Social Engineering

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World Is the Most Prescient Dystopian Novel

Jay Dyer dives deep into the Brave New World by Aldous Huxley on the Fourth Hour of the Alex Jones Show. It’s really amazing how predictive the 1932 work is and there’s a reason for that. 

Huxley was privy to the planning sessions where these psycho Englishmen determined  how they could push the world into the final revolution, while taking total control for themselves and their ideological offspring.

Huxley basically exposes the plan to condition the world en masse through mind control. A century-long MKUltra programming ritual, which seems to be coming to fruition now.

In later works, Huxley said that Orwell’s vision in 1984 was too harsh. People won’t go for that kind of tyranny for long. Instead you need to appeal to the populace’s base passions. Give them Universal Basic Income (UBI) and unlimited entertainment, and escapist drugs when any sadness, doubt, depression, or even a thought slips in about the state of the world or the human condition. 

Don’t think! Just take the soma and bliss trip your way out of any problem. 

With the names of the different characters in the novel (Marx, Engels, Lenin, Ford) Huxley not so subtly is telling us that this final revolution is a synthesis of Marxism/Socialism and capitalism. Capitalism built the infrastructure for Marxism to reach its zenith … a completely totalitarian regime.

The people give up freedom, beauty, and aesthetics for security, safety, and all their basic needs met.

The Cabal gets rid of telos, or a purpose. They get rid of the idea of objective beauty. Babies are grown in test tubes and are placed in certain castes destined to do specific tasks. Dyer expresses confusion saying wait a minute, I thought all these revolutions, like the French Revolution were to lead us to perfect egalitarianism and equalitarianism. You’re telling me these social engineers are cooking up a final society with an Indian-like caste system?

Dyer thinks this British thinkers got this idea from observing the caste system in India, which they ruled as a colony for many years. 

Brave New World also predicts a new religion that is based on a sex magick ritual complete with drugs and orgies. This type of debauched society is the natural evolution from the desire to replace Christian virtuous ethics with a utilitarian happiness quotient. 

Jeremy Bentham and his pals were trying to develop a moral calculus, which would help them calculate and quantify happiness, which would enable them to rule the world with perfect judgment using the math of human flourishing. Obviously, it’s a preposterous project, and only leads to a degenerate society where infantilism reigns. People in arrested development where pleasure is the only thing.

We are dangerously close to this Brave New World scenario. Huxley called it.



Aldous Huxley Reveals Globalist Master Plan

In the novel, everybody in the future is named after both Marxists and capitalists. In fact, the pseudo religion, the civic religion that is made up, a la Auguste Comte, is Fordianism, the year of our Ford. And instead of a cross, they have a tau, the T, for Ford, for the Model T Ford. Because the Model T Ford was the beginning of industrial revolution in the sense of completely changing society through machinery, through mass production. And mass production makes everything a commodity so that then humans become a commodity and become mass produced. Well, that sounds like Marx. That’s because it’s both. That’s because it’s the third way synthesis that so many of the global elite writers that we’ve lectured through talk about.

Brzezinski, Quigley, on and on and on, Fabian socialists all talked about the third way, synthesizing monopoly capitalism from the West with various forms of socialism, Marxism, communism from the East, Eastern Bloc, Soviets, etc. Frankfurt School, doesn’t matter, ultimately, the end goal is the same. And this is precisely why nothing changes in the left-right dialectic, because the explanation of what is really running things in Brave New World tells you that the left-right dialectic. Because the explanation of what is really running things in Brave New World tells you that the left-right is a fake dialectic. 

Glad to be hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones show. It’s a highlight of my week. I love doing it. And I want to remind you guys to that tonight. I think Tucker will be mentioning the special that we filmed when I was in Austin with Alex and company. We also had a film crew there and we did an entire Tucker special. So I’m not the whole thing, but I’m a significant, I’m about the first half of it or so. So if you want to head on over to or to the Fox Nation streaming service, and if you sign up there, you can watch tonight’s, or I guess it’ll be going live pretty soon. It’s called First Look, Let Them Eat Bugs. So go over there and sign up and you can get access to that. That’s gonna be a blast. And I won’t say who I was dressed up as, but I was dressed up as a world villain who has a bald head. You could probably figure out who I am. A lot of great segments and questions and answers and discussion in that episode. So really happy to have done that. It came out really good, so go check out that episode. Today I wanna talk about the most famous dystopian novel next to 1984, which we probably read in high school. Maybe they don’t assign it anymore. I don’t even know if they still assign Brave New World. But I went back and I reread Brave New World and I know Alex talked about it. I know Tucker talked assign it anymore. I don’t even know if they still assign Brave New World. But I went back and I reread Brave New World. And I know Alex talked about it. I know Tucker talked about it recently. He did, I think, a show on it. And I did a whole breakdown on my channel, chapter by chapter. We did about a five-hour breakdown with my buddy, quite frankly, of Quite Frankly TV. 

And we went through the entire text. And so I’m gonna give you that summarized breakdown today because it’s such a seminal text not from in my view and Whistleblower, but from somebody who was on the inside and knew what was coming Knew what was gonna be the technocratic order and wrote about it as a kind of psychological operation his family Everybody’s connected to as part of these circles part of the society, part of this network of the British imperial power structure, the Royal Society, that’s running the technocracy that’s now being put into place, that they’re trying to push. And so when we go back to this 19, I think 32 novel, we want to look and see what, how he knew these things, how did he predict all these things? What were the influences on Aldous Huxley to promote this and to write this amazing piece of science fiction dystopia? And I wanna talk about how dismal it is and how I think, again, this was really intended to, kind of like 1984, it kind of leaves you with not much hope. And in 1984, as we said, Orwell was writing about the Fabian Socialists, right? Ing Sock is English socialism, and there the theory was or the threat was Stalinism. Maybe we would get this heavy handed dictatorship that would throw you into a gulag and this kind of stuff, which could happen, who knows. But what seems to be the case that the model that the elite have gone for is instead, not this heavy handed approach, but a drug induced technocracy. A technocracy based around what Aldous Huxley calls utilitarian happiness principle. He says that if you think about it, the world in Brave New World, the life that’s projected, and it’s projected to be the year 2500, but it’s not actually 2500 in terms of what it’s really talking about. What it’s talking about is now. It’s talking about the world that we are going into now, 2023, right, Great Reset, all of that. That’s the world that it’s describing. And he says that you have to understand some of the philosophical predecessors in the introduction that he wrote. There’s a famous introduction, it’s not in every installment, it’s in my version of it. And he explains that this is not fiction, it’s real. 

So we wanna look at the philosophical influences, we wanna look at the background, we wanna look at how he got to this plan, and then we will dissect the novel in summation. 

We are breaking down in detail the insane text of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. And we’re doing that because in 1932, he wrote a fiction story that predicted everything that we’re going into and where we’re going in an even more dismal future if we don’t stop this, if we don’t wake up to what’s going on. And we’re talking about the philosophical influences for this dystopian society. And he says that one thing that 1984 didn’t get right in his thesis is that it’s too heavy handed, it’s too tyrannical, and The one thing that 1984 didn’t get right in his thesis is that it’s too heavy-handed, it’s too tyrannical, and it’s not as effective to control human beings by this top-down model. A better model of control would be to offer the promise of liberty and freedom through pleasure and happiness. So control people through their base desires through pleasure and happiness. So control people through their base desires and through pleasures, and that’s a much easier way, a much more effective scientific means of control through the promise of freedom and liberation, he says. And he says that technology and science will give us this, and it’s based on the notion of utilitarian happiness principle. Now what is that? Well, if you go back to the Enlightenment philosophers, out of the Enlightenment, we get a lot of philosophies that challenge the ancient medieval notions of things like a virtue ethic from Aristotle or from the Bible. 

And we get Immanuel Kant, and we get Adam Smith, and David Ricardo, and all these different figures that really want to change a lot of society. Some of their critiques are good, some of their critiques are valid of the corruption of the medieval papacy and these kinds of things, but that doesn’t mean that all of their answers were necessarily the best answers or that they would take us necessarily in the right direction. And one of those theories as a replacement for virtue ethics was the idea of utilitarian ethics. And this is just simply put, the idea that our ethics should just be based on maximizing the happiness for the greatest number of people. And many of the people who follow this ethic were libertarians and not knocking all the libertarians. 

There’s a lot of good insights from libertarians. However, there’s a problem with this Benthamite from Jeremy Bentham idea of a utilitarian happiness principle as an ethic. How do you quantify happiness? And later utilitarians actually thought you could quantify happiness. They came up with an idea of moral calculus, the idea that you could calculate happiness points and dole them out and thus make society moral and ethical by making them happy. And Huxley says in the introduction to Brave New World that that’s exactly the ethic that was chosen by the technocrats. Now you say, what does this have to do though with Silicon Valley and all that? 

Because this is decades before the rise of Silicon Valley. This is 1930s. Well, it turns out that people like Sam BankmanFried were actually part of a group of Silicon Valley technocrats who believe in a quasi-cult version of utilitarianism. They were literally part of a utilitarian NGO that they had dreamt up, right? And obviously we know that was a bunch of scammery, but it’s illustrative of the scammery at work in what Huxley calls the final revolution. Why does he call it the final revolution? Well, he calls it that because he says that this Brave New World scenario is the culmination of the last several centuries of revolutionary thought and philosophy. He includes the Protestant Reformation, he includes the science revolution, he includes the Enlightenment, then the French Revolution, then all the revolutions of the includes the Enlightenment, then the French Revolution, then all the revolutions of the 17 and 1800s, all the way up to the present revolution of the fourth industrial revolution or technocracy, right? 

So the same thing Klaus writes about in his 2018 book, Fourth Industrial Revolution, is the same thing that’s being talked about in this book almost 100 years ago. And he says that what we had to do was exchange beauty and aesthetics and freedom for control and social stability. So that’s why there is always the promise of security when you trade over your liberties. Now it’s a false trade-off. You don’t actually come out better because you never actually get the security that they promise because actually the security here is the security of the biomedical security state, which is predicted in this book a long time ago. And so you become a slave to base passions, to your desires, to the technocracy, which is controlling you through not just all the means that we know about, like 1984’s big government, but controlling you through happiness points. What do you mean happiness points? Well, ultimately through the pleasures. We’ll provide you a universal basic income. We’ll provide you infinite entertainment, gaming, coom pods, coffin apartments. This will be the control mechanism of the future, he says. And he says that the important element that 1984 left out was control by pleasure. He says 1984, it’s like an aesthetic, right? Not aesthetic, ascetic, like asceticism, the ascetics. It’s like there’s a control mechanism where you get very little r mechanism where you get very little rations, you get very little victory gin, very few victory cigarettes, you get a ration of chocolate each week. He says that that’s the wrong idea, right? 

They suppress sexuality in 1984, they had the league of the Chastity League or something like this, where you report on people for touching butts or something, who knows, right? No, no, he says that it’s the other way around. The totalitarian state maximizes sexual degeneracy and sexual pleasure to control the population. And what have we seen in the last several years since the 1960s countercultural revolution up to today with the so-called trans revolution? What is all of that? That is womb to tomb conditioning and control. Ultimately, Huxley says at the end of his introduction, this is the rebranding of eugenics and control. He says that this will bring order out of chaos eventually, and we will have a perfectly controlled world where there is no freedom, there is no aesthetics, there is no beauty, you won’t be reading the Bible and you won’t read Shakespeare because you won’t have family or tradition or history that you even know about. Now I made this point a while back because Bertrand Russell says something very similar in Impact of Science on Society, which is very close to what’s in this novel. And he talks about how in the future, you’ll be reading Shakespeare, what are you talking about? You’re not gonna be reading these books you see around me, you’re not gonna have that. Those are gonna be banned, Fahrenheit 451, that novel’s making the same point. Why? Because beauty and arts and the arts, the aesthetics, philosophy, religion, theology, all of these things that are part of what we call the classical arts, they require freedom and creativity. They require notions of beauty and standards that are objective. And Huxley says this, he says that we had to get rid of the notion of telos or purpose in the world before we could bring about a super technocratic state that gives man purpose. So there’s no longer God that gives purpose, there’s no longer God that limits the role of the state, it is the all powerful technocratic state, which then dictates all laws and morals and conventions and can change them arbitrarily at will, that then makes man controlled and happy, and it is literally like a human zoo, it is a human farm. But as we said, to distinguish it from the top down control of what we see in 1984 or animal farm or something like this, this is as we said, to distinguish it from the top-down control of what we see in 1984 or Animal Farm or something like this. This is a pleasure-based utopia that entices you through meeting all of your bodily needs and your imagination needs through endless entertainment and gaming and the Matrix, ultimately. And he says that that will be the ultimate perfect control systems. That’s just the introduction. Now, I did a breakdown on my channel the other day. You’ll notice it’s the newest video that’s up there. Up there. It’s got about 1920,000 views where we went through his Berkeley speech. 

So 30 years later, Huxley gives a 1962 Berkeley speech where he explains how all of this is now coming to pass, and it was a plan, and it’s not merely fiction. So go watch that. As we work our way through the novel, we begin with the setting of London in the year, I think 2500 ish. And what’s first noticeable about the world state, and it’s called the world state, is that it has 10 regions. So we get basically the continental unions, the plan for kind of a world order of federated continents that are integrated into an overall globalist strategy of control. the plan for kind of a world order of federated continents that are integrated into an overall globalist strategy of control. This is the present government. And he says that the first chapter begins at the London hatchery of the world state. So London plays a key role here in the future world state. And it always has because this is, as we know, the future world order of a Fabian socialist technocracy based on the secret plan of the British elites like Cecil Rhodes and others that he wrote about. There’s a last will and testament of Cecil Rhodes where he said, we’ll create this Fabian socialist world state and that will be our long-term plan. Now what’s this hatchery? 

This is where humans come from. Humans are created in hatcheries, in pods, test tube babies. You don’t have children anymore. And the reason that you don’t have children, the book explains, is because they had to do that to remove your connection to mother and father. So to destroy the family requires the government hatcheries, the super state hatcheries. And that’s where we are now. They’re wanting to roll out this now, the idea that humans should be hatched and they should be genetically modified and created out of lab-grown scientific needs. So this society populates its society on the basis of scientific rational need. In other words, we need more, 24 more gub-gub snail men who are basically midget goblin people to go and clean up the vomit and to clean up the poop in the poop factory. Literally, I’m not joking, like they actually engineer alphas, betas, gammas, deltas, and epsilons. And epsilons are like the little slug people who are created to go mop up poop. The alphas are the alphas. Now, the funny part about this right away is that it’s a rigid hierarchy where everybody wears color-coded clothing to signify their caste. It’s a scientific caste system. But hey, wait a minute, I thought liberty, equality, and fraternity. 

I thought since the French Revolution, we were told that the revolutions were leading us to the world of perfect egalitarianism, perfect equalitarianism. But wait a minute, no, it’s not that at all. Turns out it was all a lie, it was a ruse. The revolutions were for the purpose of bringing in the final revolution, which is a brave new world. And the final revolution, within three pages, five pages, is a rigid hierarchy. Gammas, deltas, epsilons, he says millions of them created, five pages, is a rigid hierarchy. Gammas, deltas, epsilons, he says millions of them created, mass produced humans. So wait a minute, is this a communist future? Or is it a capitalist future? Because the notion of mass production is a monopoly capitalist idea. But the notion of a complete collectivist society is a communist socialist idea. So which one is it? I can’t figure it out in my basic black white dialectics, which one is it? It’s both, because it was always intended to synthesize both. And these people actually say that, HG Wells says, when he writes in, it’s either open conspiracy or a new world order, he says that all the Marxist socialists, you shouldn’t be railing against monopoly capitalism. It’s not your enemy, it’s your funder and your friend, because it is the monopoly capitalists that will build the global infrastructure that will give way to the socialists, to this. And how do I know that Huxley knew that and that’s why I’m here? infrastructure that will give way to the socialists, to this. And how do I know that Huxley knew that and was party to that? 

Because in the novel, everybody in the future is named after both Marxists and capitalists. In fact, the pseudo religion, the civic religion that is made up, a la Auguste Comte, is Fordianism, the year of our Ford. And instead of a cross, they have a towel, the T, for Ford, for the Model T Ford. Because the Model T Ford was the beginning of industrial revolution in the sense of completely changing society through machinery, through mass production. And mass production makes everything a commodity, so that then humans become a commodity and become mass produced. Well that sounds like Marx. That’s because it’s both. That’s because it’s the third way synthesis that so many of the global elite writers that we’ve lectured through talk about. Brzezinski, Quigley, on and on and on, Baby and Socialists all talked about the third way, synthesizing monopoly capitalism from the West with various forms of socialism, Marxism, communism from the East, Eastern Bloc, Soviets, etc. 

Frankfurt School, doesn’t matter, ultimately the end goal is the same. And this is precisely why nothing changes in the left-right dialectic. Because the explanation of what is really running things in Brave New World tells you that the left-right is a fake dialectic. Going back to the French Revolution, going back to when in the French Revolutionary government, they had a provisional government that they set up. In the tennis court, the tennis court government, and on the left side of the tennis court where the left wing revolutionaries known as the Jacobins. On the right wing of the tennis court are the right wing revolutionaries known as the Garondins. They’re both revolutionaries, but they’re disagreeing over whether it should be a total communist Jacob and Illuminist style collectivism, or a mercantile dominated capitalist revolution. Both are revolutionaries. And Huxley is saying that the future is the culmination of all revolutions, not just that one, but scientific revolution. He says this in the introduction. Protestant revolution, scientific revolution, French revolution. Then we get the ultimate future synthesis of the brave new world super state, run by 10 world socialist controllers, one of whom is named Mustafa Mond, who is the chief antagonist of the novel. 

And they quote, socially predestined people on the basis of eugenics and genetically modified humans, Franken humans. And that’s because he says that, he says that when they walk into the hatcheries, there’s just racks and racks and racks of humans. the hatcheries, there’s just racks and racks and racks of humans. They have a motto, community, identity, stability. All reproduction is completely and 100% controlled by the state. This rigid caste system, which by the way, Britain had India as a colony and I’ve always theorized the British elite adopted this caste system out of their Indian colony, that’s my theory. And he says that one of the things that the scientific technocratic elite learned that controlled the society is that the whole society is actually kept at an unrested development level. So even though there’s epsilon, or excuse me, there’s alphas who are very intelligent and very muscular and fit and have a lot of sexual partners and all this, they don’t have sex to reproduce, right? Sex has been completely divorced from reproduction, reproduction completely divorced from sexuality and that was the goal for population control. 

Population control is not just get the numbers down, like Bill Gates says. It’s controlling every area of life of the population. Total control. And he even talks about weird inverted relations, you might say, that all exist in the Brave New World scenario because by the end of the second chapter, when we learn about the antagonist villain character Mostafa Mond, or maybe, excuse me, maybe it’s the end of the third chapter, yeah, there’s this weird section that I never noticed where he’s compared to Christ because this is the chapter where pedophilia has been normalized. They call it child play, I think, something like that, erotic child play. And when this has been normalized, there are children who come to see the world’s socialist controller Mustafa Mahmoud when he shows up at one of the hatcheries one day. And they try to say, no, no, get away, you don’t need to talk to him. And as an inverted anti-Christ type of symbol in the novel, Huxley has the Mustafa Mahan character say, let the little children come unto me. So an amazing, just total inversion of Christianity. He’s a Christ-like figure, but he’s an anti-Christ figure, because he’s a pedo. But it’s been normalized in this technocratic society, as well as the continuance of youth, right? You maintain your youth, but then you go to a oven when it’s time to get euthanized. 

We were talking about the structure and the makeup, the strategies of the future technocracy in the fiction novel, Brave New World, which is not a fiction novel, which is an actual real plan. That is rolling out right now that we’re all living through. In chapter two, it talks about the ideology that’s used for the conditioning of all of the residents, all of the cloned hatched people. And it’s called the Neo-Pavlovian Conditioning Center, right? So operant conditioning, Pavlovian conditioning, Skinner, Watson, Pavlov, that all goes into the model of how the humans are molded, crafted, and created by the super state through operant conditioning. In fact, there’s multiple references to what was soon to be MKUltra. In fact, there’s the electro shocking of the infants, there is the drugging of the infants and the society on a mass scale. They literally electroshock infants to operant condition them to fit into and be socially conditioned to this system into the society. I want to mention that, of course, Huxley was famous for the doors of perception and an early promotion of LSD. And in fact, Huxley was introduced to drugs according to Dr. Richard Spence by none other than the famous British spy and Satanist Alistair Crowley. So there’s a direct connection between Crowley and his drug diaries, as Dr. Spence notes, I think on pages 20, 16, 17, 18 in his book, and the type of society of the Aeon of the Child, which Crowley wrote about, the crown conquering child, the future Aeon, he says, when Christianity goes away, will be one of arrested development where infantilism reigns and that’s exactly what is the society here. 

Control the society by keeping them in a childish arrested development state. Thus, they are completely beings of instinct, completely controlled by their pleasures and by the super state. The super state also utilizes sleep control, sleep mind control, called hypnopedia, where when you sleep, you’re always listening to these weird mantras and these chants that control you. Now, we didn’t necessarily go into that kind of a society today, maybe in the future they will, I don’t know, but the notion of mind controlling people through hypnosis in sleep states and whatnot, that is part of MKUltra. So again, we see a connection between Huxley and MKUltra. And Huxley would write a lot of books and do a lot of research and promoting of things like LSD. That would definitely have tremendous influence on both the Tavistock Institute and the mkulture programs in the United States. So remember that everybody’s named after all of these Marxist and revolutionary figures. Characters are named after Trotsky. 

There’s one of the chief female figures in the novel is Lenina, the feminine of Lenin, Lenina. Lenina is a vaccine worker. She works to inoculate everybody. No surprise there, where have we heard of this? The again, union of the different characters, there’s one of the main characters, Bernard Marx, right? Lenina. We have references to George Bernard Shaw, the famous Fabian Socialist, which again tells us who the novel is really pulling from. It’s pulling from all of these revolutionary figures. There’s another important aspect too, which is that everyone belongs to everyone else, which is interesting because you can’t say no to anybody. Who are you? How dare you turn me down, bigot? You must have sex with everybody, and you are in trouble in this society if you say no to anyone, because that means that you’re being selfish and you’re not being completely collectivist. There’s no notion of freedom. There’s no notion of individual creativity there’s no notion of individual creativity because this whole society is engineered and restructured around you being given everything that you want and need, mainly your base pleasures, to control you. And we learned that everything is controlled through chemical concoctions. 

So MKUltra, we realized through the real brains behind MKUltra, wasn’t mainly about creating some mind-controlled super assassin, not about making, you know, Mila Jovovich or Scarlett Johansson, you know, go in and assassinate some world leader or something like, no, it’s actually about studying things that then apply to the society as a whole. So you study individual cases and then apply that to the macrocosm. And he even says that the water supplies are tainted. He says we learned this from the Soviet techniques of tainting the water supply, and this was particularly ingenious. He says that in the past, remember this is the year 2500, he says that there was a past world economic collapse. that there was a past world economic collapse, and that led to the introduction of the world controllers. So the technocrats stepped forward after a world economic collapse. And he says that we figured out that rather than controlling people through top-down control, the society is run through brains and buttocks. Brains and butts. 

That’s what he says, page 49. What does that mean? That means scientific technocracy rules you through controlling you through your base desires, brains and butts. The society is actually based around constant and continual consumption. You do not have time by design to think and reflect because if you sat and thought and reflected, you might actually figure out what’s going on, he says. Throughout the novel, various technocrats, they actually explain why and how the society is constructed. And he says that, no, you don’t read anymore, there’s no books, books are all banned, why do you need books? Why do you need to think? When you start to feel bad or depressed or you start to feel down, there is a drug that you take called Soma, which is apparently it seems to be a mix of like mescaline or some sort of narcotic and some sort of upper. So it’s sort of like all three at one and Huxley’s later said that it’s not a real drug, but it’s kind of a fantastical concoction that he said might one day actually exist. But he said that regardless that to me it would be the best control mechanism because in this future, you don’t need to do any kind of reflecting. And if you’re ever tempted to sit back and reflect or to think about would be the best control mechanism because in this future, you don’t need to do any kind of reflecting. And if you’re ever tempted to sit back and reflect or to think about or to analyze the society, you take Soma, you take the drug that gives you a holiday. The holiday is the drug trip. But it’s not a classic LSD trip. 

It’s a much more of a pleasurable kind of escapism. And he says that we figured that out because that’s the best way to control everybody. And so we combine that with a fake world religion. So the future dystopia here actually literally has a fake world religion. And the world religion, I kid you not, is also a form of sex magic. So you go basically to a rave where the music is all synthetic. I’m not knocking techno, I like electronic music. I’m just saying that in the novel, he predicted that all the future music would be synthetic computer-made music, literally, 1932. Well, obviously you have to have that because you can’t have individual creative artists making up compositions and making up music because that would be undermining the very principle that we said of the complete control of the society. You can’t have free will and creativity, and of course the arts suggest and are based around human free will and creativity. So all of the movies are basically Michael Bay porn movies. Right, it’s all explosions and porn. It’s literally, it’s like all explosions and porn and that is also part of the method to control you. But I was really blown away, again, reading through this time because I’d read this, you know, we had it in high school and then I read it I think in 2015. 

And reading it again, there’s so much more that I caught that I didn’t catch the previous times through. Particularly all the references to MKUltra, all the references to Malthusianism. They actually have a ritual mantra that they repeat called the Malthusian Drill. And the liturgy that you go to, the worship service is a new world religion that was created by the technocrats, that is a rave dance service, literally. And you have an orgy, called the orgy-porgy. And the sacrament that you take is the Soma drug. And when you take the Soma, you chant out these phrases and these words to become one with everyone else because you’re having an orgy. 

Okay, and the odd part is that it does acknowledge a deity. But it’s a deity according to characters who are named after Marxists. They talk about these made up figures in the novel named after Engists, they talk about these made-up figures in the novel, named after Engels, named after Bakunin, and named after other figures like, says there’s a reference to the 12 apostles. The 12 apostles ritual is where you go in this orgy and you chant out to the greater being. They believe in a supreme being, but it’s always undefined, it’s very generic, which is also kind of an idea of a Masonic deity, right? The supreme being. And then the sacrament that you take is a hallucinogen in the middle of the orgy-porgy ritual. Orgy-porgy, forward and fun. So instead of our Lord, it’s our forward. Kiss the girls and make them one boys at one with girls at peace orgy. Porgy gives release. Orgy, Porgy, he says, is the liturgical refrain liturgy. So there, you know exactly what I said and exactly the world that we’re going into is planned by these people and it’s in all the books, but people don’t read anymore. That’s why we don’t know what’s going on. We just don’t know because we are kept ignorant. 

Luke Goodwin

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The Talmud and interpretation of the voluminous works of the Jewish rabbis promote Jewish Supremacy,…

1 year ago

Douglass Mackey Sentenced To Seven Months in Prison for Shitposting

Twitter shit poster, Douglas Mackey aka Ricky Vaughn sentenced to 7 months in prison in…

1 year ago

Evangelical’s Bad Theology on Israel and Its Consequences

Evangelical Christians perpetuate a faulty theological view called dispensationalism, which compels them to demand US…

1 year ago