What is a Malthusian?

what is a malthusian

What is a Malthusian? Those with a scarcity mindset, no belief in human ingenuity, a desire to depopulate the Earth, and crown a scientific ruling class.

The Great Infiltration: WEF Metastasizes

The Great Infiltration

The Great Infiltration: An historically successful tactic to indoctrinate promising youth and place them in positions of influence to help push an agenda.

What is a False Flag?

What is a false flag?

What is a False Flag? An act of terror or war designed to look like an opposing force did it. Often used to justify war or actions not favored by the citizens.

Who Are They?

who are they collage

You hear “they” set up the hit.  “They” launched this COVID hoax. “They” compromise all the politicians. “They” want to depopulate the world. “They” run the economies of every major … Read more

COVID Update: December 29, 2021

Covid 19 update 12/29/2021

Yep, we still live in clown world. The latest news, information, studies, and proof that Covid-19 is a massive, life-changing con job.

Informed Consent and the COVID-19 Vaccine

informed consent covid 19 vaccine

COVID-19 vaccines are not all they’re cracked up to be. Data is showing they are doing more harm than good, which makes government mandates suspect.