deviancy so that the Malthusian agenda of overpopulation and energy control and scarcity can be normalized. And here’s the crux of it all. The overall agenda is the control of all energy and population, meaning not just getting the numbers down, but controlling and managing everything, every day, all day long by everybody. Banning the cars, banning the stoves, euthanasia, death care, banning the meat, banning travel, banning families, banning men, Agenda 21, biodiversity, Wildlands Project, 15 Minutes Cities, ZSG. All of that is this plan and it is rolling out right now. Be sure and support Alex Jones, be sure and support me over at my website, and on all the outlets that you see me on, such as YouTube and so forth. Rockfin, go subscribe.

Luke Goodwin

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