Jay Dyer 4th Hour

Matrix of Think Tanks, NGOs, and Committees Run the World

There is a pyramid of power in this world. At the top is a matrix of think tanks, NGOs, and Committees that develop the plans to pass to their managers in politics, corporations, media, and academia. 

It’s a concerted effort to bring about a globalist technocracy

Jay Dyer discusses this in the fourth hour of the Alex Jones show.

Dyer often talks about brains and bloods in the ruling class. The bloods bring the old money and the clout, and recruit promising young people that have the smarts to come up with the strategy to bring about the New World Order. The bloods include Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, Vanderbilts. More recently Bill Gates and George Soros. The brains are people like Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, HG Wells, and Bertrand Russell. A more recent vintage is Yuval Noah Harari. 

Combined they are carrying water for the Fabian Socialists of yesteryear, who came up with the plan to turn the Christian world upside-down and remake it in their own image. A technocratic utopia

What’s crazy is they write down all of their plans in books and whitepapers. They reveal things in movies and TV shows. Dyer has read, watched,  and lectured through many of these revelations. They don’t hide it. They just know people don’t read, and if they do read they won’t believe such an audacious plan. 

In recent years it’s become more apparent and more out in the open. You really have to be wilfully ignorant not to see something fishy in the worldwide lockdowns, the forced vaccinations, and the escalating nonsense throughout the world.

Dyer suggests reading this 16-year-old mainline article from the Guardian for a taste of what’s going on. Discussing the Ministry of Defence’s future projection team’s 90-page report, which describes the material as “probability-based, rather than predictive.” Meaning, they had seen the technologies for implantable brain chips, EMP weapons, flashmobs, and more already developing in the labs.

It also talks about Marxism being revived as the super rich get richer, while the middle class gets squeezed out.

Link: https://www.banned.video/watch?id=64bb19e18c997fe53e6664aa


The Future is Planned: Jay Dyer Exposes the Globalist Plan for Humanity

Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show. Get on over here now. Uncle Baby Bill is Bible bonkers time. Come on now. We’re time to get serious. I’m going to talk about proving to you that the future is planned. Now, I don’t want you to get blackmailed and think that the future is always planned, as if you can’t make a difference. But we still got a large chunk of the population that doesn’t understand that the future is planned. 16 years ago at the Guardian, the quote liberal website, 16 years ago at the Guardian, the quote liberal website, which is a completely establishment website. 16 years ago, 20 years ago, they did do some decent reporting. There’s an article there called Revolution, Flash Mobs and Brain Chips, Grim Vision of the Future. 

This is an article that the Guardian wrote based on the British Ministry of Defense’s white paper called Development Concepts and Doctrinal Center, drawing the report on the future projections of flash mobs, electromagnetic pulse weapons, ELF, VLF, the rise of a new type of Marxism, socialism, proletariat revolution, so-called, and collapse. The new weapons of the future would be ELF, VLF, would be things that would be psychotronic. I just watched a movie last night that I just thought it was a normal John Cusack film with Christina Ricci, and it’s called Distortion. And the whole movie is about an MKUltra project, basically using a smart city, smart tech building to mind control and program people and set them off to use various signals transmission, subliminals and so forth to basically cause revolutions to cause chaos. This document is talking about this in a mainstream way, 16 years ago. Now there’s older discussions of implantable chips. We just saw, for example, the WEF, the former WEF guy in the Greg Reese video say that back in 2003, he and Klaus were talking about these kinds of things. Implantable chips going under the skin. Now that’s the old technology. Now it could be something more nanotech, I’m sure. So it’s not microchips per se, but they still might use some kind of implantable chip. In fact, now in a lot of groceries, a lot of whole foods, you can just pay and scan with your biometric code. 

So we’re already at the dystopian future. But the document said from the white paper from the Ministry of Defense, British Ministry of Defense, that by 2035 an implantable microchip will be wired directly to the brain. That’s what’s coming. That’s what they want to do with the CBDC. That’s what they want to do with the wallet that everybody has. You get this universal basic income. You get on this system that is predicated on austerity. Now, where does the austerity limitation model come from? You might think, well, it comes only from Marxism, socialism. That’s part of where it comes from, because Marxism, socialism is predicated on the notion that there is a control that is unfair by the nature of capitalism itself. And so the answer is enforced fairness, enforced equality, enforced equality, on the notion that there is a control that is unfair by the nature of capitalism itself. And so the answer is enforced fairness, enforced universal basic income. The document notes that the middle class could be engineered to become a new proletariat, a new Marxist revolutionary force. 

And so I think that’s what they want to do is they want to take the middle class, they want to take middle America, they want to take the average conservative, radicalize that or at least give the impression that they’re radicalized, which is exactly what the entire Biden administration has been about. The MAGA, Trump, all these people, all the middle America is part of this revolutionary force that’s gonna destroy and take down things. And they’re gonna have to have another OKC, right? Another kind of Tim McVeigh, who was a sheep dip, black ops, patsy person. He was used in that operation, which was done as a deep state operation in my view. They’re gonna need something like that. And so you have to be aware of that. Anything that happens like that, most likely 100%, 99.9% will be some mentally unstable weirdo person that was provocateur and led into this kind of a thing. If you remember the New York Times many, many years ago had articles talking about how a lot of these so-called terror events were actually honey pots, honey traps run by the FBI. Admitted, front page of the New York Times many, many years ago. You can look it up. So here you have all of these mainstream admissions. 

These are the people that front page of the New York Times many, many years ago. You can look it up. So here you have all of these mainstream admissions. These admissions have been there for years in the white papers. And when you talk about this, as we and everybody Infowars has been doing for many, many years, Alex, 30 years, me, 20 years, I can recount countless incidents of, you’re crazy, this doesn’t exist, you’re insane, it will never happen. This is a tenfold crackpot theory. It’s absurd, ludicrous. And now that it’s rolling out, oh, you’re a bigot, how dare you oppose this? This is such a good thing. Nobody ever said it was bad. It’s a great thing, right? 

That’s the gaslighting they always do. It’s gaslighting, it’s a trick. It’s a psychological operation trick. So now that it’s all rolling out, can we not admit and realize that this is going on? Go look at this paper from 16, almost 20 years ago. Revolution flash mobs and brain chips, a grim vision of the future. I know nobody reads anymore. We all just watch videos of insane 19-year-old girl Twitch streamers going, gang, gang, gang, gang, gang, gang. Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, Bill Gates, Bill Gates, get the numbers down, get the numbers down, get the numbers down, ice cream. What even is this? I don’t know. What the hell even is that? Right, what is this? I don’t know. But maybe you want to go look at Revolution Flash Mobs and Brain Chips and not insane elf girls doing Tourette’s syndrome. I don’t know what it is. It’s like we’re all, everybody watches girls doing Tourette’s syndrome. I don’t know what it is. It’s like we’re all, everybody watches girls doing Tourette’s syndrome now. I don’t know. You can go to my Twitter, I did a whole spoof of this nonsense, which getting a lot of views. Follow me on Twitter, by the way, I’m getting a lot of traction on Twitter. It’s doing well, doing well. I can get hundreds of followers a day on Twitter now. I get 30 followers a day on YouTube. So I don’t know what’s going on with Twitter now, I get 30 followers a day on YouTube. So I don’t know what’s going on with Twitter and Elon Musk, but I like that I’m getting normal growth and that I’m not throttled and shut down like I am everywhere else, which is really annoying because I put a lot of work into what I do. Now, this document went on to talk about other factors that would occur. 

There would be a rise in fights over resources. There would be a rise in demographic warfare. Now, wait a minute, I thought that doesn’t exist. You’re not supposed to talk about that even though there’s entire books about it, like Kelly Greenhill’s book, Weapons of Mass Migration. It doesn’t exist, you see. And when it does exist, it’s a good thing. It doesn’t exist, and here’s why it’s a good thing that it does exist, right? All of the liberal article titles, right? When you see an article title like that, you know you’re in for trouble. And so here’s why it’s a good thing that it does exist, right?

All of the liberal article titles, right? When you see an article title like that, you know you’re in for trouble. The document talks about the rise in Islamic groups again. In my opinion, I agree with what Alex said about the Tate situation, which is that it was a mistake to go down the route of Islam. Islam is a tool, in my view, in the global power structure to use against the West. And if you go back to that book I’ve been lecturing through for the last several months, because it’s really, really good, the Milner-Favian Conspiracy, the last 200 pages of this book, which is pretty spicy, gets into how Islam is a tool, a geopolitical tool that the British Empire used to use. 

Think of the Muslim Brotherhood, basically started and run by British intelligence. The same model of the imperial strategy of using radical Islam. What do you know, by the 1970s, Brzezinski borrowing the British model and strategy for the American imperium, utilizing radical Islam. Can we not figure this out? Now I’m not pro-Islam, but I don’t think that Islam was ultimately behind the Big Nine event. I think that was used. That doesn’t make me pro-Islam. So I think in the case of Tate, it was a mistake to go down the road of Islam because now, Islam is heavily being pushed, not just in Europe, but they’re going to try to push it social media as well. And that’s part of the problem. And it’s not based, it’s not tried and based, maybe on a couple areas it is. 

But you’ll notice after a generation or two, just like any other group that gets exposed to CI created toxic counterculture, within a generation or two, they lose that heritage tradition, that religion that they’re raised with. So it doesn’t take but one or two generations of smartphones, abortion, Coke, Pepsi, foundations, feminism, all that in your country and then all that stuff goes away. So it’s being used as a tool and that will be turned into the next phase of the liberal global world order. That’s what they do. And all this stuff is actuaried out and game planned. If you don’t believe that there are actuaries, game plans, strategies, white papers, go read the freaking article, one article. Now guess what? There’s 1,000 more articles and white papers and documents that prove this point. Boomers, wake up. Send this to your family and friends and tell them to go read the freaking article. And stop being naive and dumb. And stop watching insane retarded girls on Twitch going ice cream, ice ice cream, ah, ah, ah, Bill Gates, Bill Gates, ah, ah, ah. 

Welcome back to the show. I’m your guest host, Jay Dyer. Jason house. I just want to remind you to all me over on Twitter because things are opening up. Also follow me over on rock fan. You can catch me every Friday here at Alex Jones as well on band. Now video, uh, I want to talk about, as we’ve discussed this paper, uh, from almost 20 years ago that planned out, predicted our future. Another book that ties into this, what are the institutions, what are the entities that coordinate and really structure the future and our world order? Why is it that no matter who goes into office, typically speaking, we have the same overall game plan that marches forward? Well, that’s because although politicians can do some things, there’s higher level control groups, steering committees, right? And they really chart the course of where we’re gonna go and they have a vast corporate and university system structure that they utilize to help roll out this stuff. And one example of this is the Trilateral Commission, which is a, it’s kind of a adjunct of the CFR, the Council on Foreign Relations. 

Now the CFR was created back in 1921 as a think tank by basically the Rockefeller family. David Rockefeller played a huge role in setting up the Council on Foreign Relations. And in 1973, the proud internationalist, David Rockefeller said, we need to set up a separate group together with Henry Kissinger, he said, that would help steer things at an even higher level beyond just the CFR. And in that regard, he recruited, it was the big name Brzezinski, he and Henry Kissinger together set up this higher level planning committee, the Council on Foreign Relations, which really has had its kind of stranglehold on the US government for many, many, many years. Back when Barry Goldwater was running, he mentioned this, and it was a huge scandal, a big deal. And that helped the media then crushed his campaign. I think Reagan mentioned this once, the media then turned and crushed him, because you’re never supposed to mention this. But now we’re in the age of Internet where you can mention these groups. 

And again, the same people that go to the CFR are the same people that go to Bilderberg, and there’s the same people that go to the Trilateral Commission. So a lot of people, I was talking to some people, some boomer age people the other day, and very awake, very red pill good people, but they were saying, well, who runs all this? Is it this group or this group? Is it that guy or this guy? There’s one group of people that are part of varying steering committees, varying groups, various meetings. So it’s not just one thing. Different committees and groups run different things. So for example, the people that go to the CFR, many of them are the Fortune 100. They will also attend Trilateral Commission meetings. They will also attend Bilderberg meetings, you see. So very important CEOs, Fortune 100, Fortune 500, very important PhDs, people from MIT, people from the media. That’s who goes to these, that’s who steers, the steering committees, they’re called steering committees. 

That means that they steer things. And how are we at the point where we don’t know this? All of these things are public. All of these things are in big policy papers and books like Tragedy and Hope, like Brzezinski’s books, which I lectured through right over here. See this shelf right here? There’s Brzezinski, there’s Rockefeller, there’s Klaus Schwab, all right there. These are all public academic books, but nobody reads books anymore, because we got to watch those Twitch girls having Tourette’s breakdowns. I want to talk about this book that is a great history of the Trilateral Commission written in 1970s, I think it was 1979, by Professor Anthony Sutton and Patrick Wood. Now, Professor Anthony Sutton, as we know, is the famous historian economist who wrote about Skull and Bones. He wrote about Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, and he wrote about Hitler and Wall Street. 

But he wrote a lesser known book that’s really important because even though it’s dated, as I’ve talked about, I think I mentioned it last time I was on, it’s called Trilaterals Over Washington, volumes one and two. Now you say, why would I care about a 1979 book? It’s so dated. No, no, you understand that this book shows everything the CFR was planning in the 1970s is now rolled out. Again, testifying to the fact that the future is planned, not every single event, dummy. You’re saying every single event’s planned, that’s crazy. No, I didn’t say that. The overall plans of where they want to go, the UN just said they’re behind, like two days ago on their 2030 goals. You can go to the UN on Twitter, they have a Twitter. They say, here’s our goals for the future. Austerity, getting rid of cars, getting rid of families, breaking everything down, banker austerity, shutting down freedom of commerce, promoting every form of degeneracy to end the family. It’s not for your freedom. What is a Trilateral Commission? It is a high-level CFR steering group, higher than the Council of Foreign Relations. It was started by Brzezinski, or for Brzezinski, under the Carter administration. And you’ll notice at that time, as Eflin Mingo points out, the Carter era and its oil crisis, that was actually run by Bilderberg and these people. That was an operation. And Brzezinski said back at that time, the goal of the Trilateral Commission and the CFR and all of its adjuncts is to create an IMF NATO run New World Order. IMF NATO run New World Order, what’s the IMF? What’s NATO? They’re Fabian socialist institutions, as Rati approves. 

They are not anti-communist. They’re anti-Soviet, not anti-communist or anti-socialist. And that’s why Europe is a socialist country. I mean, I know it’s a bunch of countries, but you know what I’m saying. The EU is a socialist entity. Now, I’m not saying that, then we need monopoly capitalism as the answer. No, no, you understand that monopoly capitalism is now united with and is always funded and fostered socialism. Sovietism was a different thing. Sovietism, especially under Stalin, Khrushchev and all those people, they were another kind of opposition to the West, just like the Axis powers were in opposition. But they still had Western support and funding. Those things are gone. Sovietism doesn’t exist anymore. Axis powers were in opposition, but they still had Western support and funding. Those things are gone. Sovietism doesn’t exist anymore. Hitlerism doesn’t exist anymore. Axis powers, those are gone. Now what we have is a push for global neoliberal technocratic Fabian socialism. It’s the hybrid. That’s what’s emerged. So it has elements of all the previous system. There’s elements of fascism, elements of capitalism, primarily monopoly capitalism, with this whole agenda being put into place by the Fortune 100, Fortune 500. It’s not commies in Moscow doing it. 

Do you think that the KGB runs the Fortune 100? Are the CEOs of Target and all these companies, are they KGB? Are they run from Moscow? No, they want to destroy Russia. That’s why Zelensky says, come to Ukraine, if you are BlackRock, come to Ukraine, we will open it up, we will rip the country for you, have it, take it. It’s a corporate plan. We got to get out of thinking in the dialectics of capitalism versus communism. It’s commie capitalism is the future, and that’s what HG Wells said 100 years ago, that’s what Bertrand Russell said 100 years ago. The people that laid out the plan we’re going into, those are the architects of the new world order. It is not pure Marxism or socialism. It is a combination of all of these into the worst of capitalism, socialism, Marxism, fascism. The worst, the third way synthesis, as Brzezinski said a long time ago, would be the new world order, technocracy. This is the Alex Jones Show. I’m your guest, host Jay Dyer. Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. 

The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. We voters are not in a trough! While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. Let’s talk about what Patrick Wood and Professor Anthony Sutton said that the CFR had planned back in the 1970s. And let’s look at how a lot of these plans have come to pass. And then we’ll understand that the same institutions are still there, perched on top of our nation, perched on top of our great country, turning it and steering it into horrible things. That’s why we have all these endless wars. As entities like this, because the wars don’t actually serve America or America’s people, they served really powerful corporate interests. I do believe in self-defense. I do believe in standing your ground. But we’ve been conned by a lot of these wars. A lot of these wars were for the benefit of the Fortune 100. And so this third way synthesis that I was talking about is an invented plan back when Brzezinski wrote this book here between two ages, if you can see it here on my shelf right there. The technocratic plan for the future, Brzezinski said that the nation state would have to transition into an internationalist organization and be demoted. So things like the COOF, right, the COVID nonsense, what were we told? Everything that is going on in a national sense is gonna have to be subordinated to entities like the World Health Organization, the Bill Gates, Melinda Gates Foundation, the CFR, all of these entities would now take, Prez Rockefeller Foundation would be basically running our whole health agenda, and we would have to transition into the new era, the new world. 

Management by crisis, control crisis is how they do that. So all the way back in the 1970s, you understand, Professor Anthony Sutton, you see here, Professor Anthony Sutton, you see here, Professor Anthony Sutton talking about elements of control was writing that this is all managed by crisis, controlled crisis and chaos. And they know that because during the Cold War, the end of the Cold War, Brzezinski instituted a strategy called the arc of crisis in the former Soviet states, the Baltic states. And that was a strategy of chaos, strategy of tension chaos, much like Gladio, very similar to Gladio, to disrupt and bring in tighter controls and Western power. Now, that doesn’t mean that Sovietism is good, I’m not saying that, but it’s just two different masters, right? 

Do you want Stalin, Khrushchev, and Dropov? Do you want the Stasi and the KGB as your masters? Or now do you want Tourette’s, Insanity, Twitch-based CIA control? Which one do you want? Do you want Satan or Lucifer? Who would you rather have? Now the book goes on to say that the structure of the Trilateral Commission is primarily one with a financial oligarchical elite at the very tip top of the pyramid. And that’s a lot of old families and a lot of corporate people. In the Sutton book, they list 109 people in the 1970s that really had this superpower status. It’s very similar to the listing and structure of Dr. John Coleman and his book Committee of 300. So you can see the cross-pollination there, right? 

Both of those books written roughly in the same time frame. I think Committee came out in the 70s or 80s. This book came out in the 70s. And so we can see that independent research is leading people to the same conclusions. And so what happens is that this really powerful financial corporate elite then runs this 109 people underneath them of the trilateral group, which was again, 100 or so people in the 1970s. And then underneath them is a whole network of the managerial class that put a lot of this into practice. This group has dominated the United States presidency and the elected officials ever since its inception. So it’s just another high level group with more power and more influence than even the CFR previously had. So you begin to see how from the 1960s up to the 1970s, right, post-JFK, up into this era, it’s getting more and more top down, more and more control such that the normal political class is being forced and cajoled to submit to this supra-political class. So everybody is still focused on presidents and senators and all this stuff, which they do have a degree of power, there’s no doubt about that. They do do things. And so, I think that’s class. So everybody is still focused on presidents and senators and all this stuff, which they do have a degree of power, there’s no doubt about that. 

They do do things. But a lot of times they’re cajoled, blackmailed into doing what this group wants, which is a higher-level semi-public, semi-secret group. He begins to talk about the composition of this pyramid. Again, this is back in the 1970s, and he gives an example of how this pyramid was structured back then. You’ll notice that he says that we have, up here at the top, a very powerful financial brotherhood. And a lot of that’s centered in New York. Underneath that, we have the executive committee in the US. Underneath that, we have Europe, Japan, Trilateral Commission. Then we have core countries. And then we have sort of that class of managerial group people that put it into practice. This gets filtered down then to the university professors, the academics. Not every university professor, the ones at the important Ivy League institutions, Harvard, Yale, Cambridge, Oxford, MIT. This is where Stanford, all the Silicon Valley stuff. Now, again, this is right when Silicon Valley is beginning to rise. Then he lists the key think tanks, NGOs, and universities that are the brains behind this. So like Tavistock, for example, premier psychological warfare research institute in the world. Tavistock openly publicly for the last several years behind the entire trans agenda. Tavistock clinic pushing this, pioneering this in the UK. So hard and so crazy that the UK public even reacted against this, all in the mainstream news, thousands of articles in the last five years. So who are some of these key think tanks even back then in the 1970s that were identified in this amazing way ahead of its time book? 

Aspen Institute, Maurice Strong, Brookings Institute, Center for Defense Information, Columbia University, Georgetown University, International Studies Departments, Harvard, Hoover Institute, Hudson Institute, MIT, the Rand Corporation, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, and now that would be the Soros Foundation, which has surpassed the Ford Foundation as the world’s leading foundation. Carnegie Foundation for International Peace, Carnegie Endowment, Borden Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rockefeller Family Fund, World Peace Foundation, Woodruff Foundation, New York Times, CBS, LA Times, Time Inc, Foreign Policy Magazine, Foreign Affairs, Chicago Sun Times. Now, how does this happen? They couldn’t run the world, it’s too much, they couldn’t do it. Well, guess what? Brzezinski is on the fricking board of half of this stuff. 

David Rockefeller is on the board of half of this stuff. It’s not that hard. You just set up, because you have all the money in the world, you set up all the entities that you want. Endless think tanks, foundations, it is a matrix. It’s a great analogy. Countless think tanks, foundations, NGOs. Did you not know there was an entire investigation in America, the Reese Committee, decades ago investigated this and found out, yes, it turns out private foundation think tanks, NGOs are steering and controlling the country. And then it was just like, okay, cool, now we know, but it doesn’t exist. And if you talk about it not existing, if you say it doesn’t exist, you’re a bigot because it does exist and it’s good. It doesn’t exist and when it a bigot because it does exist and it’s good. It doesn’t exist, and when it does, it’s a good thing. 

So this is way ahead of its time, Buck, and I want to again note that as the book progresses, he goes on to talk about other, I would say you got to get this book and you’ll see what I’m saying. He talks about some of the things, the policies that they pushed back then that have now come into play. The 1970s, the Ford Foundation, for example, the Rockefeller Foundations were really interested in taking over and controlling unions. And they did that successfully. And by doing that, they then had control of a lot of their opposition. I’m not saying everybody in the union is bad, I’m just saying that the unions were bought up by the Rockefeller Foundation, that’s well known. And then a lot of the Fortune 100 began in the 1970s to begin to put into practice in their corporate policy, the decisions of the Trilateral Commission. So you see, this is how the Fortune 100 were brought on board to this. You understand that if this had not happened, we could have never had the last three years of the Fortune 100 pushing mass social distancing, CUFID, Stabby’s, and now what Target pushes with the Skittles agenda. You could have never had all of this from the corporate power perspective if the trilaterals had not bought and got all of these CEOs on board in the 1970s and into the 80s. And when anyone called attention to it like Barry Goldwater or Reagan, well, you saw what happened to Ronald Reagan when he talked about it. 

This is the Alex Jones Show. Don’t go anywhere, I’m your guest. This is Jay Dyer Show, don’t go anywhere I’m your guest, it’s J.Dyar, Jays and Alsons. Welcome back to the house. John Sharma, guest host, J.Dyer. Today’s analysis, you know, if you’ve heard of things like Howard and Piven, there’s other things like the Swopes plan, right? And there’s other notions like the Great Society of LBJ. And a lot of that was sold to everybody as if, oh, this will help society. And I’m not saying that there’s something wrong with some kind of safety net or something like that. But the problem is that these were actually social engineering techniques. These were actually strategized and planned out by high-level corporate elite planners and strategists in the government and in the private sector. And you have to understand that our system is not a free market system, it’s not a system of this, it’s actually a public private partnership that operates in a semi-secret way to steer things. And that’s how the country actually runs, that’s what the deep state actually is, it’s a corporate deep state. 

We can talk about the CIA and these kinds of entities, but really these were created by the Rockefeller family and other oligarchs. They don’t really run things. They’re kind of on the floor, kind of like busy bees out there doing things in media and in the legal world, and running a lot of operations globally to topple countries and this kind of stuff. But there’s a higher level group above that, right? It’s not that they run everything in the world, right? It’s that they’re a corporate running a lot of operations globally to topple countries and this kind of stuff. But there’s a higher level group above that, right? It’s not that they run everything in the world, it’s that this higher level corporate group can pass down the plans, the steering, the strategies. And they meet openly, and they’ve done it for many, many years. 

Read Daniel Esselstyn’s Bilderberg Group book, it’s a classic. But I noticed that one thing that came up in this book was the trilaterals are also very into studying crises and tweaking and managing and steering in them. What effects can you get out of the crises? And back in the 1970s, they were discussing the power of control of food. Now, if you don’t know, the push for beyond meat, beyond burgers, the push for Bill Gates and all these people pushing their fake meat, that’s part of controlling the diet of the population of the American public. They want to control everything in your life, diet is key. That’s an old warfare strategy. It goes back to Sun Tzu, it goes back to Machiavelli’s Art of War, where in book six, Machiavelli’s Art of War, where in book six, Machiavelli says, you can actually try to starve out the enemy. You can poison the enemy with the food and drink. That’s diet warfare. So you can weaponize diet, and you can contrive shortages. Remember the logistics problems and shortages during the COVID crisis. Well, if COVID was a large scale psychological operation, which it was, then guess what? All of that was also part of the psychological operation. Food shortages, we’re not going to have it all. Well, you can’t rely on these supply chains if the elite know how to disrupt them, disruptive shocks. That’s what the lockstep document calls them. And they talk about how they know that disruptive shocks condition the public to accept their solutions, you see. Problem, reaction, solution. The disruptive shocks are known and controlled and planned, oftentimes, not everything, in order to control food resources and supplies. Water and food, that’s number one. What else has to be controlled according to the trilaterals back then in the 1970s? 

Controlling family. In other words, more taxation so that families have a harder time making it and having children. Increased taxation, according to the CFR in the 1970s, would harm families so that families would have less children. So they thought. In fact, they even talked about in the 1970s, there was a nationwide farm strike. And that ultimately, some of the biggest corporations, including farm corporations at this time, some of the top 100, Fortune 100 at this time were farming corporations, not big pharma, but farming. Well, when they bought into this agenda, a lot of these top elite farming corporations, this was so that farms could be shut down down the road. Guess what? Dutch farming going away. In order to save the planet and to save the animals, we’re going to kill the cows. What? Yes, exactly. They’re crazy, they’re dumb liberals. No, they’re not. They’re wicked, mad scientists who have an agenda. And they write about their agenda in all of these documents. So the real goals of the Trilateral Commission were actually to create and manage shortages, such as the managed and created fuel crisis of the 1970s, such as food shortages in the KUF crisis, in my view. So big ag, big agriculture was actually bought into and part and parcel of this CFR Trilateral Commission energy scam all the way back then. The next chapter they cover in this amazing book is the energy crisis. They have to stage crises and claim that there’s no energy, there’s no food, there’s no water, there’s no oil. We’ve sucked all the dinosaur juice out of Mother Earth and now she’s crying and it’s because of the bad humans. This is all a scam. Peak oil is a scam.

In fact, peak oil was written about by HG Wells and Brzezinski 100 years ago. Amazingly. How they could bring in the notion of peak oil to blame the public for the excess use of resources. There’s not enough to go around. There’s not enough to go around, there’s not enough to go around. While they also suppress new inventions and new energy technologies to control and manage the crises, crisis management groups. Blame the public for the usage of energy, blame the public for the usage of energy, blame the public for the problems, and then implement the Rockefeller and Ford Foundation energy plans. This was the 1970s, the Rockefeller, Ford Foundation energy plans, the Seven Sisters oil monopoly was merged and became a trilateral entity back in the 1970s, you see. Thus, the trilaterals connected the banks and the boards of many of the largest power and utility companies in the world. It is interesting to note that, although Bank of America is a powerful shareholder in other oil companies, and he points out that it’s back and forth, they own each other’s stock. And now what has arisen since oil companies. And he points out that it’s back and forth. They own each other’s stock. And now what has arisen since then is BlackRock, Vanguard, all of these things you see. And guess what? What is the goal that Alex has been talking about all week of BlackRock, Vanguard, SDIs, or SDGs, sustainable development goals, DEIs. 

All of this basically is social justice stuff forced down your throat. Right, you can forget, who cares about all the acronyms? That’s what it’s about, austerity. Why do they want all this austerity to come in? Isn’t that bad for the corporations and the profits? At a certain level, they don’t care about profits anymore. It’s about power and control and where they want to take us in the future. It’s about global governance. Don’t you understand that? I think a lot of smart people think that, well, I’m really proficient in my field. I know everything about trading. I know everything about Wall Street. I know everything about the oil business. Okay, but do you know everything about Wall Street. I know everything about the oil business. Okay, but do you know everything about the CFR and the higher level groups, the Bilderberg group? 

Because they set the policies that most of these Fortune 100, Fortune 500 go along with and listen to. And every one of you who says this kind of a thing, because I don’t want to sound like a quote conspiracy theorist, every one of you who says this kind of a thing, because I don’t want to sound like a quote conspiracy theorist, every one of you knows that you go broke, or you go woke, you go broke. So why would the corporations continue to do this if it’s all about money? Don’t you think that they know this? Well, they know it, but they’re doing it. No, they’re not. It’s an agenda. It’s a 100 year plus agenda, in terms of written public documents. No, they’re not. It’s an agenda. It’s a hundred year plus agenda in terms of written public documents. Bertrand Russell, H.G. Wells, Cecil Rhodes, last will and testament to Cecil Rhodes, create a federalist socialist world government. A hundred plus years ago. Create austerity, create crises. I mean, go watch the fricking mission impossible movies. I just did a huge breakdown on my channel of the new mission of possible. 

What’s the plot AI predictive algorithms using social media and mass data metadata, not just for predictive minority report style stuff, but to socially engineer to cause crises. It’s Chad GPT with AI with social media, all the stuff that the social media whistleblowers like Jason Lanier and all the Facebook people and all that stuff, all the stuff they’ve been saying. It’s literally in the new Tom Cruise movie. That is like the big blog buster that everybody’s watching. Hello, the movie’s telling you what really goes on. It’s about technocracy. In fact, they even say in the screenplay, this tech can be used to identify future patriots and have them eliminated. Because it’s based on future actuaries, future predictive algorithms. That’s what the internet and social media exists to do, as the whistleblowers say. It’s in your face in the new freaking movie. And by the way, I recommend seeing it, it actually is worth seeing because it tells you this. You don’t believe in predictive programming, you don’t believe in predictive programming. You don’t believe in revelation of the method. Oh, really? Well then how come it’s in this giant movie that’s out? You can get my books at Jay’s Analysis in the shop, signed copies of Esoteric Hollywood, signed copies of my 600 page book on geopolitics and philosophy. Head on over there right now. book on geopolitics and philosophy. Head on over there right now. 

Luke Goodwin

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