
Dr. John Coleman’s Committee of 300 Dissected

Jay Dyer goes over the crucial information Dr. John Coleman revealed in his book The Committee of 300, including who rules the world and the details of their plan.



This is the actual elite international government. And it’s made up of a whole host of people and countries. In fact, he calls them the Olympians because there’s a comparison to the wise men or the gods of Olympus or the ancient sages or Plato’s Council of the Night, which is in Plato’s Laws. That’s a secret shadow government that Plato came up with in his later writings. And so that’s why they’re called the Olympians, is that from their perspective, they correspond to the gods and to these, the people who determine history and are not viewers of history. They’re the ones that make history from their perspective. 

The next strategies that would come into play would be the intentional legalization of drugs and all forms of sexuality and pornography. And that’s done as a weapon and as a means to control and debase society. So you understand it’s an intentional strategy of warfare. It’s not just incompetency. It’s not just people who are degenerate, who are in positions of power. Certainly at the government strata, the government level, there’s a lot of incompetent, stupid people, but they’re not the ones calling the shots. These people are, the Anglo-American establishment, the Atlantis elite, that power block is calling the shots, and they intentionally push these things through all of these think tanks found. 

And it’s a key text because it was so accurate in what it said, and it was so lambasted and it was derided at the time in the early 90s. And that’s the 1992 book, The Committee of 300, The Conspirators Hierarchy by Dr. John Coleman, the former British intelligence agent who eventually found out about this, what we could call Anglo-American establishment elite, the secret government, the shadow government that runs the Atlanticist establishment. Every time I say that, people think I’m talking about Atlantis. No, it just means the Western elite. It doesn’t mean Atlantis, it means the Atlantic and the elite in relationship to the Atlantic as opposed to the Eurasian continent and so forth. And this book was written right around the time that things were really heating up in regard to Bush, Bush senior, the Gulf storm, all that, Iraqi freedom, and the subsequent Iraqi false flags and invasions. And he predicted that the false left-right would be used in the future as a way to corral the citizens into losing their liberties. 

And so it was very accurate, very, very prophetic even, you could say. And that’s why I think for the skeptics for Dr. Coleman’s work back in the day, back in the, I remember in the 90s and the 2000s when I was first getting into this kind of literature, I would see people saying, oh, you can’t trust his stuff. He’s just some guy, it’s all just made up. And one reason they said that is that he doesn’t provide a lot of sources. Now that could be because at that time, a lot of writers, you know, typically, if you go, the further you go back in history, the less you find footnotes. If you go back to the early 1900s, people didn’t really footnote. They might write, they might mention things in bibliographies or something like that, but it was kind of assumed that if you were in academia, that you were going to be forthright, you were gonna tell the truth. Now, it does list a lot of texts in the back, but he doesn’t have a lot of footnotes for a lot of the claims, but he also says that, you know, a lot of the stuff I got firsthand from being in British back, but he doesn’t have a lot of footnotes for a lot of the claims. 

But he also says that, you know, a lot of the stuff I got firsthand from being in British intelligence. And so there’s not going to be an easy document that I can publicly reference everybody to. So a lot of people kind of had to just take him at his word, maybe not on everything, but at least in some of the claims in the book. And that’s not surprising either, given the fact that, you know, there’s strict laws in the UK that pertain to the National Secrets Act, excuse me, Official Secrets Act. So people in these situations could be prosecuted if they talked about anything that they actually knew about. So a lot of British writers would write these things into fiction. Well, Dr. Coleman wrote The Conspirators’ Hierarchy in 1992, and at that time, he was explaining what we would see in the coming decades, and some of these predictions are so on-point and accurate that I think the book is absolutely vindicated. In fact, he lists some of the things to expect early on in the text, and he says that here is what the one-world government plans. He says that they want to bring in a unified church, a new world religion, and a unified monetary system. It will be under the direction of a single world government, and it will do things like combine various religions into one. 

And so the actions that we see with Pope Francis and the new Abu Dhabi Faith Center, which combines the three monotheistic religions into a new religion, Chrislam, this kind of stuff. These are all manifestations of the things that were being written about decades ago by Dr. Coleman. He says that this will entail in part the destruction of all national identity and national culture and pride. So you can’t have a nation- state because that’s one of the firewalls that’s in the way of globalization. The utter destruction of all traditional religions, especially Christianity, has to be engaged in. And this is his list of the things that they’re gonna try to do early on in the text. Every person will be controlled through what Brzezinski calls technotronics. 

And we’ve covered Brzezinski’s Between Two Ages many times. I don’t have to rehearse that. That was written in the early 70s. And that’s what got Brzezinski recruited into working for Kissinger and Rockefeller. He ran after that the Trilateral Commission that was set up just for him. The next stage that they want to engage in is what is called zero growth society or ZPG, zero population growth, and not just population growth, but zero growth in every other area in terms of the economy. 

So you’re not going to have your own business, your own means of transaction. You’re not going to have your own capital that you’re able to save up that you can bequeath to your children, inheritance, all these kinds of things. And again, you’re absolutely, it’s absolutely correct that these line up with Marx’s planks of the Communist Manifesto. It’s not ultimately Marxists that run all this, as Dr. Coleman accurately points out, it’s the committee of 300 who are above Marxism, who are actually monopoly capitalists and international usury-based corporate banking elites that run this whole system. He says that, and that’s what the Federal Reserve, right, is that system, that usury-based fiat system, the debt-based system that I’m talking about. There will be an end to all industrialization and production as part of the zero population growth slash zero growth society. So zero, ZPG doesn’t just mean people, that’s the ultimate goal, getting the numbers down. Get the numbers down. But it also means not having any economic growth, austerity, banking elite, corporate elite, technical elite, putting in the means to destroy economic progress and destruction. 

So you have to understand that it’s not just incompetent people in Washington. It’s an actual strategized plan. And you know, when we were covering Dr. Coleman’s book that he has, for example, on Tavistock, he focused on how Tavistock was one of the leading psychological warfare think tanks, pushing a lot of this stuff. And he wrote back then, around the late 90s, early 2000s, when he wrote his Tabastock book, that they would push the new status of sexuality and it would be geared towards children. So again, he was absolutely 100% correct in that book that the trans agenda would be pushed as the next phase after the rainbow agenda. And you have to understand that they’re studying things. I just got this one. We know, as you guys know, we’ve lectured through Dr. Carol Quigley’s tragedy and hope, but there’s other texts, not just Anglo-American establishment. Dr. Quigley also wrote evolution of civilizations, which I just got. And there’s a lot of similar information in that book as well. This shows that they study civilizations. H.G. Wells, Twain B, all of these people did civilizational studies for Wellington House, for British Intelligence, for Tavistock. 

And that’s because we’re not under the British Empire, we’re under the same elite that ran the British Empire. The Eastern Seaboard elite that aligned themselves with the real elite that run the British Empire. When it failed, they just took over the engine of America. That’s why America engages in all these foreign wars and escapades, pushes all of this stuff across the globe, is because it serves the agenda of these people. This is the actual elite international government. And it’s made up of a whole host of people and countries. In fact, he calls them the Olympians because there’s a comparison to the wise men or the gods of Olympus or the ancient sages or Plato’s Council of the Night, which is in Plato’s Laws. That’s a secret shadow government that Plato came up with in his later writings. And so that’s why they’re called the Olympians, is that from their perspective, they correspond to the gods and to these, the people who determine history and are not viewers of history. They’re the ones that make history from their perspective. The next strategies that would come into play would be the intentional legalization of drugs and all forms of sexuality and pornography. And that’s done as a weapon and as a means to control and debase society. 

So you understand it’s an intentional strategy of warfare. It’s not just incompetency. It’s not just people who are degenerate, who are in positions of power. Certainly at the government strata, the government level, there’s a lot of incompetent, stupid people, but they’re not the ones calling the shots. These people are, the Anglo-American establishment, the Atlantis elite, that power block is calling the shots, and they intentionally push these things through all of these think tanks, foundations, NGOs, and so forth. He goes on to say that large cities eventually would be compacted, but there would also be depopulation measures put into place. 

So how that goes about, we don’t exactly know. We don’t know what they’re going to do when they try to move us into these smart cities, but we know that the smart cities are absolutely part of this planned technocratic agenda to push everybody into, out of the rural places and into these giant nightmare dystopian cities like Blade Runner 2049, right? And so once that happens, the scenario, the stage is set for whatever means they want to try to use. It might be offers of universal basic income for sterilization, it might be bioweapons, it could be anything, we don’t know. But that’s definitely part of this long-term plan to get everybody into mega cities. The things that are now coming true. He wrote this book in 1992 and he said, look, here is the new world order plan, here is their agenda, and pretty much everything that he wrote about in the book, he lists about 21 points that they have as part of their agenda to get done in the next coming decades. Most of these have been achieved and completed. And a lot of the citations that he does give when he does cite things are books that we’ve covered that we’ve lectured through. 

He cites a lot of books like Changing Images of Man, The Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson, Tavistock Institute books and texts pushing a lot of the agendas, the Club of Rome agenda for austerity, the first global revolution, on and on and on. Many of those texts are things that we’ve discussed, even to the point of getting really sophisticated in how British intelligence utilizes things like the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Islamic sects, how that’s been a tool of the British Empire for Control all the way back to the time of Kim Philby, and Kim Philby, Sr. St. John Hunt, or even not St. John, Philby Sr. and T. Lawrence, excuse me, St. John Hunt is that relates to the JFK assassination

So, but that’s covered in the text by intelligence writer, Stephen Dorrell, when he gets into a lot of the inside covert operations. This is an academic text as well, this is not a conspiracy text, about the history of British intelligence and their machinations. And so what he writes in that book, again, mainline text, actually lines up with a lot of what Dr. Coleman goes into. Now that’s a mainline text, so he doesn’t go into every single plan of the future, but he does mention MKUltra, he does mention bio-warfare research at Porton Down, he does mention things like Bilderberg Group, Anglo-American establishment, Royal and Super-International Affairs, as the very things in the background of British intelligence and that’s exactly what we’ve seen in many other texts that we’ve lectured through here, like the Yohan Ratio text on the Milner-Fabian circle. So understand all that stuff that I was talking about in the past, that’s not disconnected. 

These aren’t a million different groups. They’re all part of the same structure. And it’s the same people that go to the same groups, steering committees, meetings, et cetera. It’s that simple. CFR, same people making up that structure. So if you’re getting confused or you think that you’re getting lost in the weeds when you hear me lecturing through books like this about by Patrick Wood about trilateral commission, that’s just another higher level of CFR people that Brzezinski ran. It’s all the same people, just different groups and meetings. And probably a lot of that is intended to just confuse the public, right? I mean, it’s like, well, I can’t keep up with all these groups, and so are you saying it’s the Bilderbergs that run it, or are you saying it’s the Club of Rome, or are you saying it’s this other group? No, it’s all of these together, and the high-level people, right, in these groups, the 300 top, most important, powerful people are the ones that are calling the shots, ballers and shot callers. Okay, so the real shot callers, people like Kissinger and Brzezinski. Now those are the brains, right? They’re not the most wealthy people per se, but the really wealthy people will ask people like Kissinger and Brzezinski, hey, how do we get this done? What do we do to move this technocratic agenda forward? 

And that’s why, for example, Kissinger and the CIA and Harvard set up the project that would create the Davos group out of Bilderberg, and then they put Klaus in that position. So you see a pattern here of Kissinger spots Brzezinski puts him in trilateral role. Kissinger spots Klaus puts him in Bilderberg and Davos role. That’s simple. This isn’t even conspiracy, this is reality. Anybody can go and verify and see if that’s the case. And so when Dr. Coleman was writing about these plans, the fact that all of these are spot on, I would say 90% of what he wrote about in that book has come to pass.

 And so we can say, this is almost certainly correct. He was legit. Because I think if somebody writes a book and they’re saying, here’s what the plan is, and here’s what they’re gonna do, there’s tons of fringe wackos out there that put books out. And most of that stuff doesn’t ever have a planet X is coming in. There’s a pole shift in this next year. And if you’ve been in alternative media, you’ve been hearing that for 20, 30 years. And most of the time, nothing ever comes out of that stuff. But when you see a book like this saying, hey, I’m former British intelligence, you might think, OK, well, I’ll be a skeptic. Maybe you were. Maybe you weren’t. The proof is in the pudding. If what he wrote about has come true, and a lot of these are really shocking things. He’s not just saying that we’re gonna have a worse future. Things are getting bad. No, it’s very specific. For example, he says that you will see true scientific developments will be suppressed and false scientific theories will be pushed. I think we’ve seen that quite a bit. And what specifically are we talking about? Well, he goes on to say the global 2000 report that was put out, and this relates to things like the Rio summit that Alex talks about signing on to Kyoto protocols back in the day where they’re trying to really push all the green agenda back in the 90s. He says that that will be pushed in the future under the guise of fake science, climate, etc. 

And that the goal for pushing all of that is to get in place austerity measures that will kill at least, their target goal is at least three billion useless years in the third world. least they say their target goal is at least three billion useless years in the third world. So what you hear Alex always saying about the lockdowns killing millions of people, that is part of this. Now that’s not the they didn’t achieve everything there, but the goal of these Malthusians is to eventually get to bringing it down to three billion, knocking down three billion, then knocking it down to eventually just one billion people and then lower from there. Greg Reese just did a report on that where you saw some of these older climate green agenda people saying that very thing. 

I just watched a 60 minutes report from, I think it was pretty recent actually. And they were interviewing a bunch of today’s Malthusians, including Paul Ehrlich, right? Paul Ehrlich saying, it might’ve been an older interview, I don’t remember, but I just recently watched this from 60 Minutes, you can find it on, it’s YouTube’s presentation of World Wildlife Federation in 60 Minutes and Paul Ehrlich. And they’re literally just saying that we’re not gonna survive unless we get rid of everybody. So this has not gone away, it didn’t go away because in the 90s they didn’t get everything through with the Rio summit and all that. They just keep pushing it, it’s back. And the COVID stuff, as everybody now knows, ties into that because they were able to see what happened to the economy when they shut everything down, what happened to how people interacted, social organization, and it fits perfectly into what they wanted. Now they may not have got everything that they wanted in that event, but that as a test bed can tell them what to do in the next event. And it’s very likely that they’re gonna push a new version of that, as we’ve seen, Alex Broke in the last couple of weeks, the TSA whistleblower. So you know, what do they say? Climate lockdowns, climate lockdowns. And so if there’s a real lockdown beyond what we saw last time, a real pandemic or something like that, it’ll be all the more justified to bring in these measures, which actually will be about mass depopulation. Exactly how they’ll do that, I don’t know. But according to Dr. Coleman’s argumentation, he says that when they accepted a lot of this Malthusian stuff under Nixon and Carter presidential memorandum 200 with Kissinger and depopulation, he argues that the real stated goal was by 2050 to reduce the American population to under 100 million. So that’s just for the US, that’s not for the other world, the other countries, I’m sure it’s also massive as well.

Culture war is crucial as well, as he moves on to talk about the pushing of satanic pop music, satanic culture. We’ve seen nothing but a tenfold explosion of that since the 1990s. Gangster rap in the 90s is tame compared to what we see. It’s much maligned and criticized and kind of neglected for many years. Dr. John Coleman’s conspiracy hierarchy, the story of the Committee of 300. And we’re walking through his 21 point plan as to what the global elite had planned from the 1990s and before up into our day and up to 2050. So remember there’s actuaries and plans on the basis of various decades as to what they want to do by 2030, 2040, 2050.

If you remember the Club of Rome, or excuse me, the World Economic Forum put out in 2016 their things to expect by 2030 video. And it included the possibility of the discovery of alien life. It included the demoralization and destabilization of Western civilization in the United States is no longer a superpower. You will eat bugs and not meat. You will have mass population displacement, demographic warfare. You will have drones delivering everything to your door and you won’t go shop anymore and you will own nothing and you will be happy. That was the first point in that 23rd. So that’s what they have planned, the circular economy. Look up the lectures of Ida Alkin. This is just technocratic communism under a different name. And everybody’s gonna fall for it because they think they’re gonna get a universal basic income, and everybody’s going to fall for it because they think they’re going to get a universal basic income. They’re going to get to live free, and they’re going to have a coon pod, and they can just lay there and have sex with dragons and Mark Zuckerberg all day long. That’s what they think they’re going to get, but you’re not going to get that. It’s all a trap, and the various cities that are signing on to the Smart Cities Initiative that they’re now pushing, I think there’s something like 15 cities that would want to move in this direction. This is all being sold to you under the guise of ease and simplicity and security, right? You’re gonna be secure, everything can be surveilled, everything will be within walking distance. It’s gonna be so easy. That’s why other cities were talking about a target goal. I think Glenn Beck covered this of basically getting rid of cars, right? Banning meat and getting rid of cars. Now, this wasn’t a law that they passed. And so when the fact checkers were trying to quote fact check this, they were debunking something that wasn’t even being claimed. These were just planned World Economic Forum goals that certain blue cities want to shoot for. So there you have it right there that these blue cities are saying, we wanna ban cars and we wanna ban meat. At least by 2030, 2040, that’s what they actually said. Future goals, future plans. So you understand even if you don’t think any of this stuff is real or you are a skeptic or whatever, they openly say this is what we want to do by those decades. And you read books like this, Dr. John Coleman’s text. They said a lot more than that many, many years ago. So this is absolutely a real plan.

We just talked about the drastic reduction in population that they want to do. We talked about the promotion, lastly, of radical occult and satanic pop culture as part of the plan. It doesn’t mean everybody in the Committee of the Hundred openly worships Satan. Some of them probably do. I think many of them probably do. But they don’t have to because from the vantage point of the technocrat, degenerate pop culture is a weapon. You see that the passions, base desires, these things can be weaponized to control and debase a society. So they’re useful as forms of warfare, siege, and strategy. The youth of the land, he says, will be encouraged by means of pop music drugs to rebel, but this rebellion is not a real rebellion. It’s actually intended to destroy the family. And that’s a stated plan.

Now, could you imagine what John Coleman would have thought if he were able to, in 2023, see what Tavistock would be pushing across the world to all of the children? I mean, even further than what he expected. I don’t know that even he expected that they would get to push globally, the trans view. But he says that if you read books like The Aquarian Conspiracy, which he believes, as many others believe, was not actually written by Marilyn Ferguson, but was actually written by Willis Harmon, who wrote Changing Image as a Man, then you can see how this all fits into a corporate push, because in Marilyn Ferguson’s book, she says that the push for this new Aquarian age is actually gonna be pushed by the corporations. The corporate HR departments that’ll eventually be run by women, and then the CEOs, which will eventually be women, will be much, it’ll be much easier to get them to push this circular economy agenda, and all of this as a package deal when the feminist, feminocracy is in place. So you understand they had to get the feminocracy in place first before this could happen.

He says next that the management of crises will be key. So when there’s a crisis, there will have to be things in place. And he says that FEMA is one of these early versions of this. But he says that other agencies will come along, of course we’ve seen the TSA and other agencies come about since 1980 with FEMA and since Dr. John Coleman writing this book. We’ve seen all kinds of secret government agencies. We’ve seen the military have secret agents that they recruited thousands of, the famous thing that came out about the army a few years ago that the U.S. military has agents everywhere and on and on. So there’s this giant bureaucracy of spies and agents everywhere. And they play a role in not just surveilling, but eventually managing crises. And crisis management, never let a good crisis go to waste is one of the key elements of the elite. It’s a Hegelian process control mechanism where you don’t you not only create the problem, you are already there with the solution to the problem that you either steer or caused to bring about the end results that you wanted. More control, losses of civil liberties, and that’s what all these operations like 9-11, OKC, those all led to the future control mechanisms that we now have.

There will be a massive influx of new cults and new age movements, he says, these are crucial. He says that you can go back to the 60s counterculture to see the beginning of the studies of those things, how to engineer music and things like the counterculture. And he says that will eventually result in the promulgation of mass cult beliefs. And when I see people who believe that they’re animals, and I see furries and these kinds of weirdos, those are just manifestations of this very thing. A cult doesn’t have to be somebody with a crazy-eyed leader who’s up there telling them what to do, Jim Jones or something. A cult can be a bizarre manifestation of a delusion that society now says is acceptable, like identifying as something that you’re not, or identifying as a dog or a cat or whatever you feel. And that couldn’t have happened without the mass promulgation of relativism.

Okay, whenever I say this, people think I’m talking about Einstein. I mean, that might be a physics corollary to relativism. No, I’m talking about in the philosophical sense, relativism is the idea that there’s no truth that’s objective, and there are no morals that are objective. Everything is subjective, and so it’s whatever you feel, or it’s a social construct. So you see that the population had to be injected with philosophical relativism through 100 years of state education brainwashing to believe that there’s no such thing as truth, to then be prepped for the system dictating to you that a man is a woman, if they want it to be, that you can be a dog if you identify as that, any delusion is now acceptable because your own subjective will can determine reality, like magical thinking. You couldn’t have that done without the population mass brainwashed with relativism. That first, then you can have all of these things that are the inversion of truth and reality, the inversion of hierarchy, the inversion of patriarchy, the inversion of morals. None of that could have happened or been successful without decades and decades and decades of brainwashing people into relativism, moral relativism, subjectivism, epistemic relativism. That just means that there’s no truth. No, there’s nothing in terms of knowledge that’s true. You don’t know anything true. I don’t know anything true. Everything is whatever floats your boat, whatever you want, do whatever you want. Do what thou wilt. You can see where it leads. If there’s no truth, then anybody and everybody can just determine their own truth. And if that’s the case, then I can identify as a puppy dog today. I can identify as a piece of popcorn tomorrow. I can identify, but I can’t, it’s funny though, because I can’t identify as Bill Gates. I can’t identify as Elon Musk and, you know, suddenly be a billionaire, right? No, no, you can only identify as what’s degenerate. That’s the key. This is the Alex Jones show. I’m your guest host, Jay Dardas. Jay’s analysis covering Dr. John Coleman predicted would be laid out from 1990 all the way up until 2040, 2050. So you’re getting an accurate future prognostication from somebody who was inside the establishment at a certain level, found out about the top 300 or so people that really call the shots, the ballers and shot callers of the New World Order, the Kissingers, the Brzezinskis and so forth, and decided to write a book that a lot of people were very skeptical about, and yet, it has almost all come true.

Now, we were talking about the pushing of various cults and counterculture that was fake, that’s actually put out by psyops, engineers, put out by technocrats, and if you want an example of this, you can watch the movie Man Who Stare at Goats. And if you get to the end of the film, you’ll notice in that movie, that’s actually about how they push this pop culture as a social engineering experiment and culture creation operation. At the end of the movie, you’ll see they’re doing that. They’re actually in Iraq, putting out American movies and DVDs intentionally to push a form of soft power and mind control through pop culture. It’s actually referenced in the film because that’s based on a real plan and a real story.

The next thing he mentions in his list, this is the 13th here if you have the book, it’s page 23, he says that really the model for all of this will be the British East India Company. So if you, modern corporations are built on the model of the British East India Company. We know that Cecil Rhodes’ British South Africa Company is also based on the British East India Company. This is a private corporate governance that was engaged in all kinds of, well, basically just drug trafficking. The British East India Company was an opium dealing operation and the British power structure and nobility made a lot of their wealth from that. And he says that in the US, a lot of the American evangelicals will be used as a tool by the British Empire. Well, they were used by the British Empire for putting out things like the Schofield Study Bible, John Nelson Darby was pushing a lot of that end times nonsense, I’m not saying there’s no end times, I’m saying that the Schofield Study Bible was put out at the behest of the British Empire to push this idea and the rapture and all that.

Now that ties into the geopolitics of what they want to push in terms of the establishment. Tied into controlled fake Christianity is a version of radical Islam that the West controls. And he identifies, as do many other writers, radical Muslims, radical Islam, as a tool of the British Empire and British intelligence, particularly things like the Muslim Brotherhood. He says that the Muslim Brotherhood is a kind of fundamentalism that was basically set up and run by British intelligence for many, many years. And what they’re able to do is use that sect, or there’s various sects, there’s many sects of radical Muslims, as a tool, as a weapon for all kinds of things. For example, ISIS could be a skeleton key to blow up a pipeline in a certain region. That’s happened in the past in terms of the war, the war they were trying to get going with Syria, the proxy war that ISIS was doing in Syria against Assad. We saw ISIS operating in this way. We know that ISIS has dubious origins. Even Donald Trump says that basically Hillary and Obama were the main supporters and aiders and funders of ISIS. And that’s because this is an older CIA and before that British intelligence model of how to run and control and utilize these groups like radical Islam.

Now, it’s not just radical Islam because you can begin to see that the importation of masses of Islamic people into Europe, that’s also part of this. And he even describes that. Dr. Coleman has a whole section on the importation of foreign cultures and foreign religious ideas as an intentional stated goal of this elite. And he says that you have to understand that religion is very crucial, very key to the new world order. They use that as one of the main means of societal control. I’m not saying all religions are bad or everybody in a religion is mind controlled or something like that. I’m not an atheist. I’m not saying all religions are bad or everybody in a religion is mind controlled or something like that. I’m not an atheist. I’m just saying that from the vantage point of the power elite, if you read early on in Brzezinski’s book Between Two Ages, he talks about utilizing American religion for the promotion of Americanism and then turning it into something else. David Wimhoff’s book on John Courtney Murray and the Jesuits says exactly the same thing. The alliance between the CIA and the Jesuits during the Cold War, it might have seemed logical at the time to fight communism and Sovietism. However, now that you have a new master, your masters are ultimately the Rockefellers and the Western elite, they’re going to utilize that control mechanism that they’ve put in through your alliance with the CIA, to then steer your church into what Francis is now pushing. Pope Francis just yesterday said it’s time, eating meat is bad. People need to stop eating meat. He said it’s time for morals to evolve and change. He says that anybody in America who’s a traditional Christian, he says that they’re backwards. Whether you’re Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, he says you’re backwards, it’s time to evolve and change.

So remember, from the vantage point of the establishment, you want to control the really fringe radical sects, like the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, and you want to control and steer the liberal side of it as well. Controlled opposition, control both sides of the dialectic, and it’s yours, you’ve won. Even Lenin said that, famously. The best way to win is to control the opposition. But you don’t want to control just your opposition, control the various sides and pieces of the chessboard.

Next, he says that America would be used as a tool to export liberation, Sovietism, but actually to bring technocracy and control down the road. He says that the exportation of all the liberation ideas around the world, especially Christian liberation theology, was first begun with Jesuit theology, and this began in the downfall of the Somoza family in Nicaragua, and today it’s being pushed in El Salvador, he’s saying, in the 1990s. He’s saying that this is pushed by a bunch of liberal progressives in the Roman Catholic Church that would like to see these things change into some sort of future communist technocracy. So even those people are duped into believing that communism is a real opposition to the system when communism is 100% and always has been completely run and controlled by the top wealthiest people on the planet.

To take control of all foreign religious and domestic policies is the goal of the Committee of 300 in the US. In other words, you can’t have populists, you can’t have people even saying what Donald Trump says according to the Committee of 300. Every area, every level, down to local politicians has to be subverted, co-opted, and cajoled, or even bought into supporting this. And this is why local cities are signing on to UN things, UN treaties, UN treaties, UN heritage zones, all of that is a trick, ultimately, to give international bodies local control. So it’s not just about getting prominent senators, you know, and the president on your side. It’s not just about lobbyists getting those guys. It’s about your local, right, city commission people signing on to the sustainable agendas, for example. And that has to be done at all levels, according to the Committee of 300.

Next, it says that all full support must be conceded to international bodies away from national bodies. So you have to destroy the presidency. I think that’s a big part of what they’ve been doing in the last several years is destroying the presidency as well as destroying the notion of the republic, destroying the notion of division of powers. All that has to be destroyed so that they can push it to international bodies. And so as more of these crises come about, they have no problem piling the blame on people like the president, people like various senators or even local American organizations and saying, no, no, you see, you guys all failed. The whole system is a mess. It’s gotta be run by international bodies like the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the IMF, the BIS, the World Court. Those need to run things because you locals are all incompetent. You people in your own country, you can’t do it. You’re incompetent. You gotta have, and maybe not even just these international bodies, maybe the international bodies then say, oh, you gotta have an AI, right? You gotta have an AI judge, an AI court. There’s no other way to be fair.

Penetrate and subvert all the governments. Well, that’s exactly what Klaus says. We’ve penetrated the continents of the world. That’s exactly what Dr. John Coleman said in 1992. Organize and control international terror operations. And at that time, Gladio had just come out and Dr. Cohen was actually talking about Operation Gladio, the P2 Lodge, Kissinger, and all those other people calling the shots in these terror operations. So if you wanna get my work and support it, you can go to my website, Jason Ellis, so you can get my books there, including my philosophy book, Metanarratives, which is essays on philosophy and symbolism. You can also get my other books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 and 2, breaking down the symbolism in a lot of Hollywood films. My 600-page book on theology and geopolitics, the Metanarrative, the red book, I should say. All of those are signed copies at Jay’s Analysis. Also, support the Infowar by going to the website. Boy.

Luke Goodwin

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